Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Complications


by 3Cheers4Sw33tRevenge 3 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-05-02 - Updated: 2007-05-03 - 1501 words

'Ash! Come on we gotta go pick up Mikey this morning' my brother yells at me, hitting me with my favourite fluffy pillow. 'Cameron!' I scream when I relise he's got my Misfits CD in his free arm. 'Give that back!' I screech jumping out of bed and tackling him to the floor. He tries to get away but I grab the arm with the CD in it and manage to free it from his grasp. 'That got you up' he says cockily, I glare at him as I get off the floor and put the CD on my bookshelf.

'Okay I'm up now get out so I can change!' I say throwing my fluffy pillow at him. He grabs it and shuts the door to my room. I sigh as I look for something to wear. I've got no jeans to wear so I pick up a skirt my mum got me years ago that I dyed black, its short so I throw on my black tights. I then pull on my black and grey striped top that has a skull on the front of it. I grab the straightner off my drawer, Cameron must have used it this morning because its still warm. I finish straightning my hair and put some bright red hair extensions into my jet black hair. I put on and smudge my eyeliner, putting a little silver around my eyes for added effect. Happy enough with my appearance I grab my old converse sneakers and run downstairs. Mum's already left for work and Camerons trying to get our toast ready- we always eat in the car. I grab my piece of toast and my keys and lock up the house.

I park infront of Mikey's house and I turn to my brother. 'Go get him' I say, he nods and gets out, almost running to the door. I look in my brothers bag, he's brought his Iron Maiden CD typical. I put it on and see his face, priceless. I smirk as he and his friend start to come closer to the car. My eyes widen a little, the boy from the other day Gerard is with them. He must go to our school.

The boys all enter the car with Mikey and Gerard in the back. I couldn't help but notice Gerard smile at the music coming out of the stereo, I watched him start to silently mouth the words. I rolled my eyes, smiling as I started to back the car out of the driveway.

We arrive at school, we're actually early for once. We all get out of the car, its once again freezing and I have to get back in to search for a jumper. I find one on the backseat and pull it on. 'Hey Chelsea!' Cameron calls out to a girl with light brown hair in all black. The girl smiles and waves and Cameron and Mikey run off to talk to her, leaving me by myself with Gerard.

'I didn't know you came here' I say to him, he looks up at me, I feel a chill go down my spine just looking into those intense eyes. He smiles at me 'I've been coming here ever since I started highschool' he says rolling his eyes. I sigh 'I've just never seen you around before' I say. He shrugs and grabs my bag, before I protest I relise he's looking at my schedule. 'You've got lunch at the same time as I do' he says quietly. I begin to feel confused 'But I've never seen you at lunch before' he holds back a laugh 'I'd never eat in the I hang out round the back of the school with my friend Frank' he says smiling at me again. 'Oh' I say, looking down at the floor. 'You should hang out with us sometime' he says quietly. I look up, and he see him start to blush 'What?' I ask. He clears his throat 'You should hang out with us sometime' he repeats. 'You don't have to' he says quickly 'I just thought you know if you wanna get away from the jocks and cheerleaders...' I cut him off 'That'd be cool thanks' I say cheerfully. He smiles again 'Cool you know Frank right? Frank Iero he's in your Maths class'.

I know Frank alright, small pale kid who gets picked on heaps in class. He tries to keep his head down but thats kind of hard when you wear heaps of black and eyeliner to school. I nod 'Yeah I know Frank' I say coolly. Gerard nods his head, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes. The bell rings and we both groan at the same time. We look at eachother and smile as I start to head off to homeroom. 'So I'll see you later?' Gerard askes nervously. I nod my head still smiling 'Course you will' I say, walking off towards the school.

I manage to get through homeroom and English without being picked on. I've been at this school for almost a year now and I'm surprised no-ones picked on me yet. I guess because I'm very quiet no-ones really noticed me yet. I get to Maths class a bit early. I spot Frank already sitting down near the back. I for once in my life go up to the back and sit down next to him. 'Hi' I say nervously to him. He looks up at me, he's got piercing blue eyes with thick black eyeliner surrounding them. 'Hi' he says cautiously to me. Not many people talk to Frank, no wait thats not true everyone talks to Frank but not in a nice way- unless they're playing a joke on him or something like that. I glance down to what he's reading. Its a Batman comic, I used to read them all the time when my brother used to get them.

'Oh cool is that the new Batman comic?' I ask him. He looks stunned, I guess I'm the first girl who's ever talked to him nicely. 'Yeah' he says slowly, glancing down at the comic 'Do you read them?' he askes me. I blush 'Oh I did when my brother used to get them, I don't know where the comic book store is here in Jersey' I say shyly. Frank smiles at me 'So your into comics?' he askes me. I nod slowly 'What ones?' he askes. ' Batman obviously...used to read Spiderman and Superman but they got really boring.... Wolverine, Hellboy... I'm a pretty big comic book geek' I admit to him he rolls his eyes playfully 'Join the club we've got jackets' he smirks. 'Me and my mate Gerard are huge comic book geeks....infact Gerard even draws them' he jokes, I laugh. 'Mr Iero and Miss Kingston I hope my class isn't ruining your conversation?' our teacher Ms Yale calls out to us sternly. 'No Miss' I call down to the front 'Sorry Miss' Frank says meekly.

The bell rings for the end of Maths class, for once in my life Maths didn't suck. I guess because I actually had a friend to talk. Yep thats right a friend something I haven't had for a long time. Frank and I end up walking to my locker together, its kind of wierd but fun at the same time. 'So you like The Misfits also?' Frank questions me and I nod 'Wow you have got to be the first girl I've ever met who's into comics, Iron Maiden, The Misfits and the Nightmare Before Christmas' he says stunned. 'Thanks I'll take that as a compliment' I say jokingly as Frank pretends to hit me on the back of head. We've only really known eachother for and hour and we're already acting like best friends. 'So' he starts leaning on some randoms locker 'What do you have next?' he asks, his eyebrows raised. I sigh 'Free Period' I say automatically and dully.'And whats so bad about that? You get to muck around' Frank says, raising his eyebrows even higher. 'It would be fantastic....if I had any friends in free period' I say glumly. Frank just shrugs his shoulders 'You could always come wag with me...I've got P.E next and we're doing dodgeball with a bunch of jocks who hate me....need I say more?' I smile at him as I shake my head. 'Sorry Frank I better go...' I start and he nods 'I'll see you at lunch then?' he asks,I nod 'Yes' I say. The bell rings and I groan 'I better go' Frank says quickly 'I really don't want to be shoved into a locker today...see you later Ash' 'Bye' I yell out to him as he sneaks past a bunch of jocks all way taller than he is.

I laugh as he pretends to kick one of the jocks.

My mum would be proud. I made a friend.
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