Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It All Started With A Concert...

Her talk With Gerard

by disturbedangel6 0 reviews

Just some talking going on.... you know they are understanding eachother

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-04-22 - Updated: 2007-04-22 - 993 words

Shannel slightly opened her eyes and saw 6 people watching over her. She smiled, it's a dream.
"Shannel are you ok? What happened back there?" asked Rachel as he put her hands on her face.
She stopped smiling and looked around her, she was lying on the bed that she admired so much, 'It's not a dream?' she thought to herself. "What happened?" she asked.
"I don't you were like hurting my shoulder and you didn't speak and we were like what and you just totally like-" she took a breath.
"In other words" Mickey jumped in, "You fainted"
"Oh..." Shannel thought of a perfect lie, "I ... um... I sometimes have low blood pressure...."
"Shannel don't lie! Since I don't know when, something has happened to you! Now please tell me... I'll kick the guys out just tell me" pleaded Rachel.
"Nothing happened, stop being over dramatic" Shannel sat up as her head got a little dizzy but she handled it.
"How long have this been happening" asked Gerard.
Shannel gasped as she just noticed him.
"Since like.... I don't know I mean I haven't seen her for like 2 weeks which was pretty much after your concert, which was sooooo fucking awesome by the way!"
Gerard leaned in to Ray and whispered something to him.
"Hey Rachel you wanna get the My Chemical Romance arm band?" asked Ray.
"But Shan-" she got interrupted by him.
"We've got limited stock and you can be the only fan that can get it"
"Um... ok" Rachel turned to Shannel, "You still need your rest, I'll be back ok? I'll get you one too"
Shannel tried to plead to her with her eyes not to go but unfortunately Rachel was too thick to understand.

Once everyone left, Gerard sat on the bed next to Shannel, who could not look up at him so instead looked at the bed cover as if it she was interested in it.
"So... are you pregnant?" he asked.
Shannel looked up at him looking shocked at how he knew.
"You wanna have the baby?" he continued, "I mean if you want we could raise the baby together and I'll be with you the entire time of your pregnancy"
"I...were you...were you using me? I mean were you just getting pleasure out of me?" she asked.
"No... if you haven't noticed, I like you. I've been thinking about you this whole time"
"I...I don't care" Shannel closed her eyes, "Just give me the damn money and I'll be out of here"
"Money for what?"
"The abortion, duh!"
"Oh..." he looked down looking upset then looked up again, "I'll come with you"
"No, I just want to get it over and done with and wish I have never met you in my whole life!" she yelled, as tears fell down her cheek.
Gerard's face went sad and his eyes fell on the bed cover. There was silence. By this Shannel felt sorry for him, 'He didn't really want me to get through this alone' she sighed, "Fine, you can come after all I don't know the first thing about abortions, I guess you'll know
Gerard smiled as he looked up at her, "What makes you think I know about abortions?"
"Um... well, I guess because you fuck every female fan you see"
"What?" Gerard gave a surprised look, "I do not! What makes you say that?"
"Well, by what you did to me. You fucking ruined my life!"
"Hey, hey, hey there wait. Look at me"
Shannel did as she was told.
"You were my first and only fan I had sex with"
"What ever, you're lying" Shannel crossed her arms.
Gerard scoffed, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"No, why are you so random?"
"I'm not random, I'm just trying to tell you that from the first minute I saw you I instantly fell in love, and that's why I gained the courage to talk to you and I thought you'd understand that"
This time Shannel scoffed, "Darling you should read sometimes, rock stars have sex with any girl and leave them when they get boring, in other words, rock stars such as you are man whores!"
Gerard looked away and suddenly he went on top of Shannel leaving her lying helplessly under him.
"Get off me you fucking idiot!" Shannel yelled trying to push him off of her, which is by the way impossible. In seconds she gave up, "Fine, I give up, what is your point by doing this anyway?"
"I just wanted to show you physically that I want you" he said.
Shannel gave a look, "Nice way of showing it, it looks like your trying to be an idiot or yourself"
Gerard rolled his eyes and sighed. He leaned in and his lips met hers.
They kissed passionately for nearly a minute until Shannel came to her senses and pushed Gerard away. For a moment she catched her breath, "Never do that again"
"Sorry" said Gerard and he got off of Shannel and got off the bed. "I'll leave you alone like you said but before that, I'm taking you to the abortion clinic"
"Why?" Shannel asked as she sat up facing him with a smug look on her face.
"Because that's my baby you're carrying" he said simply with hurt in his eyes.
Shannel sighed, "Fine"
Gerard clapped his hands, "Alright lets go"
"What? Now?" she asked.
"Hmm" he nodded and grabbed her hand.
They entered the elevator, Shannel looked at Gerard, he was happy and he was smiling, "Uh... what's with the mood swings? I thought ladies had that"
"What? You think I'm a woman now?"
Shannel couldn't help but laugh, "No"
"Well for your information, I'm happy because I'm trying to make our last day together as memorable and happy as possible"
Shannel sighed, 'This dude is getting cute and romantic by the second' she thought.

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