Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Original Demolition Lovers

Chapter 2

by bloodstained-romance 0 reviews

this is only short but i had to end it at that point so yh...the next 1 will probly be up soon anyway.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Horror, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-05-04 - Updated: 2007-05-04 - 860 words

A week of darkness, further depression, metaphorical poetry and obscure artwork followed for Helena, occasionally interupted by her curious, ever-logical mind questioning the sense of it all.

Why paint in such detail on a canvas to be viewed by none but herself? Why etch such depth into the meaning of poetry never to be heard?

Still, no matter how illogical her actions, Helena continued- day and night fading into one, sleep coming rarely.

She lost all feeling, crystalised in ice; numb to the touch and aware of nothing but the poison she was chanelling into her work and the slight release it was offering her.

Then finally the seventh day arrived, or at least the day she believed to be the seventh. All sense of time had faded after a while, each moment simply another miniscule shard of eternity.

A letter arrived through the door. Strangely, hearing the sound of paper dropping to the floorboards-her first contact with the outside world since Marissa came-was enough to melt the glaze that covered her possessed eyes.

For some reason she was overcome with a sudden urge to see her visitor before they left. Like a mother protecting it's child her mind warned her against doing so, yet the power of the heart- even a broken one such as hers- was enough to dissuade instinct. She hungered for human contact. In the same way as she bled in order to feel alive, she felt that a connection with the surrounding world may offer the same effect.

Consequently, it was that same foolish heart of hers that sunk when she found the visitor to have left. A further crack formed on it's outer layer, not strong enough to pierce the center yet wounding all the same.

Brows furrowed, eyes squinting, she reached out for the paper lay alluringly against the wood floor, clutching it vice-like in her grip. Lifting it closer she was able to distuiniguish the recognisable scrawled handwriting of Marissa and the faintest traces of a fleeting smile appeared on her face as she recalled the notes that had been passed between them constantly during the time in which she had still attended college, containing all manner of uninteresting topics that detracted their attention from the lectures. What she wouldn't have given to have that time back...

'Hey Lena,' She read.

'I'm not giving up on trying to get you out of that house for a while, so out of the goodness of my heart and went and bought these tickets on ebay. You'd better be grateful because they cost a lot of money and you know they're not for me because I don't even like the band much. So I'll pick you up at 7 on thursday then ok? And I really am sorry if I upset you before. I shouldn't have been so bitchy. But see you then, yeah?


Attached by a paperclip was a concert ticket.

At least Marissa was to the point in her notes, Helena thought immediately after reading it.

It was a sweet gesture. Marissa had known for the last five years how much Helena idolised that band. In Helena's opinion they wrote the most beautiful, honest lyrics and furthermore were unafraid of standing up for what they believed in, no matter how much stick they placed themselves on the receiving end of- a quality she herself could only dream of possesing. Their music was her sweet, sweet salvation.

Any other band and she would have remained apathetic, perhaps ripping up the ticket as a demonstation of her distaste towards the idea.

Yet...this was her favourite band. These were her gods- she WORSHIPPED them. She couldn't possibly miss the opportunity to be in the same room as them, revelling in the beauty of each song they played. She didn't CARE what other people thought of her, because she HAD to be there.

Every barrier she had built to defend herself from the opposing forces of life was broken down at that very moment, in which she resolved to go; to stand in the close vicinity of over a thousand other people and be unafraid. It would be just one night, and during that one night her spirit could be free just like she had always desired for it to be.

On that one night even perfection would seem reachable- she knew it. She could be herself and be strong. She could feel and cry and hurt and bleed and it would be okay. It would be okay because she wouldn't be alone any longer. Invincibility would on that night be hers.

Unexpected crystal droplets trickled over rose cheeks and she knew happiness again. Crashing her spine against the door, she slumped to her knees, sobbing. She cried often, yet not like this. Never had she known that happiness could bring out such an unpredictable reaction.

"Thankyou." She whispered inaudibly, a wet tear splashing delicately onto the ticket. She was unsure of whether she was aiming her appreciation towards Marissa, fate, or even herself, yet she was thankful and nothing else mattered.

Nothing but the My Chemical Romance concert ticket she held, vice-like in her hand.
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