Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Abusing Sweet Love

Part 2

by hyperballad13 1 review

Marie is stuck in a turmoil, where life seems to of coveted her with darkness and hope

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-17 - Updated: 2007-04-17 - 960 words

Pete leant back in the chair. An unknown small café. Jazz softly playing in the background. He loved it here. No one would find him. A moment of anonymity that he craved every second of his life. He sighed and stared out of the window. Watching the steam of the busy city life. Pete played with his lips. Stroking each sensitive area with his forefinger. His pen tapping the notepad in tune with the bass. Picturing the images that he could conjure up with the best lyrics he could find. Yet the words just ached in his head.

"Dammit" he said, screwing up the random thoughts and sighing in disgust. His inspiration flew away a long time ago. Pete now felt awkward. He was hoping it was just a phase. Writing was his life. And it was one of the talents he treasured. Pete delved into the bottom of his pockets. He found some loose change and smiled to himself. As he counted each coin he realised he had enough for one more before heading out. He ordered and once he had a steaming cup of coffee within his hand he relished it. Inhaling the sweet scent of it all. He sat back in his imprinted chair. Letting his thoughts delve deeper than the black liquid in the hard china cup. The door of the café opened. A small girl walked in. Her black hair tumbling after her. She shivered and closed it. Smiling slightly. Secretly loving the autumn. Pete let his eyes wonder over her details. They sank in until it sparked of recognition.

"Oh my god Marie." He said standing up and waving insanely. The girl spun around at her name.

"Pete Wentz, it can't be." She replied. Opening her arms and embracing him. Pete took that moment to remember her scent. Her sweet smell. Her warmth that she possessed in a hold. Then he let her memories seep into his mind. Pete couldn't help but smile at her.

"Pete, is it really you?" she said breaking away.

"The one and only."

He motioned a hand and offered her a seat. She pushed her hair back and he couldn't help notice a fading bruise on the side of her cheek. He let the question fade to the back of his mind though. Pete was in no hurry to pry.

"It has been so long." She whispered to him.

"Too long." He couldn't help grinning. She was returning the favour and suddenly a rush of rememberance came between them. Their childhood friendship. Their teenage romance. Their first kiss. It all flooded back within an instant. And now they both bubbled with question. There was so much of each others life's that they had missed out on that it would take a while to completely catch up. Immediately Pete cursed himself for spending his money he had on him on himself.

"I would buy you a coffee but I spent all my money." He flushed from the embarrassing moment of poverty.

"Its totally cool." She stood up. "I'll pay."

Pete nodded in gratitude. He put his pride and swallowed it. He watched he leave and was hoping she hadn't thought of him of some cheapskate. He had money. Just not a lot on him. It all sat quietly in a bank. Pete made a mental note that he had to pay her back. Somehow. She gushed as she returned with piping hot beverages.

"You first." She said as he sat down.


"Whats new with you? Come on Pete I haven't seen you for, what? 5 years? There has to be something new."

"Not much still doing what I do best."


"Hey!" He grinned at her. "No I write, I'm a writer now."

"Hey that's awesome!" she let her eyes fall into his only for a second. She pulled them back. Trying to let the past go. And remember where she was in her life. Pete could see some sadness in her eyes.

"What about you?"

"Oh me..." she waved a hand lazily. "I'm finishing my degree."

"What are you majoring in?"


"Hey that's pretty cool."

"Really?" she raised an eyebrow. "It's the most boring thing I have ever had to do."

They giggled together. Pete seemed to be poised on the tip of a question. She studied where he was going and it came to her.

"Are you seeing anyone?" he asked. Just the one she expected.

"I have a long term boyfriend." She didn't meet his eyes though.

"Cool how long?"

"Over a year now." Her tone wasn't enthusiastic.

"Do I know him?"

"Joe Trohman."

"The star wars freak?"

Even Marie couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah that one."

"Gross." Pete leaned forward and flashed one of his adoring smiles at her. "You could do so much better."

"What like you?" She frowned. "No thanks."

"What is wrong with me?"

"Been there done that."

There was a silence that followed. Awkward. Both of them subconsciously knew that the subject was best left. Otherwise an argument would arise and frankly, neither wanted that to ruin this joyful reunion. They sighed together. Marie looked a the clock. Wishing she had more time. She could have stayed there forever. Pete noticed her eyes.

"Shit I have to go. Term paper to finish."

"No sweat here." He scribbled down on his notepad. Handing her the sheet. "here's my new number. We need to meet up. Properly."

"Totally," she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. "It was really great seeing you again."

"You too."

"See you later."


She laughed and the past half an hour plunged into Pete's memory. He couldn't help but savour the tingles his cheek was now feeling. An imprint of the kiss she left.
Ciao Bella
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