Categories > TV > Power Rangers > They Call Him Emperor

The Coup

by JesusKetchum31 0 reviews

Grumm and Broodwing return to the daycare and discover that a kindergarten coup has taken place. They take it back.

Category: Power Rangers - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters: Other - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 701 words

"Grumm, why are you bringing me back to the Terror?" Broodwing adjusted his tie. "Your daycare is populated by a bunch of little monsters! I'm a businessman, not a babysitter!"

"I need some backup today, Broodwing. I left the kids with a volunteer... the new Commander's son."

"Are you insane? They'll tear him apart!" Broodwing squawked.

"He is much more resilient than you think, Broodwing." Grumm paused. "Now, I'm going to open the door, rush in, and secure the playroom. You go check on the babies, near whom Icthior will inevitably be tied up."


"Broodwing, you will obey my orders!"

He sighed. "Fine."

They paused a moment, and then Grumm flung the door open, running in, roaring. A series of screams issued from within, and Broodwing followed. As he passed he noticed a little girl, whom he recalled was named Charlie, shrieking from a Lego throne. A dark-skinned boy and what looked like a blue alien were running away from her, also screaming, and another dark boy with long hair was jumping up and down in joy nearby. A toddler clad in purple was laughing evilly at a desk, drawing. In the corner he could spot two toddlers, a fair boy and a girl, eating glue and cheering. He ran past them into the babies' alcove.

Four terrible screams were issuing from the cribs; he almost turned around and ran. It was then that he saw someone who was in even worse position than he-a young blue dog-like fellow, a Sirian, tied up on the floor with ribbon and glue. He was on his stomach, and on his back a little baby in green was sitting, chewing on his dreadlock-like hair.

"What in the world happened?"

"Charlie staged a coup..." the kid groaned. "The screaming... please, make it stop."

Broodwing knelt down and took the baby off the boy's back. As the infant crawled off, he set to untying the Sirian. The sound of a deeper screaming in the other room quickly drowned out the four-part harmony of infant rage, and the four babies who still screamed fell silent.

"My ears."

"Your ears? The people of my planet are like this world's bats."

"Did you see my ears, dude?" Untied, the kid stretched his arms out. "Thanks for saving me."

The roaring from the next room continued. "Charlie, if you ever do that again I promise I will eviscerate you with your own fingernails! And Cliff, what have I told you about loyalty? The only despotic dictator from whom you are to take orders is ME! And don't you hide from me, Dru, I know you're there, and the world does not look kindly on those who run from their best friend at the promise of candy!" There was a brief pause. "Sky, Syd, I expect a more efficient coup next time! You should be in progress when I return, not planning! And Jack, you may want to try planning!"

"Whats panning?"

"I'll show you what planning is, you little ingrate!" Another pause. "And Mora, what have I told you about drawing for them? What did they use to tie him up this time?"

"R'bb'n..." came a meek reply.

"RIBBON? You can come up with something more creative than that! I am disappointed in all of you! There will be no television time at the end of the day for the next WEEK!"

Cries of disappointment came from the children before a howl of rage issued from Grumm.

"BROODWING! We do NOT let the baby go!" A sudden stomping, and then a shrill child's cry. "You are not breaking another toaster, little one!" Grumm grunted, in a voice almost like a coo.

Broodwing and Icky got up and made their way into the other room. Several of the children were crying, particularly the little girl on the throne and the infant.

"Broodwing, be more attentive next time!"

"I'm sorry sir," began Icky, "I shouldn't have le-"

Grumm marched over to Icthior. "Are you injured, boy?" He demanded, soft but menacing, almost amused.

"Sir, no sir!" Icky saluted.

"Excellent. You pass the test. You're hired."

Broodwing put his tank in his hands, shaking his head beneath it. The Sirian boy fainted.
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