Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Crazy Things We Said In Highschool

The 'Real' Bob

by WynonaKing90 5 reviews

ohhh... sex for drugs and a bob you would never expect (Scar's re-re bound guy???? how many rebounds does that woman need??)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-04-18 - Updated: 2007-04-19 - 1941 words

A/N: you all are probably thinking there is gonna be some hot sex in this chapter due to the warning sign and the latest 'looking for opinions'. Sorry kids. There is barely any...although, some. Also, i am sooooooooo sorreh i havn't updated in a while. i have no excuse D=. I've just been
'lalagagging' around the site reading other people's storyies ew...i spelled 'stories' wrong. I'll leave it there so you can laugh at my ability to spell=).
i really love that story: if you took the time...
the author writes pretty good fan fic.
i forgot the her username D=. bleh, im horrible.
anyways...i hope you enjoy the story.
honestly, i think its going down hill...but i will still continue incase there are some 'dying fans' out there.
anyways...i'll stop being borring and let you get to the next chapta...

Scar got to her apartment, defeated and angry, collapsing on her bed in exaughstion. She quickly checked her messages, expecting random 'hellos' from the boys (mikey, gerard, frank, ray, bob). To her disapointment, there were none. For once she wished Ray and one of his dirty jokes, were left on her now empty answer machine. Since when did life get
She thought back to the begening of ninth grade, wishing that her and Frank or ANY of the boys never got passed the 'just friends' thing. May-be then things would be different. She didn't know.
All of a sudden there was a knock on the door.
'Who is it?' she called, secretly hoping it was Gerard, telling her how stupid he was to be with Rachel and how much he loved HER. She wasn't gonna even deny it anymore. She loved Gerard. Only, she was WAY too late. When no one answered, she opened the door herself, suprised when she saw Bob's face.
'H-hello,' she stumbled, trying not to show her disapointment.
'Hey,' he smiled shyly and looked at his feet.
'Aren't you supposed to be at what's her face's house?' Scar asked, coldly. She winced at her own voice. She did not mean to come off that harsh. Bob then looked away, unconfortably starring at EVERYWHERE but her.
'What is it?' she asked, her tone now softer.
'Scarlette, leaving,' he said, finally, looking up at her.
'Oh,' was all she could say.
There was an unconfortable pause.
'Where are you going?' she finally asked, stepping to the outside, letting him in. He did so timidly.
'Chicago. I'm gonna go live with my mom,'
'Why??!' Scar asked, shutting the door behind them.
'I miss her,' his voice sounded glum. All of a sudden Scar noticed something that was always there, but never really cared enough to notice. Softness. For such a tough looking guy, one would expect and much more 'macho' attituted. Instead, all there was, was a quite/shy boy with a horrid crush.
'I'm so sorry.' Scar started. She paused and studied Bob's face, this time in a different light. This wasn't 'porn collecter magazine' bob. This was the REAL bod she wished she'd known a long time ago. 'I'm gonna miss ya,'
He smiled at her as the sat in silence.
'Before i left i wanted to tell you something,' Bob confessed, in that quite voice of his.
'What?' Scarlette asked, almost whispering, like they were sharring a secret.
'I wanted to say that i love you. I understand you don't feel the same, i just had to tell you before i left. I loved you since 5th grade...'
Scar cut him off.
'You loved me that whole time?' Scar asked, bewildered. He nodded as he turned to go.
'Wait!' she called after him.
'I can't believe i hadn't noticed before,' she mummbled, blushing.
'Well, you seemed a little to rapped up in Frank,' he chuckled. There was something about his voice that Scar found extreemly carring. So... sensitive.
'Do you want me to kiss you before ya leave?'
Bob sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
'I don't think that is a good idea. You seemed pretty confussed right now...'
'No, Bob. I really want to,' Scar, urged, walking towards him.
'Okay...but just one, tiny, little-' Bob was cut off by Scarlette's lips, crashing on his. At first he didn't respond, too shocked to even do anything, but soon, he felt her reassuring hands hold the back of his neck, pulling him closer towards her. He then willed himself to pick her up and set her down on the couch, kissing back with the same amount of urgency as his mate. He then reluctantly pulled away, for just a second, but then was quickly pulled back onto Scarlette, her kisses becoming more fast and urgent.
'When do you have to go?' Scar asked, her warm breath, pounding against Bob's neck.
'Tommorow morning at six,' Bob replied, panting from the lack of oxygen.
'Good, then we have plenty of time,' Scar responded, a mischevious smile plastered against her face. She could not believe she was about to fuck Bob. She must have been feeling as lonely as hell. Not to mention those beers she drank just a couple minutes ago...
Soon later, Scarlette felt the growing ache in between her legs, wanting so bad to satisfy her throbbing clit.
Not to mention, that bulge in Bob's pants she was just DYING to please.
