Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Surreal

12. Distance

by panda_1418 3 reviews

Tearing the link.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama - Published: 2007-04-23 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 882 words

Chapter Twelve - Distance

Giving up is never an option. That was the first line in The Academy's Handbook for Spies in Training. His parents had been a living example of that; when the situation seemed hopeless ... pointless to continue on ... they fought as hard as they could, and brought down the bad guy. Even though it meant losing their lives and their son in the process.

"I'm going to be just like my mom and dad when I grow up!"

Wasn't that what he had said so eagerly at the age of seven, when what really happened on his parents' last mission had been revealed? And he'd lived that statement, every day of his life. In every mission, in every situation where it seemed useless to go on, he had remembered their sacrifice. Giving up is never an option.

Then why did it seem like the only decision now? His parents ... they'd persevered and ended up dying, plain and simple. This mission seemed impossible, worse than all the tough situations he'd gotten in. All the villains were predictable; this new crook was ridiculous to try to anticipate. One second, he had her wrapped around his finger; then she was seeking refuge with Julius; then she was back with Roger again. It was almost like he had his greasy little fingers constantly digging into her skin, pulling her back when she strayed to far away.

What was the point anymore? There wasn't a point. He'd thought that Delilah had finally detached herself from the drugs and /Roger/; but he had found meth in her room and caught her with him again. She was a weasel, a backstabber, going right around him and giving in to the temptation.

He was losing her. Despite all the effort and pain he put into salvaging her broken body, she was slipping away. Why was he torturing himself this way? Why did he allow her to put him through this? There was no answer. Not to those questions, nor to the problem. There was no answer. There never was.

Giving up is never an option. Well, in this case, it was.


"Let's go for a drive."

Those words would change her life. Delilah could tell Roger was high as soon as he walked in the room. He was swaggering, his pupils were large, and he looked incredibly happy. This was a bad idea. Never get in the car with a drugged up driver.

"I'll drive," she offered.

He looked at her, like a teacher would when you swore you had no idea what happened to your homework. "You're not in a much better condition."

It was true; much to her shame, she was doped up as well. What was worse was the fact she had no clue what she was on. Roger had just handed her something, and it had been in her body in a matter of seconds. She trusted him. She was putting her life in the hands of a madman.

"Come /on/, princess," he groaned impatiently. "A midnight drive will be fun! I'll take the wheel and you won't have to worry about a thing. Let's blow off this place, take a vacation."

She looked unsure. "I don't know ... Al-"

"Oh, who gives a fuck what Al says?" Roger snapped. "Let's just /go/. You're not a wuss, are you?"

Maybe I am, asshole. "No! No. Of course not. I ... I don't know what I was thinking. Let's jet."

"Yeah," Roger grinned. "Now you're talking."


Delilah should have known it was a stupid idea when she looked out the window and the trees were turning into snakes. Instead of screaming, shouting that this was a bad idea, that they were going to die ... Instead, she just laughed and pointed it out to Roger. He pretended not to have any idea what she was talking about, but to him the trees were inflatable giraffes.

"Let's get on the highway and do some major mileage!" Delilah shouted, her sense of danger fading.

"Excellent idea, princess!" Roger hollered.

He accelerated, leaving the Academy far behind. When they got to an empty stretch of road, Roger slowed down. "Are you ready for this?" he asked.

"Hell yes!"

He smirked in the darkness, and raised an eyebrow. Without warning, he hit the gas. They were off, speeding down the highway. Delilah laughed loudly, unrolling her window. She stuck her head outside, enjoying the cold wind stinging her face.

"This is so-"

She never finished her sentence. That was when she saw the yellow headlights of a semi truck they were hurtling towards.

"Roger, slow down!"

He just smiled, assuming she was scared. "What's that? I can't hear you!"

"Roger! Please! For the love of God! /ROGER/!"

Cackling, he turned back to the road.

"Oh, Christ!"

"Roger, /please/-"


[A few hours later; The Academy]

Al groaned as the phone rang, interrupting his sleep.

"Aw man, I, like, hate it when they decided to cut short my Zs ..."

He mumbled more things to himself, fumbling around for the phone. When he finally grabbed it, he didn't even bother to sound professional.

"Like, /what/, man?"

"Is this Mr ... Al?"

Al sat up. He knew that tone of voice. "Yes ..."

"I'm sorry, sir. There's been an accident."


Synonyms for /Distance/: break off, detach, disjoin, remove
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