Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Eighteen

by ryanrossISsove 11 reviews

lots, and lots happen.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-04-16 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 1514 words

When we got out, I ran into the hotel, but Patrick caught up to me, and stepped in front of me, as I tried to get on the elevator. "Pete, calm down!" he said.

I couldn't talk, one word would just break the damn, and I'd break down.

We got on the elevator, and rode up to where our rooms where.

After we checked in fall out boy's room, and it was empty, I made my way swiftly down the hall to Gabe's, but right before I could slide the card key through, Patrick stepped completely in the way.

I put the card key down, and stared into Patrick's serious eyes.

"I'm not gonna let you go in there." he said.

I gave him a blank look, a look of determination.

"Listen Pete, you need to learn to control you're emotions, you're going to end up hurting people for no reason. For all you know, they could be watching movies, or sleeping in different places, you don't know, you just assume. Here's the deal..." he said, stopping to think.

I stared at him, maybe he was right.

"I'm going to make you wait until tomorrow morning, to go in that room Pete. I want you to think things through tonight, so that you don't end up saying whatever comes to mind when you find out. I want you to think about how you'll handle this if they know, and I want you to think about how you'll handle talking to Rachel about getting drunk, so go and get some sleep, Pete." Patrick said.

I nodded, he was so right.

I took the last breath I had, and heaved out,

"Patrick?" Before I broke down. He held me, and rocked me in his arms.

"Yes, Pete. I will." he said.

He was really, really my best friend. He could read my mind, and he was always there.

He walked me back to our room, and pulled up the covers on my bed, and let me get in. I laid on the bed, and pulled my knees to my chest, heaving in and out, the tears still silently flowing. Patrick kicked his shoes off, and got in next to me.

He wiped my tears away, and starting to sing, very softly,

"Light that smoke, yeah one for giving up on me, and one just cause they'll kill you sooner then my expectations."

He sang me to sleep, that night. No, we're not gay, I just needed someone close to me, someone who I knew loved me, and that someone is Patrick. I needed to feel a heart beat, a heart that I knew felt pain for me, and loved me.

He might not love me the way Rachel claimed she did, but it's the kind of love you can only find in a best friend, in a brother. Like Patrick.
The morning came along, when I woke up, I knew it wasn't a dream, because I could feel Patrick close to me. I put my head up. Everyone was sleeping. Joe was on the ground, a lamp shade on his head, and Andy was lying across the small coffee table in our suite.

I slowly wiggled out of Patrick's grasp, which contrary to what I had been trying to do, woke him up.

He rubbed his eyes, and looked up at me.

"Want me to come with you?" he asked.

I shoke my head, it was something I needed to conquer on my own, my emotions.

He nodded, and put his head back down.

I got up, still dressed in last night's clothes, and walked slowly around the sleeping Joe, and out the door.

That walk down the hall way was the longest I had ever taken in my life. Each step was like stepping on a bomb, my heart exploded with fear a little more, each step closer.

When I got to the door, I gulped, and slid my card key through.

I looked in the living room. All of cobra starship except Gabe, was asleep on the couch.

I smiled, looking at how comfortable they all looked together. The fellowship of the cobra, how cute.

Seeing them made me forget for two seconds, why I was here.

I walked slowly down the hall, towards Gabe's room, which was closed, when I got there. I slowly opened the door, and peaked in.

Just what I thought. I stood in the arch of the door, trying, trying to look serious, like I was more pissed, then heartbroken.

I coughed, hoping to maybe wake one of them up.

Gabe shifted a little, and put his head up.

He looked over at the sleeping Rachel, thankfully not seeing me, and said out loud, "What the fuck?" This was loud enough, to wake Rachel.

She didn't open her eyes at first, and stretched her arms, then looked at an equally under the covers, and naked, Gabe.

"Gabe...?" she whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

I coughed again, to ensure my presence.

This time, Rachel's head spun around, faster then light, and she stared at me, wide eyed, like she could see the broken heart in my eyes.

"Pete! Its...not what you think!" she tried, quickly.

I frowned. Bad pass, Rach.

"No, it's not what I think. I don't think anything. What I think, and what I know, are two different things, and what I know, is that you got drunk, and slept with one of my best friends last night." I said, sternly.

"Pete, we were drunk, don't be to hard on her." Gabe spoke.

"You shut up! I'm not fucking addressing you at the moment. Fuck face." I snapped at Gabe.

"Pete, please. I was drunk." she sobbed.

"Well, am I suppose to take that as an excuse, and go on loving you, even though you weren't suppose to be drinking in first place?" I said, tears now starting to form.

"Pete, don't cry." she said, seeing my first tear leave the corner of my eye.

"You're aloud to cry, and I'm not? How would you feel if I did this. Rachel? Are you aloud to sleep with other's, but im not?" I snapped.

"Pete, I didn't mean it! I don't love Gabe like I love you!" she cried.

"Shut up, Rachel. All I've ever given you, from the moment I met you, was patience. I waited until you were ready to be my friend, and I waited for you, just like you asked me too. Why didn't Gabe have to wait? Was it an excuse? Do you actually feel the same way about me, as I do for you?" I asked, crying.

"PETE! Don't even doubt my love for you! I love you more then anything! Everything I ever did, was because of you. I turned with my friends, because of you. I got a tattoo, because of you, I met you, realized my mistakes, and changed, because of you. I ran away, because of you. I love you Pete." She sobbed.

"And did you do this, because of me? Did you get drunk because of me? I thought I had changed you, but I guess I thought wrong. And for the record, because of you, my heart is broken in every place I had left of it, from others. I'm fucking tired of this. I've been cheated on, I've been left for other guys, I don't need this. Goodbye Rachel." I said, starting to walk off.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

I turned around, my eyes blood shot, and my cheeks wet.

"Im not going anywhere, im going to finish the tour, because theres only one more show, but you can ride in the Cobra bus, and fuck with Gabe all you want, because I don't want you in my life anymore." I shouted.

"Pete..." she started.

"Don't sell me you're sorry hooks, you can't take it back. Goodbye Rachel." I told her, walking out.

I heard her ask Gabe if he could take her to the airport, and that was that. She was gone, out of my life for good.

I walked back to our room, and saw Joe and Andy at the kitchen table. Patrick was on the couch, watching TV. They all looked at me, I was red, as were my eyes, and my cheeks looked drenched.

Patrick knew, but Joe asked,

"What happened?"

I couldn't talk. I just stepped in, slammed the door behind me, and kicked in the wall, as hard as I could, and broke my foot. I had to sit in a chair for the last show.

Rachel left, back home to Shaant's. Gabe tried to talk to me, but I couldn't look him in the eye.

We went back home, and I decided I'd try to start a new love life, and be happy, like I was before Rachel walked in on my life.

Sooo, this chapter definitley deserves a couple of reviews. by the way, thanks for all the reviews i've gotten already, I love you guys so fucking much. Well, enjoyyy.
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