Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Everything happens for a reason


by MyChemPrincess77 2 reviews

Ashley has to help her crush, Gerard, study for language arts class.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Other - Published: 2007-04-18 - Updated: 2007-04-19 - 679 words

I was walking out of the Language arts room with my friends, Ashleia and Heather. I was half way out the door when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see my teacher, Mrs. Aketa standing behind me. I smiled nicely.
"Ashley, I was wondering if you were up for tutoring someone?" she asked. I was wondering why she was asking me this; I didn't really have the most perfect grades all the time. I had at least a 90 average in language arts, yet I managed to slip past with a 76 in math.
"Sure," I agreed. Mrs. Aketa nodded.
"Ok, you are tutoring Gerard Way in the library during connections." She said happily. I felt nervous. Gerard was my crush, every day I stared at him during class. I smiled, feeling suddenly cheery and happy. I walked over to Ashleia and Heather, which were standing outside the door waiting for me.
"What happened, and why are you so happy?" Ashleia asked.
"I get to talk to Gerard!" I squealed. Heather's mouth flew open.
"No way!" she said.
"Yeah! When is connections?" I asked, looking around the hall for a clock.
"I think it is connections," Ashleia answered. My smile grew wider when I saw Gerard walk up to me.
"Hi." He said. "Its connections, right?"
I looked up at his eyes through his thick black hair. "I don't know," I said truthfully.
"Great. Oh well, lets just go." He said, pulling my arm. I looked back at my friends and smiled. He let go of his grip when we reached the doors.

The library was one of the many worst looking rooms in the school. It had yellow walls and an ugly spotted yellow and black rug, with tables and chairs covered in pen and graffiti .All of the chairs looked different from each other, different styles and shades of wood. The books looked like they were from the early 1900's, and the information hadn't been updated since 1991, about three years before I was born.
I took a seat across from Gerard and took out a pen from my purse.
"Okay, so, um, what do you need help with?" I asked, putting all my dark brown hair to side of my shoulder. He was watching me twirl it around my finger.
"Why does your hair look short and then long?" he asked.
"Um, because it's layered," I answered slowly, tossing it off my shoulder. Why did he want to know that?
"So, in language arts we are working on basic Latin routes, is that what she told me to help you with?" I asked, playing with my pen.
"Yeah," he replied, tracing over the writing on the table with his pen.
"Um, okay, this week we are doing..." I trialed off as I opened my notebook to today's page. "Okay. What is MORT?" I asked, putting my hand over the paper.
"Death." He answered without a second thought. I smiled.
"See, it's not that hard. How about BON?"
"Uh...bad?" he guessed.
"No, BON means good." I corrected.
"JUR," I tried. He looked at me with a blank expression. "I have no firkin clue," he whispered. I couldn't help but smile.
"It means judgment or decision," I answered without looking at the paper.
"How can you remember that already!? We just learned it five minutes ago!"
I sighed. This wont be as easy as I thought.
"Gerard, you just need to study and memorize," I told him, feeling defeated. He put if head down so all of his dark black hair flew in front of his face. He started writing very lightly on the margin of his notebook. I watched his hand move in swift movements. I caught a few words before his arm covered it to move to the next line.
You're not in this alone,
Let me break this awkward silence.

ok just to let you guys know, the latin routes i mention in these are all right, because i looked them up, and my class used to do these things every week.
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