Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All about us

two and three

by my_famous_last_words 3 reviews

yea 2 was kind of short so I put it with three

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-05-07 - Updated: 2007-05-07 - 624 words

As the years passed they grew into a close brother-sister relationship. They were practically inseprable. Gerard's younger brother, Mikey, grew into the relationship too. They were so close that when Gerard transferred schools, Mel demanded she be transferred too.
"Ohhh nice Gerard" said Melanie laughing

"Shut up Melanie"

"Aww I'm sorry. Here to make you feel better you look extremly good in green"

"Mel don't lie just don't say anything!" said Gerard who was in his Peter Pan costume.

"Well in that case" she left the room and laughed so hard, "Gee I'm sorry but the tights!" Gerard cringed,

"Are you two ready?" Gerard's grandma Elena asked

"Yeah" they said, Melanie calmed down but Gerard was tortured by Mikey who was laughing harder than Melanie was.

"Mikey settle down!" said Elena, Mikey fell silent but was still having a silent laughing fit. They arrived at the school and Gerard's mom and grandma were fussing and fixing up his costume. They eventually sat down.

"Good luck Gee" said Mel kissing his cheek and running to her seat. Gerard walked back with the rest of the students in the play.

"That was great Gerard!" said his grandmother hugging him.

"I give up! I can't do it!" Mel said throwing her pencil down. They were 13 now.

"Mel anyone can do it" said Gerard

"Yeah maybe because you're mister artistic you think this is easy. But I have no artistic talents"

"Quit bitching!"

"Ugh I give up I suck at this!" Gerard positioned himself behind her and grabbed her hand. She felt weird, he guided her hand.

"Just draw what you see in your mind, when you try and draw to make it look like what it is you're going to mess up" he said

"What about you? You can draw portraits, and that's by looking at someone and getting their features just right"

"Cuz I'm past this" he said smirking,

"So you're saying that I'm inferior to you?"

"In art at least" he said

"Well, well I'm watching Mikey this weekend" Mel said, Gerard looked at her


"You're mom is taking you to have your shots"

"NO!" Gerard yelled


"I don't like needles!"

"Don't be a fucking baby" She rolled her eyes

"Yeah well look who's talking, need I remind you at your 9th birthday party your Grandma gave you a porcelin doll and you ran away screaming"

"Hey dolls are scary!"

"Yeah and needles are my dolls"

"Get over it you're going to have to deal with needles all your life"

"Mom!" Gerard yelled running upstairs, Mel sighed and turned back to her drawing, she absentmindedly took her pencil and didn't think about how she was drawing, "Ha you're coming with me!"


"Yeah my mom told me to tell you that you can't sit mikey because you're mom called and said you needed shots too"

"Aw man" Mel said

"Way, Gerard and Walters, Melanie" they walked into the room.

"Okay so who wants to go first?" the doctor asked

"Me" Melanie said

"Left or right arm"

"Left" Melanie pulled up her sleeve and the doctor pulled out a needle , Gerard flinched

"Alright Melanie" said the doctor sticking the needle in her arm, "All done, are you ready Gerard?" Gerard looked scared,

"Come on Gerard, it's not that bad. You don't even feel it" Melanie said, "Okay just look at me" he stared at her, "Did you do your homework?"

"How the hell is that supposed to distract me!?"

"It worked" Mel smiled

"Voodoo lady" Gerard said

"Yesssss I'll cover you in chicken blood" Melanie cackled evilly, Gerard laughed and wrapped his arm around Melanie, and again she got a weird feeling in her stomach.

"Friends forever?" he asked

"To the end" she smiled
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