Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I've already given up on myself twice

Apologies, glances and messed up chances

by sillyperson 3 reviews

THIS IS THE PENALTEMATE CHAPTER :O Its Hayley and Spencer's wedding and Brendon's not in the most happiest of moods.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-22 - Updated: 2007-04-22 - 1786 words

Brendon's POV

Spencer nervously paced the pews in the church where a small gathering of people had come.

"Dude calm down...she'll be here." I said softly.

"Yeah she's only five minutes late, probably traffic." Ryan chimed in.

"Yeah." Spencer said while forcing a smirk.

" of us is getting hitched, who will be next?" Jon smirked.

"Not me." I said seriously.

"You'll find someone." Ryan said comfortingly. I have found someone just they don't want me. I noticed Pete walk up the aisle he was smiling at me; maybe this was how it was meant to be? If it was then it was a lot of heartache for me.

"Hey guys." Pete smirked while holding a camera.

"Hey Pete." The others said in unison, I didn't really feel like talking now. He gave me a funny a look, a look I shall never forget, kinda hurt in a way.

"All rise!" The vicar announced from the back of the church. We all took our places at the front of the church. Spencer and me turned around and watched as Hayley walked up the aisle followed by her sister and Elspeth. I couldn't take my eyes off her she looked stunning in her dress and her hair had been curled.

I sat down on the bench at the front next to Elspeth. She didn't look at me once as the ceremony went ahead. I kept glancing into her hypnotic eyes. Why didn't I just give up? She didn't want to know anymore know matter how hard I tried. Love sucks and I'll probably wait for her even though there's no point.

"You may now kiss the bride." The vicar announced as the ceremony was almost over it just needed to be sealed with a kiss. I didn't really pay attention as Spencer delicately pressed his lips against Hayley's.


"Dude either it's the champagne talking or the truth...but this has been the best day of my life." Spencer smirked as we all sat round a table.

"Yeah I think its fate...everything happens for a reason dude." I said while placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I hope your right." He smirked while wrapping his arm around Hayley. They looked so good I thought Elspeth and me did, looks like I was wrong.

"Isn't it about time you did the best man speech?" Spencer asked me.

"Yeah." I smirked. I stood up and chimed a fork over my glass and the room went silent. I wasn't normally a shy person but today everything was different. "Well...erm...I suppose it's about time I give my speech, being Spence's best man in all." I stuttered. "Well these two are just made for each other, ever since back in high school they were ment to be. At first they hated each other but it was a simulator and coke that brought them together." People from our high school laughed when they heard that remark. "Yeah well...I don't want to ramble on cuz we have a big party ahead tonight. Erm...Sole mates, people who are perfect for each other in everyway...and we have an example of that here. Congrats guys you made it...I didn't." I said honestly. I sat back down and I heard applause. I smiled but the last bit meant something that I don't think anybody would understand but me.

"Nice speech man." Ryan grinned from beside me.

"Thanks...didn't really know what to say though." I said frankly.

"Ah sounded pretty fucking good." Jon chimed in while sipping on his beer.

"Hey give me one!" I smirked as he passed me a bottle.

"To being single!" I said to Ryan as my bottle clashed with his cup of orange juice. I did that on purpose so that Elspeth thought that I didn't care...obviously I did.

I sat there all night sipping on my bottle of beer; well I'd had about three when Hayley came up to me.

"Hey, thanks for the sweet speech." She said while pecking me on the cheek.

"Anytime...I'm here all week." I smirked.

"You haven't moved all night, are you okay?" She asked seriously while pulling up a chair next to me.

"Never better." I said sloppishly.

"Brendon." She whined, "Come on let's dance." She said while pulling me up and onto the dance floor. I put my hands on her waist and she linked her arms around my neck.

"I thought Spencer was ment to dance with you." I whispered in her ear.

"Yeah but he's dancing with my little sister so its only fair." She smirked. I sighed and when the song had finished she went and danced with Spencer again. Bad timing to since I saw Elspeth and Pete in a tongue wrestling session. I felt like everyone had someone but me...I felt alone. I moved off the dance floor and slumped in a chair next to Ryan.

"Dude this sucks." I muttered while staring at Pete and Elspeth.

