Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Enough

Am I Good Enough?

by -Angel-May- 1 review

After a hectic day, Gerard and Amy need to calm things down a bit

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-04-16 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 683 words

Chapter 14

The next morning Amy woke up alone. Feeling somewhat confused she made a move to get out of the comfortable, warm bed that her body had grown accustomed to, unfortunately her feet made contact with whatever crap had been thrown onto the floor and she stumbled, then tripped. Hoping that Gerard wouldn't have heard that she got up, dusted herself off and, grumbling and cursing all the while, she retreated down the stairs.
Meanwhile Gerard had heard the commotion upstairs, but thought better of checking it out in case Amy had woken up feeling the withdrawal again. So he flicked on the TV to ITV1, Jeremy Kyle was on and Gerard settled himself down, all the while wondering whether Amy was feeling better or not.
"Gerard" He heard a small voice say behind him. Amy was stood in the doorway to the living room, a cautious look on her face, her face was as white as a ghost and her body was shivering. Gerard smiled at her and got off the sofa to wrap her in his arms, he felt her muscles tense then relax as she sighed grateful and buried her head in his chest, revelling in the feeling of security she always felt when in contact with him,
"I'm so sorry Gerard" she said, her voice muffled and quiet but he still heard her. Staying silent he led her over to the couch and made sure she was comfortable before retreating to the kitchen to make them both a cup of coffee.
Walking back into the living room he noticed Amy, still in the same position he had left her in, staring obliviously at the wall opposite her and unconsciously pulling out strands of her hair. Gerard stepped up behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder, snapping her almost instantly out of her reverie,
"Thank you" she said, almost silently, accepting the cup of steaming coffee graciously. She blew on it gently and watched the steam move in a frenzied dance before settling down and simply rising steadily upwards, she repeated this several times before taking a sip of the now cooled down coffee.
"Gerard?" Amy asked after about 5 minutes of silence, "How can I beat this?" she asked, not looking directly at his face but still looking at the now half full cup. Gerard sighed and moved towards her slowly, taking her hand in his,
"You'll find a way," he reassured her, taking the cup from her still trembling hands and setting it on top of the wooden coffee table, he carefully pulled her into a tight embrace, "Together we'll find a way. You're stronger then you think." He said encouragingly, "Come on," he added, standing up suddenly and pulling her off the couch, "Go get dressed, it's already 12.00," he gently pushed her towards the stairs, "And I wanna take you out for lunch"
Amy smiled at him and retreated back up the stairs as he sat back down to watch some more TV.
'I can't be good enough for him' she thought to herself as she maneuvered herself around the room that looked as though a small bomb had gone off, picking up stuff as she went along before finally ending up in front of the bathroom mirror, sighing, she looked at her tired, worn-out face, stretching her eyelids across her face as much as possible to try and get rid of the dark circles that had formed. She heaved a sigh before filling the sink with cold water and splashing the liquid over her face, reveling in the feeling of it dripped down her face and onto her neck, eventually working its way to her chest before drying into her skin. After properly going about the everyday routine of washing and cleansing she set about finding clothes to wear, she decided on a pair of faded black jeans and her 'hamster' t-shirt. After applying the right amount of foundation to cover the dark circles and a small amount of eyeliner to make her ice blue eyes stand out, she was satisfied and retreated back downstairs
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