Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living

Chapter 4

by Rara 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-05-05 - Updated: 2007-05-05 - 794 words

A/N: Thanks for the reviews guys! here is chapter 4 !

Chapter 4

The rest of the trip was as fun as the beginning of it. I heard some of Frank's hilarious jokes, while talking to the rest of the band, and having the time of my life. I noticed Nat was having fun too, which was good. I started to think about what's going to happen if my father knows that I'm not on a school activity or something, which made me have the goose bumps.

"Is there something wrong?" said Gerard worriedly. He must've seen the odd expression on my face. What should I tell him now?
"No no... It's just that I don't like flying," I said, hoping he won't find out I was lying.
"Oh ok, don't worry, we will probably land after a while," he said smiling.
"Thanks," I smiled back.
"Hey Mel," said Mikey.
"How old are you two?" he said curiously.
"Well, I'm 15, and Nat's going to be 16 next month," I answered.
"Hey Gee, you can stop staring at her, she is too young for you," said Frank, which made Gerard blush and look at the ground.
"Please fasten your seatbelts, we are going to land in a while," announced the pilot into the speaker.

The plane landed and I was relieved. I hate the landing part of flying. We went out of the airport and where greeted by the bus.

"Where are we staying?" asked Nat.
"How silly of us not to tell you, you guys will be touring with us the whole two weeks you are spending here!" said Frank, a little too excited.
"Cool!" said Nat, and jumped into the bus. I followed her in and was awed. For five guys the bus was clean.
"You guys sure know how to keep a bus clean," I said in awe.
"That's because they have cleaned our mess from last time," said Mikey. "You should see how the bus looks after a couple of days,"
"That's because I'm the only one who keeps his share of the bus neat," said Frank and went to his bunk.
"It's true, he is the only one who doesn't trash the bus," said Ray.
"Skittles?" Bob asked, offering me some.
I was about to get some when all of a sudden there was blur of color and the packet of Skittles where out of Bob's hand.

"IERO! GIVE ME BACK MY SKITTLES!" shouted Bob and started running after Frank.
I laughed at the sight of them and headed to the bunk area, where I chose one for myself and decided to have a nap.
"Uhh, I don't think Frank will like you stealing his bunk,"
I turned around and it was Gerard, lying in his own bunk looking at me.
"Oh, I didn't realize it's his," I said, a little embarrassed.
"It's ok. It's just that he always takes this bunk, and once Mikey tried to take it from him, but Frank stopped him.
Let's say flying food was involved," he said laughing.
I laughed along and chose another bunk, one that is as far as I can get from Frank and his dastardly plans.

I woke up, feeling someone calling me.
"Mel, wake up!" said Nat, who started shaking me.
I opened my eyes and saw Nat's face. Just then, I saw Mikey's head appear at the bunk area.
"Is Mel awake yet?" he asked. I sat up in response.
"Good morning sleeping beauty," said Mikey mockingly and went back to the front of the bus.
"Hey Mel guess what! The guys are having a show tonight and they have invited us to the venue," said Nat, looking extremely excited.
"Awesome!" I said, and sat a bit straighter and bumped my head with the bunk above me.
"Hey watch it! I'm sleeping here!" shouted Bob.
"Sorry!" I said and went to the front of the bus, not bothering to change from my pyjamas.
"Nice pants," smirked Frank.
"Shut up," I said and sat down next to him, trying to steal the skittles that where in his hand.
"HEY! Those are my skittles!" shouted Frank and tackled me. I tried to get him off me but I couldn't. He started tickling me and I started shrieking.
"That's what you get for trying to steal MY skittles!' he said and continued tickling until I heard footsteps.
"Frank get off her," said Gerard, who dragged Frank off me, then helped me up.
"Thanks, for saving me from that monster. I was about to get strangled," I said, breathing deeply.
"My pleasure, but try to avoid Frank as much as possible," he said.
The bus stopped and I fell on the couch, causing everyone to laugh.

A/N: Reviews appreciated !
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