"Just forget about don't need her, your life was great before she showed her face again. Is that maybe telling you something?" Ryan said caringly.

"It is but I love her...there's quite a hurdle to climb over for me to see your point of view." I said while glaring at Pete even though he wasn't looking at me.

Ryan rolled his eyes and sighed, "You're never gonna have the guts to sort this out yourself...and I hate seeing you like this so, I'm gonna go talk to Pete." He said while getting up.

"No!" I shouted while pulling him back down into his seat. A lot of people heard us and I noticed Pete walk over. I took another sip off my beer and just tried to ignore the fact that he was coming over here.

"Hi guys." He said awkwardly.

"Hey." Ryan and me said in unison.

"Erm gonna head off back to my hotel room can you just keep an eye on Elspeth cuz she feels a bit sick." He said nervously.

"Sure." Ryan smirked, Stupid fucking Ryan.

"Thanks guys see you later." He said while walking. Elspeth came up to us and pulled up a chair next to Ryan.

"Great." I muttered under my breath.

"I hate weddings." Ryan said openly.

"Your not the only fucking one." I said

"I think you've had enough to drink." Ryan said nervously.

"I'm fine." I smirked.

"How many have you had today?" Ryan asked Elspeth.

"None...I can't with the baby." She said anxiously.

"Oh yeah." Ryan said while biting his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes and just blurted out what was on my mind.

"Okay now this is fucking awkward isn't it? Look just imagine I'm not here just some tramp with a train wreck for a heart." I mumbled.

"Brendon just shut up." Elspeth sighed.

"No! Why don't you tell everyone here that the baby you are having is mine. Oh and how only this time last month we were in love and happy. Love is's a mask over your eyes. Doesn't let you see what you need to hell with you and all your friends." I said while stammering to my feet.

"Brendon you said you didn't give a shit about my you really think I should tell it that?" She asked me.

"I dunno...fill its head with lies for all I care." I said while walking off.

"Where are you going?!" I heard Ryan call.

"Away from here..." I mumbled while trailing off. I found myself outside in the darkness. I slumped on the grass and felt its gentle touch underneath my fingers. My head was a mess; the last month had been a walking train wreck, now I had to hold onto the pieces. I can't even do that. I heard footsteps crunch on the gravel behind me.

"What do you want?" I said coldly still staring into utter darkness.

"Brendon what are you running from?" She asked me seriously.

"What! I'm not running from anything, I'm just trying to cut you out of my life." I said simply.

She sighed and sat down next to me. "It really doesn't have to be like this." She said softly.

"Well it's either this or me being a depressed wreck for the rest of my life?" I said while scratching the back of my head. There was an eerie silence.

"If only I knew what went inside your head?" She sighed.

"Elspeth, you're the only one who understands me...I may treat you like shit and I am sorry but, you've hurt me. I don't want to play the broken toy because quite frankly I'm fucking not. I just want to run away from all this, go back to way things used to're the only one who finds me out and ever will. See happy now? You've broken me down into pieces...everything is a fucking mess." I said while getting up and walking out onto the grass.

"No I am not fucking happy!" She called while catching up with my heavy stride. She grabbed my arm and stared into my eyes. "Brendon everyday I wake up next to Pete and its nothing compared to when I'm with you. I do love him, yes, but I can't trust you again. I'm sorry but Pete and me are happy. So just let go of those pieces cuz there only gonna make it hurt more." She said sincerely.

"No! I am not letting go cuz those 'pieces' are the best damn things I have in my head. I love much so I can't let you go. And if you and Pete were so happy then why would you be here stood telling me all this bullshit?" I asked while feeling my eyes fill up with tears. She just stood there she didn't say anything.

"Oh I don't have time for this. Good-bye Elspeth Rae, I hope you have a lovely fucking life with your baby. I know I won't." I said while walking away. I felt her tug back my arm, I turned and faced her pleading eyes.

"No! I won't let you go Brendon Urie! Cus I-" She gasped for air, I caught her in my arms.

"Elspeth?" I called my mind frantic with worry; "I am not fucking loosing you now!"

Okay this is the penultimate chapter (sniff) I have really enjoyed writing this story and I'm trying to keep it as open as I can for a sequal. What do you think of this chap? Please let me no I love reading all ur reviews thanks. x
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