Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden
Chapter 30
16 reviewsAmber's concerned, Gerard battles his confused feelings and Marcus and Lyn spend the night together.
(#) mrsgerardway616 2007-04-16
ooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved it!!!! more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more moreAuthor's response
lol I really do hope you copy and pasted all those more's. I working on the next chapter right now.Forbidden
(#) AlexSanDee 2007-04-16
Damn it Steph, I'm at the bookstore with about fifteen customers wondering why I keep repeating "Oh My God" out loud. Well if they were reading about Gerard in the bath pleasuring himself I think they just might understand. Shit, you should have warned me. That chapter was totally hot (even the porn dialogue) HA HA Still want to smack Gerard but hell, maybe he will smack himself and I can watch!!!Forbidden
(#) pinkkissypetefreak 2007-04-16
steam blows from ears
omgee...self-gerard love.
even though he was fantasizing about the wrong woman
slaps the hell out of fictional gerard
but maybe lyn will fall in love with marcus now that he has given her mind blowing seckz....
and then, she will not have to die...
lolz. :DForbidden
(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-04-16
DAMN you Gerad way!, DAMN you to hell! for you are a first class eejit!!!!!!!!
...a very hot eejit though, and that was amazing!Forbidden
(#) haleyxhomicide 2007-04-16
What a fucking jackass!!
LEt me at him!! Let mE at him!!Forbidden
(#) zaberdeenz 2007-04-17
beautifull silence
dont worry, i still love you. i dont think ive ever read Gee -AHEM- doing himself, so bold you to write that! and the chapter was great again. (and hot for that matter)
hahaaaa, Chey knows what to do with forks. very nice girl she is. ^__^
and now that Lyn and Marcus found eachother, they can stay with eachother. says STAAY like you say it to a dog
but when i get my hands on fictional-Gerard(that sounds pretty bad doesnt it?), he gonna get one hell of a slap. a huuge one, trust me.
well, cant wait for more, and i dont care if i have to wait. ^___^
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