Categories > Original > Drama > The Seven Sins: Wrath

Chapter One: Memories

by Alexandre 0 reviews

His mother is dead, and he has nothing left but his brother. How can he hold on to his sanity? All he for a wish to come true. But that wish can never be fulfilled...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-16 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 669 words

His childhood was like any other children. He was in the same school with his brother, and he led a happy life, even though he lacked a father. His mother has always avoided the topic on his father, and he didn't mind. However, late winter in his second last year of school, his mother has passed away from a sickness that has been bothering her for a long time-cancer. How she had managed to survive for so long, the doctors have found it a miracle. From then on, his life has taken an abrupt turn for the worse.

He no longer had a mother, nor a father. Both he and his brother, who was younger than him three years have to depend on themselves from then on. Yes, their mother has left them a big sum of money enough to support themselves for the rest of their life without even bothering to work when they grew up, but life was bland and pointless without a cause to aim for.

He used to study hard for his mother, just to see her smile. Other than his brother, his mother was the most important thing in the world. Now what was there to work hard for? His brother. But everytime when he returned home to an empty house, the silence tore at him. Without his mother, the house seemed to be uninhabitated by humans, abandoned, cold and dark, and dreary. He missed the bright laughter of his mother's voice from the kitchen, and the smell of cookies that she used to bake in the afternoons. Without parents, a child will be lost, just like being lost in the sea without any directions. No cause to fight for, no point in doing so. But he still has his brother, and he knew that even though he wanted to give up, he couldn't give his brother up.

He strove hard to find something to replace that emptiness in his soul, something. Anything. He studied whenever he was free, and busied himself with whatever that came his way. For the time that he was busy working, he forgot about the pain, but whenever he stopped, the pain gnawed at him from the inside again. His heart bled freely from the loss, a wound so deep that no one can heal.

He became quiet, and avoided people. He no longer participated actively in class activities and competitions like he used to, but instead cared only about what he does. He was secluded, and hardly smiles, and sooner or later, his friends left him, thinking him a strange, weird person. Only his brother stuck to his side all along. His studies was the top in school, and for those two years, he had gotten the first in all the subjects. But he wasn't happy. There was no one to celebrate with. No one to share his happiness with. If his mother was still alive, she would throw a miniature party with him and his brother. But the house stood empty and quiet.

He went on to Secondary school, Junior College, University. Every year he continued to be the first in all subjects for each level, and eventually he found his way into Harvard. But he wasn't happy. The emptiness in his soul was still there, and he cared about now is just surviving. All he needed to do was to give his brother a happy life, and for that, he needed to work very hard. His life was like a zombie, in a stance. He didn't really care about things that went on around him, but soon, he got sick of the looks that people were giving him. Pity, disgust, fear, and definitely clear that they looked down on him. Hatred, isolation. They became his friends. Stop looking at me like that, he wanted to scream. You don't understand. Hatred soon became his sanctuary, where he resided whenever he was free, to escape the darkness in his soul. He never had a childhood, and never will.
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