Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When Vampires Attack

An Odd Artifact

by xXBethypooXx 2 reviews

Dawn receives a rather odd 'present' from Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-04 - Updated: 2007-05-05 - 950 words

Dawn's eyes cracked open wearily. She saw she was in a white bed with a small cabinet beside her, and a window which was letting bright sunlight stream into the room. Everything was pure white, which gave her the impression she was in some sort of hospital.
Glancing up, she nearly yelped to see Gerard sat in a uncomfortable seat next to her bed. He looked tired and slightly defeated, yet there was a strange sparkle in his hazel eyes.
"Hey," he smiled, making Dawn feel terrible. Her eyes watered up dangerously.
"Oh God, Gerard I'm so sorry for being so stupid," she sniffed, wiping her sleepy eyes to get the dust away. "I just really wanted to find out about you and stuff, but I have this habit of doing things in the bitchiest way possible. I was naive to think you were evil, but now I know you're not after..."
She gripped her head as a sharp shooting pain ran through it. A moan escaped her when she remembered what happened.
"It's okay. People are always on guard when they first meet me," Gerard shrugged. Dawn tried to find any markings or bruises on his head where he hit the house, but she could find none. Before she could ask, he said: "I brought something round for you, I thought you might like it. All it does is irratate beyond belief!"
Bending over, the vampire picked up a rather flat object covered with a cloth by his feet. He held it up and Dawn took it, confused. Pulling away the cloth, she saw it was a rather tattered portrait of a red headed man. There was no mistaking who it was.
"Van Helsing!" Dawn exclaimed, even more confused. "No offence, but why would I want his portrait?" She asked.
Gerard laughed slightly. "It'll become obvious in a-"
"I am NOT a portrait!"
Dawn yelled and threw the painting back at Gerard in alarm. Never in all her life had she heard of talking portraits!
"Stop throwing me around like I'm a lacrosse ball!" It roared in a portly voice. Although the voice was as real as any human's, no feature on the portrait moved whatsoever.
"What is that?!" Dawn screeched, backing up towards the wall.
"A common and boring artifact. The idiot somehow resurrected his own soul and began floating around looking for trouble. Unfortunately, he came across me and I was kind enough to seal him away into the portrait he carried around with him." He caught Dawn's confused stare, "My speciality is in everything other then moving things. That's why I seemed weak that time I moved the teacup."
"Oohh. So I get it, the thing's irratating you for obvious reasons. I'll be glad to have it, it might give some good advice!" She beamed, and took it from Gerard's pale hands. It nearly dropped from her grasp as it shook violently, seemingly on its own.
"I am not an IT!" Van Helsing yelled, still shaking. "I would rather eat cats vomit with a knife then be passed around you pathetic excuses for slayers! Why, in my day we never committed such attrocities to our elders! We would be sent to be sucked dry in Dracula's castle before we could say 'pudding'! I demand you release me right now, fiend!"
Gerard shuffled uncomfortably, and gave Dawn a lopsided smile. "He never shut up about 'the old days' at my place, so I thought I would hand him to you since you're more likely to discipline him. I think he was growing on me, but nevermind!"
Dawn beamed back, putting down the still rambling portrait and covering it with the cloth. She glanced at Gerard's face again, and felt her stomach flip sidways when she saw him gazing intently out the window, the sun shining onto his pale skin and casting his eyes a glowing green.
Coughing violently, she said, "Thanks for giving me that even though I was a right cow. It was really sweet. I hope you're okay after what happened."
Gerard waved her speech aside. "I'm fine," he said, even though he knew she meant it physically and emotionally. She knew that Gerard and Moe didn't have a friendly past. "Vampires heal at a really fast rate, so no need to worry. Just, like, say anything that's on your mind, okay? I'm a pretty good listener if you ever need anyone too, y'know, talk too," he smiled, and Dawn felt her stomach spin around in mad circles once again. She almost grabbed his T-shirt as he stood up to leave. "You should get some sleep. It's not nice having your mind being ripped into, but rest is the best healer in this case. I'll come visit."
"Okay, thanks Gerard, see you." Dawn waved, feeling angry with herself. As she watched the man leave, she sank onto her pillows and felt herself tear up.
Surely she couldn't be feeling for this man. His kin had killed the most important person in her life; she couldn't be feeling anything for him! It would be against the laws of nature, she decided, nodding to herself.
"... and that's why you should never feed salted frog to a weasel," came Van's voice as her conciousness wavered in and out. His speech was like a lullaby to her; it concentrated her mind on his tone and nothing else. Soon, she fell into a deep and troubled sleep leaving Van Helsing talking to himself.

Author's note: Sorry about the shortness! I left this rather late at night to write (or early in the morning, I should say) and I'm beat. Thanks to you guys who have reviewed! I'm extremely greatful! x3
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