Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sing for Absolution

Lips are Turning Blue

by akissforjersey09 3 reviews

A vampire finds a deadly attraction and is forced to chose between his own kind and the forbidden fruit...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 319 words

I could feel the cold washing over me, slowly and steadily settling me.

I couldn't remember why I agreed to do this, or why I was even here, but I knew that this was the only way I'd be able to be with him...the only way I could save us both. But why did this feel like a horrible mistake? Why did this feel like I was falling into a horrible trap.

My chest felt like it was slowly collapsing, slowly imploding on itself, leaving me feeling like I was hollow. My mind began to race and my eyes wandered around the room, my vision beginning to blur. I could just see his figure in front of me. I could see the reason any of this even started. I closed my eyes and let a small tear fall from my eye as I heard him growl at the other figure across the room. This wasn't his idea, and I knew that...I did this without his consent or approval...I did this to save us and to ensure that we could be together, no matter what the case was. I was tired of lying; I was tired of risking my life and his immortality.

My eyes were beginning to get heavy, as it seemed like my veins were drying up. I could feel the stickly and warm liquid staining my jeans and soaking into my hands. My gasps became loud and urgent. I couldn't breath and everyone was standing around.

Inhale. Everything will be okay in a second; no need in worrying.

Exhale. The pain is too unbareable, I should've thought this over.

Inhale. The one you love is the reason you're doing this. He is worth this.

Exhale. My vision is gone, it is dark, and I breathe no more.

A/N: Please review and let me know how you like it. I would grately appreciate it.
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