Categories > Movies > High School Musical > Crash Reality Check


by mYkah_jade 0 reviews

Practice with Chad and Jack Bolton.

Category: High School Musical - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-02 - Updated: 2007-05-03 - 1014 words


"Troy mah boy!"

A shout greeted Troy as he entered the basketball gym. His last class for the day just ended and as per usual, just like every afternoon of the weekday, he was at the court ready to practice his heart out.

"Chad that was one awful rhyme."

"You think I don't know that?" Chad sarcastically said chucking a ball to the net.

Troy caught the ball after it sailed in. "Then why do you continue on with it?"

Chad shrugged and grabbed anther ball and this time contented himself with spinning it on a finger. He watched his best friend practice on his free throws and noticed a mark on his arm. Curious, Chad came closer to Troy.

"Troy, what's this?" He asked holding up Troy's arm and pointing on to a doodle just above the wrist.

Troy blushed when he looked down on it. Chad interestingly raised an eyebrow.

"Glad to see you're finally here son," Jack's voice sailed near them making Troy take his arm away from Chad's grasp. "What's up?"

Chad smirked. "I was just asking your son here what this was all about." He was once again holding up Troy's arm. The blush on Troy's cheeks heightened.

"Let me see that..."

"Dad!" Troy whined grabbing his own arm and covering the mark.

Jack looked at Chad and they both shared a sly look. Jack spoke up.

"I'm guessing that has something to do with a certain girl."

Chad continued on. "Not just a certain girl but a girl with a killer bod."

At the last words of Chad, Troy glared at him.

"Tsk tsk. Be careful with your words Chad. Prince charming here doesn't like to hear someone else appreciating his princess."

Troy brought the ball up his face and repeatedly hit it on his forehead out of his sheer frustration. Jack and Chad were meanwhile laughing their heads off at Troy's sensitivity.

"Dude, why can't you just tell her?" Chad asked ripping the ball away from Troy.

"Tell who what?"

Chad wanted to smack Troy but Jack's words came before he could start with the action.

"Give it up Troy. It's pathetic. We very well know you know who we're talking about. Why can't you just admit to Gabriela that you like her?"

Chad of course knew who Gabriela was for Troy had introduced them eons ago before the dawn of high school. He knew that she was no average girl and was high above her school social-based reputation. He never really fully understood the friendship between the two but wholly respected it. That was how he prided himself of being a true friend.

"Because I don't like her! She's my best friend. No offense on that one Chad."

Chad raised his hands in defeat. "Hey I know that. I've already accepted that fact. It was a little unnerving at first but then I got over it. I understand it now. I know she'll always come first on your list Troy."

"Whatever you guys. I don't get why you're always so eager on ganging up on me." Troy snatched back the ball from Chad and made a shot.

"The day you realize that we see right through that little façade of yours is the day we stop riding you on about this."

"Look, dad, I would really appreciate if you would drop this century old topic and let me get on with practice."

Jack sighed for he knew if he continued it would lead them nowhere. "That reminds me. You owe me a hundred more push ups and suicides."

"Whoa!" Chad exclaimed. "How'd you get that pile?"

"Want me to answer that for you Troy?" Jack teased.

Troy lightly punched his father's arm. "Shut up dad. I don't need you ratting out about it to this speaker box here."

"Hey, is that why you weren't here for the free period practice? Where were you dude?"

Jack's face lit up with a knowing smile. Troy, on the other hand, so much as groaned forced himself not to give in to the redness of his cheeks. On Chad's face marked confusion but as realization dawned upon him, he broke out in a big smirk. It was a smirk huge enough to cause Troy's eyes to widen and attempt to get away from them.

"Uh-uh. You won't get away that fast," Chad pulled on his jersey shirt. "Where'd you go? What'd you do? Did you tell her? What'd she say?"

Troy cocked his head to the side. "What are you, a tabloid? What's with all the questions in one breath?"

"Don't change the subject."

"I went somewhere. I did something. I didn't tell her and she didn't say anything considering I don't know the she you're talking about here."

"Argh!" Chad and Jack both groaned. "Why must you be so dense Troy?"

"You're driving us nuts." Chad held Troy by his shoulders and was shaking him.

"No, I'm not driving you nuts. You're driving yourselves nuts. That's not my fault. You're the ones thinking too hard about this and figuring out something that doesn't concern you in any way at all."

Jack shook his head and went to check on the other players. "You're impossible Troy."

"I take after my father!" Troy called out after him. That which by far earned Troy a glare, although a playful one, from his father.

"Work on your debt /captain/," Jack barked at Troy and he openly laughed at the way his son's face fell at the word debt.

Chad chuckled at the scene. He knew that Troy was throwing him glares at the moment but he chose to ignore it. The thought of irking Troy was winning over him that he gave out a smirk. The action succeeded and now Troy was narrowing his eyes at him.

"Have fun dude," Chad said running off to the other side of the court.

Troy sighed and grumbled. He knew there was no way out so he decided to start working on what he owed. To the baseline for the start of his suicides.
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