Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Misconceptions of a hero


by InuKag 3 reviews

Inu/Kag .... Mirok/Sang .... Things don't always go the way you plan them too... and sometimes... people aren't what they seem. If they aren't too careful, feelings could get inthe way of victory.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Warnings: [!!!] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-05-04 - Updated: 2007-05-05 - 1089 words

Kagome suddenly felt herself being flipped on her stomach. Letting out an eep of surprise, she gripped the sheets below her and let him position her body to his need. She felt the change in his aura almost immediately, but she wasn't afraid of him; he wouldn't hurt her. His hands grazed her sides gently, softly scraping the tips of his claws across her delicate skin. Kagome felt a moan escape her as she felt his erection penetrate her once more; this angle was quite different. Her eyes became wide when Inuyasha started to hit a spot deep inside of her that she didn't even know existed, causing her to cry out.

He smiled slightly as she rocked back into him; timing herself almost perfectly with his thrusts. Suddenly he felt her walls starting to contract around him, triggering something intense to boil to surface. His hand came to the nape of her neck and he pushed her hair aside to expose her milky unmarred skin. Grunting loudly, he slammed into her again and again, feeding their need for each other, trying to bring himself as deep as he could; to satiate them both. Finally, he felt her orgasm come full force and bit down on her shoulder as his own wracked through his body. It was so intense he had to hold on to her sides firmly just to keep from passing out; she was tensed, clinging to the sheets as if they were the only thing keeping her to the earth. Kagome's breath was coming out in little huffs punctuated by sighs of shock and utter contentment. Inuyasha collapsed on her back, rolling slightly to the side to keep from crushing her; seeing as her body no longer seemed to have enough energy to hold her up. Inuyasha lovingly licked the blood that trickled from the mark on her shoulder, rubbing her back in slow circles. When she finally regained her mind as well as body; Kagome turned to her side to face the man that lie beside her. Inuyasha was still rubbing her back with one of his hands, but brought his other to her face; kissing her softly and toying with a loose strand of hair. She wound her leg with his and pulled herself closer, letting him pull her into his arms. She stared into his eyes and smiled.

"That was... different." Her smile threatened to melt his insides, but it didn't matter anymore... he was finally hers, as she was his.

"Like I said, I told you I wouldn't hurt you." Their bodies were pressed against each other, and they were comfortably enjoying the feel of such closeness. Kagome's hand traveled to the mar on her shoulder and a smile crept across her lips.

"Does this mean ... that...?" There was something unvoiced in her eyes, glistening wildly. She bit her lip waiting for his response; Inuyasha simply grinned back and tangled the strands of hair in his fingers.

"I'm yours forever, Kagome. You are stuck with me..." Her smile grew wider as she pulled his lips to hers in a mind blowing kiss.

"Good, I finally get to have this puppy all to myself... when/ever/ I want to." She pulled on his hair and nuzzled against him, closing her eyes and falling into slumber. Just before dozing off she could hear him whisper to her.

", we just have to get married in the human right."


Miroku and Sango quietly flew over the sengoku jidai, barely speaking a single word to one another. Perhaps it was nerves, or the undying tension between the two lovers. Sango turned her head to gaze upon the houshi behind her; he was lost in his thoughts, and almost seemed to be distressed. In a barely audible whisper, she spoke.

"Miroku...? Are, you alright?" He almost seemed to jerk involuntarily in response to her words.

"Yes, just a little worried I suppose... I keep wondering if this is not like the time before with Kaguya... in the castle. I mean what if Haisurah was only telling a half truth... what if Naraku isn't truly gone and it's as before? I don't think I could handle knowing that I still cannot dare have a family with you and then leave you..." Sango looked into his eyes which were visibly tearing up, before turning forward again and resting her back against him. She pulled his arms around her waist and closed her eyes; taking a deep breath.

"Don't worry about that, Miroku. I love you and will spend whatever time we do have together, even if it be short, with you and proving to you that I do. You can't live in 'what ifs'... that is something both you and I should know by now." His eyes were wide and he tightened his embrace on the woman in his arms.

"Sango, I promise that I will not womanize any more... not even a little. I do not need any other woman to 'bear my children' than you." She laughed, confusing Miroku ... slightly. "What?" Sango pulled away a bit and turned to face him.

"One thing at a time now, houshi... we shouldn't make promises we cannot keep." A grin played on her face as if she were daring him to test her patience and say it again; he knew better.

"Well, then I will definitely try my dearest, Sango."

"That... I can live with." She reached to kiss his cheek and then resumed her position in his arms. They stayed that way for quite a while before she had begun to drift off; leaving Miroku alone with his thoughts once more. He couldn't help but wonder if he should just lift it and find out... he didn't feel as if anything had changed, not like the first time when there was an unmistakable pain in his hand and he watched the black abyss disappear leaving his hand unmarred. No, this was nothing like that... there was no pain, there was no reason other than the suggestion that Naraku had met his demise to make him think otherwise; however, he hoped otherwise... he prayed to Buddha that he would finally be rid the curse that was nothing but a terrible affliction, ruining his chances at a full happy life with the beloved woman that pretty much flew into his life with a force to be reckoned with. A smile came to his face as he thought of the possibilities they could have a chance at if what was assumed became truth.

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