Categories > Original > Drama > The Seven Sins: Wrath

Chapter Two: Wins and Losses

by Alexandre 0 reviews

How much did he gain? Many? But he wasn't aware of how much he has lost...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-16 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 605 words

He didn't know how much he has changed, from an optimistic and cheerful brother to a brooding and frighteningly quiet one. He would snap at anything that he didn't like, and he no longer played with his brother. He no longer talked with his brother anymore, too. Soon, he came out to work in a company. He occupied most of his life with work, and his brother was always alone. Money and power dominated his mind. His brother was no longer of his concern anymore. He worked just for money, and the thirst to get to the top. He didn't know why he wanted to do that, what he wanted to prove to the world. What was he living for? He didn't know.

Sometimes his brother would come down into his study and look at him quietly, sadly. He recognised the look in his brother's eyes. He was too familiar with it. It was the look that everyone has been giving him since small. Pity, disgust and something he couldn't put a finger on. Remorse? Regret? He didn't know. Or was that a yearning for something you know you can never get? Nowadays, he can easily get into arguments with his brother over trivial things. Since when did he become so aggressive? Didn't he love his brother? But when he tried to think of his past memories with his brother and mother, he could think of nothing. It was all darkness. Has he forgotten? Or was it that he just couldn't remember?

He became the boss of a big company, and had a very enormous sum of income month after month. He could have what he wanted. He also gave more than hal fof it to his brother. Right now, power was all he wanted. He wanted to be first. It was as if if he became first in everything, his mother would come back. It was interesting to know how he hasn't managed to step out of the darkness from his childhood. His brother no longer tried to talk to him. Whenever he entered a room, he would leave it, and no longer tries to engage him in a conversation.

His brother was becoming more and more like the other people out there, who thought that he was weird and he wasn't normal. He knew what he wanted, and strove for it. He yearned for love for what he had been depleted for such a long time. He had all he wanted in the world now, but happiness evaded him. He didn't even find happiness when he went home. There no longer was a place where he belonged. Home used to be where he belonged, and his workplace and library as he grew up, but by now, there was no place where he felt he belonged.

He didn't know how it started, but it was the most fierce argument between him and his brother, and the only one that ended fatally, he thought sourly to himself. Why?

It had started over dinner. Somehow, he didn't remember what his brother had said, but soon, he launched into a heated argument with him. He shouldn't have. The look of hurt on his brother's face was deeply imprinted into his mind, as was the memory of his lifeless form lying in a pool of blood. He would be haunted by it forever, for the most horrifying memory was that he was the one who held the knife and stabbed it again and again into his brother's body until it became still and cold and still he didn't stop. He was one who's hands were stained with blood.
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