Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > He Tastes Like You, Only Sweeter.

She's Got A Body Like An Hourglass [chapter seven]

by dear_jamie 0 reviews

Ryan takes Tegan to dinner. I'm adding a "sex" warning on this, but it just implies things. This is not graphic. Also, my best friend Amanda helped me with thgis chapter. She'll be helping m...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-04-24 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 1312 words

Dear Stranger,

I quickly took a shower and ran out of my bathroom. In a tizzy, I didn't realize I forgot to get a towel. I ran into my room and stood in front of my closet, butt naked. "Oh." Ryan's voice said from behind me. I turned around to see him still sitting on my bed. I probably looked terrified, but why should I? "I didn't have time to get a towel." I said, turning back around to pull a bra and panties out of a drawer in my closet. I slipped them on and heard a sigh, pervert. I smiled and picked out the little black dress I wore that night Alex, Carley, Dane, and I went out. My hair was still wet so I couldn't put it on. The dress was cut off just above my knees. It was perfect. My parents had gotten it for me for my 21st birthday.

I stepped into my bathroom and began the process of blow-drying and straightening my hair. I pinned my bangs back and put my hair up. It looked classy, since when do I look classy? I began to put my make-up on when I realized, maybe I should put my dress on before I apply this stuff. I slipped on my dress and did my make-up. My eye shadow was smokey and pretty much matched my dress. "Shit." I cursed as I realized I needed shoes. The only high heels I owned were yellow. I didn't know how I was going to get away with this one. I decided to pick one of my yellow headbands and put it in my hair. That way my hair would match my high heels and everything would look amazing. I slipped the headband between the my pinned bangs and the rest of my hair and ran back out of the bathroom to my closet. Ryan was still on my bed, only this time he was lying down with his eyes closed. I stopped and looked at him for a minute, smiling, not being able to believe this was happening to me.

I dug through my closet and became buried in dirty shirts, pants, underwear, everything. I finally found my 3-inch, yellow, high heels. As I pulled them out from under a mound of jeans, something must have slipped, because tons of shit dropped on my head from the shelf above my closet. I screamed as the matter fell on my head. "Fucking hell." I could hear Ryan curse. I heard his footsteps come closer to me and pull the laundry off of my body. I was completely covered. I had never felt so small in my life. As soon as all the clothes were off of me he pulled me to my feet. "Are you ready?" He said calmly. I started to wonder if my hair was messed up. Without answering I walked iunto the bathroom, releved to see that no, my hair was not shitty.


"I thought I'd take you to Pinochio's." Ryan smiled as he opened his car door for me. "Really? I've never been there. I hear it's nice." I slipped into the front seat, still not used to the extra three inches the high heels added to my height. He opened the door and plopped in the driver's seat. "It is." He said with a flick of his wrist, the car was running.


"I have something to ask you." Ryan looked up from his Boston Creme Pie Martini. "Yeah?" I ordered a Sea Breeze. "My parents gave me two tickets to a Caribbean cruise next month." He swallowed hard. "You're the only one I'd want to come with me." He looked back down to his drink. "I want to go. I just have to get off of work." I smiled as Ryan's ears perked up. "Really?" He said. "Of course." He took my hand as the last of my words slipped from my lips. "Are you ready to order?"
As I ordered my food the phrase "You fucking idiot, you got fired. Remember?" ran through my mind. I waited for Ryan to finish ordering before I stated the not-so-obvious. "Well, that's good I guess." He sipped his martini. "I guess everything happens for a reason." He smiled and called the waitress over to refill his drink.


After a while Ryan was sufficiently drunk and stumbling over his own words. "Teeegan. I don't think I should driveeeeeee." He basically sang those words in the middle of the restaurant. Wow. "Yeah, I don't think you should either." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Ryan's arm. I proceeded to pay for the meal, leave the very nice waitress a respectable tip, and lead Ryan to his car. "Give me your keys." The only reason I was a bit short with him was because he allowed himself to get so /wasted/, especially in public. He handed me his keys and get into the passenger's seat without a fuss. "I don't even know where you live, Ryan." I started the car. "Can I just stay at your place then? I don't want to be alone tonight, really." He coughed a little. Ryan saying that kind of made me think of the part in that movie, Zoolander. Where that model with the puss permenantly plastered on his face and his pretty reporter girlfriend were driving to a cemetary and the model goes "I don't want to be alone tonight -pouts-." Ryan was a sneaky little bastard. "Yeah, it's fine." He took my hand. This actually made me less angry at him.

I pulled into my driveway and put the car in park. "Okay we're here. I don't know if my dad is home." I opened the car door, the garage was closed. "I thought you lived alone." He managed to pull himself up using the door. "Yeah, my parents got into a super big fight. My dad decided it would be cool to 'spend some time with me.'" I laughed and went around the car to walk Ryan to the door. "He basically only sleeps here." We walked up the stairs and I opened the door. The tv was blaring some sort of sports game and my father was on the couch screaming "COME ON, SOX! LET'S GO!" He didn't notice us. "Come on." I mouthed to Ryan as I walked towards the stairs. The noise from the tv suddenly stopped. I whipped my head towards my father who was getting up from "his favorite armchair", even if it was my house. He looked at me and then glanced at Ryan. "Hey, honey." He greeted me with a warm smile. "Hi dad. This is Ryan, but I don't think now is a good time to really talk." I chuckled. "He's kind of busy. Tomorrow, dad." I smiled at my father again and dragged Ryan up the stairs and pushed him into my room.

"Your dad seems nice." He slurred. "Yeah, he has his sweet moments." I sat at my computer while Ryan took a seat on my bed. He seemed to love that thing. I smiled to myself as I turned towards my computer screen, just to check everything. When I was done replying to the IMs I had gotten while I was gone I turned in the direction of my bed and got up. I walked slowly towards the matress with a mass of beautiful boy sitting on it. Ryan stared at me wide-eyed as I began to kiss him deeply. What's a whore? You're nothing more. We hadn't actually fucked yet. And I made sure that when we did, it wasn't when he was absolutely drunk. I unbottoned his shirt and slid it off of his delicate yet muscular shoulders. I kissed down his torsoe, stopping at the hem of his pants. I looked up and and the night began.

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