Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X-2 > Dra Esbuccepma

To Luca!

by pyrodragon256 0 reviews

Rating for later chapters also RxP later chapters. Please R&R.

Category: Final Fantasy X-2 - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Paine, Rikku - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-04-20 - Updated: 2007-04-21 - 1140 words

Chapter 4
To Luca!

Rikku's POV
Talking to Yuna made me feel better but now I'm going to talk to Buddy...To see what Paine wanted of course

I went to the 'Bridge' and saw Buddy

"Hey Buddy can I talk to you?" I asked him

"Uhh..Sure" He answered

So basically I asked him what Paine wanted and why she was asking about me when finally...

"Where is she I need to talk to her" I asked him

"She went to the Macalania Woods this morning" He answered

"Take me there right now!" I demanded

"Alright fine" He said walking out

About an hour later we arrived at the Macalania Woods

"We're here Rikku" He told her

"Alright thanks Buddy!" I yelled while getting out of the Celsius

Right when my feet hit the ground the Celsius left

"Okay I've gotta find Paine" I said

"Hmmm...Where to look?" I asked myself looking at the trees

"I'll go to the Travel Agency...She'll have to go there sooner or later right?" I said to myself

So I started walking to the Travel Agency when I figured out that Buddy dropped her off in the middle of nowhere

"I wonder how far I am from the Travel Agency...Where is the Travel Agency?" I asked myself looking around for a path or something

What should I do now? I thought Maybe I should run or scream...I thought

So I decided to do both...I started running in a circle screaming my head off when all of a sudden I hit something and hit the floor

"What are you doing out here?" The voice asked her

"Buddy dropped me off at the wrong place" I answered

"What an idiot" The voice replied

"I guess I found you Paine" I sighed

"Why did you come looking for me in the first place?" She asked

"I talked to Buddy...He told what you were saying about me" I said looking in the distance

"I see..." She said sitting down next to me

"What did he tell you?" She asked me

"Stuff that you were asking him about me" I replied looking at the sky

"...No Shit Rikku, I meant which questions" She said trying not to get aggravated

"Well...My favorite stuff to do and favorite flavor of things" I replied laying down

"That's not to bad I guess" She said looking at me

"Does that mean there's more?" I teased still looking at the sky

"Maybe" She replied deciding to lie down

"It's funny" I said

"What is?" She asked confused

"That you're talking to me" I replied

"I always talked to you" She had said

"Yeah but not like a friend" I said looking at some trees

"I guess so" She replied starting to get up

"Please don't go" I begged her while looking at her

"We have to get back" She replied looking at me

"Not right now" I said looking away at the darkness

Paine sighed as she yanked me up and started walking off

...We've been walking for 10 minutes

"...Paine?" I asked looking around

"What!" She yelled at me

"...Do you know where we are?" I asked not wanting to look at her

"...I hope so" She answered me

"Just call Buddy!" I demanded

"And say what to him" She said with the sound of aggravation

"Just see if he can track us" I answered

"Okay...I'll try it" She said calming down

"Hey Buddy, where are we right now?" She asked him


Back on Celsius

Yuna's POV

I was on the 'Deck' when Buddy said he got a call from Paine

So I ran down into the 'Bridge'

"Paine?" I started

"Hey Yuna" She replied

"Is Rikku with you?" I asked her

"Yeah she's right here" She answered

"Are you guys alright?" I asked them

"Yeah we're good at the moment but we have no idea where we are" She responded

"Well, what do you see?" I asked

"Trees" I heard Rikku respond

"Okay we're coming to get you" I answered

"But you don't know where we are" Paine said

"Well just look at the sky and tell us when you see the Celsius" I said

"Sounds good Yuna" Paine replied


Back to Rikku's POV

Back to...Well wherever Rikku and Paine are

"I'm hungry" I told Paine

"So?" She questioned

"Do you have anything to eat?" I asked her

"No" She said

"Nothing at all?" I questioned

"What did I just say" She responded

I got quiet still looking at the sky when I heard the Celsius

"I hear the Celsius" I said starting to get excited

"Hey Yuna we hear the ship" She told Yuna

The Celsius comes into view

"Alright Yuna can you guys land the ship?" She asked

I guess she said yeah because the Celsius started to come down

"That's not good" I heard Paine say

"What's not good?" I asked her

"That's the closest she can get it" She told me

"I can't jump that far" I said

"Neither can I" She replied

"Yeah I'm sure that could work" She said talking to Yuna

"Alright I'm going to hoist you up" She told me

"How are you going to get up?" I asked her

"Can you pull me up?" She asked me

"I don't know" I said

"Well you better find out" She said picking me up

"What if I can't" I said reaching the Celsius

"I know you can" She whispered to me

I climbed on the Celsius turned around and grabbed her hand

"You know lifting me up might've been a little easier" I said as the Celsius started going up more

"Don't worry, try to lift me enough so I can grab hold of the Celsius" She said surprisingly calm

"Okay..." I said trying to keep calm as I was trying to lift her up

Well somehow I lifted her up

"Told you, you could lift me up" She told me patting my shoulder

"Uh...Yeah" I said walking to the elevator

As the elevator door closed it started going to the 'Bridge'

"Why were you asking about me?" I asked

"I don't know" She answered

"If you're going to give an excuse, make a good one next time" I smirked at her

"You're not usually interested in me so...why are you all of a sudden?" I questioned her

"Cause I can be, now drop it" She said as the elevator's doors opened

"Fine" I said walking out

I walked in not acknowledging anybody

"Buddy, head to Luca! Right now!" I demanded

"What's in Luca?" He asked me

"Just head there!" I yelled at him then walked off

"Hey Yuna" I said simply then walked off towards the elevator


End Chapter

Well there's the 4th Chapter Please Review
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