The next moring, scar woke up in shock at what had just happened. shit. shit. SHIT. SHIT!!!!!!!!. What the hell did she just do? She looked over on her bed, expecting to see Bob's sleeping face. Instead, there was just a huge empty space. Great. She fucked him, and now he was all the way in fucking Chicago...
'Goog morning!' Bob said cheerfully, walking into her room with two coffees and a omlete.
'Morning,' she said, unsure about how to act. Oh god. She fucked Bob. WHAT IN GODS NAME WAS SHE THINKING??!!!. As her eyes skimmed the clock, she realized it was past six in the morning. In fact, it was 12:00 am on the nose. Fuck, now she made him miss his train.
'Bob...shouldn't you be in chicago right now????' Scar asked, as she watched Bob's EXCEPTIONALLY bright face walk over and sit next to her on the bed.
'I decided i wanted to stay here with you,' he answered, happily handing her over the beautiful 'breakfast in bed' tray. 'Here...i made you breakfast...'
'Bob! You should be in chicago!!!!' Scar exclaimed, exasperatly looking into those blue eyes of his.
'What? You just expect me to sleep with you then take off like nothing happened?' Bob asked defensively. He looked genuinly hurt. Oh god. Scar knew what was going on. He thought they were 'an item' now, just cause they had one hot night...
'No.'s just that your mother...i thought...'
'I called her and told her i couldn't make it 'till tommorow. She understood....and guess what??' he asked, excitedly. She had a BAD feeling.
'You're gonna come with me to meet her!!!!' he exclaimed. Scar just starred at Bob, a blank expression mapped out on her face. This wasn't your typical, 'wake up in the morning and realize you made a mistake,' thing. No, this was FAR worse. All of a sudden that omlette didn't smell to good, and her insides felt sick.
'Isn't it a little soon for me to meet your mom?' Scar asked, caustiously. Bob's blue eyes seemed to water in tears. Oh god. Puppy eyes.
'Fucking user. I KNEW this would happen. After hooking up with half my friends-'
'Shut up!!' Scar screamed, leaping up from her bed. She was very aware how messy and icky she looked, just waking up and all, but whatever it took to repulse Bob, she was ready to do. 'I was a little tipsy last night, and a little lonely-'
', you just kinda used me, then,' Bob asked, his voice deathly soft. She could almost see the tears comming outta his eyes, even though she was facing the other direction. Oh god. She was such a fuck head. She slept with him, delayed him from seeing his mother (who he hadn't seen in 10 years), then just proved to the world, once again, she was a god damn fucking user. She never learned. Or was it just her overly crazed teenage hormones??
Gerard layed in bed, looking at Rachel's sleeping body. She was so peaceful. He smiled when her nose un expectantly crinkcled up, probably due to some kind of dream. He wondered what she was dreaming about. Why, though? He was in it for the coke. Not the sex (no matter how great it was).
'Hmmm,' Rachel mummbled, turning to sleep on her other side. Just when she did, he saw a white bag of coke, lazily forgotten on the floor. It most likely slipped from Rachel's pocket. Gerard had run clean since that time in the basement. In fact, the reason why he slept with Rachel was to re-supply his goods. He figured he'd snort it now, and just tell Rachel that last night's hook-up was free. He slowly climbed out of bed, trying not to wake her up. As he bent down to pick up the bag, the phone rang. Fuck. This early? He looked at the clock and realized it was actaully one in the afternnon. Had he really slept that late? After the phone rang a couple times, he decided not to answer it. He needed a good high. NOW. Creeping into the bathrrom, he took his straw and palced it over the powder, hungrily taking it all in. He felt the effect immendiatly and sighed. Oh god. That was good.
'Oh no, baby. I can't find your pay-ment,' Rachel said, later that day, as she dug through her purse.
'That's okay, hun. Last night was free,' Gerard replied, smiling.
'I knew you would start to fall in love with me...' Rachel said, leaning closer to Gerard as he took a inhale of his cigarette. Rachel had this crazy idea that she could make Gerard fall in love with her, even though he was only fucking her for the coke. It also helped that she transfered schools...
'So, when do i get to meet your parents??' Rachel asked mockingly, laughing at her own comment.
'Whenever you wanna,' Gerard smirked as she squashed his cigarette on the ash tray.
'I think its enough that i met your friends...'
at this comment, Gerard felt a sting.
'Scar,' he mummbled, half to himself.
'What?' she asked, lighting a cigarette of her own.
'Hey btw- that frankie fellow seemed to have gotten a kick outta that movie...'
Gerard drowned out Rachel's chat, too busy thinking of Scar, and all they've been through.
'I'm not fucking going to the prom with you!!!!' Scar shouted.
'WE made a deal!' Bob urged.
'For christ sakes!!!! Your mother is expecting you!!! I dont even wanna go to the god damn prom!!'
'I told you i'd take you. My mom can wait another couple weeks...'
'You call me a user? I think you are USING me as an excuse to delay that trip with your mother!' Scar snapped. Last night she was admirring Bob's sensitivity. Now she was just plain annoyed by it.
There was then a scary silence. Scar had gone way to far.
'Whore,' Bob whispered, before hauling himself out her door. There were tears in his eyes.
'I'm taking you to the god damn prom if it's the last thing i do,'
Had Bob gone crazy???
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