Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Hate My Life

life at school

by clutsy_93 3 reviews

a girl called claire, gets abused by her mums boyfriend, she has a chance to meet my chemical romance but there is a twist her mum's wedding is on the same day... first story sorry if you thin...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [V] - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-05-06 - 631 words

Gosh! i really hate scool because everyone teases me,it's just that i listen to my chemical romance,i killed the prom queen and the used. I should get a move on, and get ready for school,but whats the point.I get up have a shower and straighten my hair, put my eyeliner and a little bit of red eye-shadow on. I walk downstairs, my mum and her "boyfriend" are eating breakfast and just stare at me; no hello,morning, just a stare.
I wait for the bus to arrive at the stop, 10mins last, as usual. Everyone stares at me, so i just sit at the very front and as usual'time goes slow'.

Wow! the bus finally arrived at school, this school is really gay, the uniform is the worst black skirt(long) and a cotton white shirt with wool grey jacket, i wish i could wear my skinny legs and a tee, its what i feel comfortable in.

I have maths first, then sport, i hate going to sport because all the cheerleaders call out "emo freak" and just laugh. maths was a drag, sat at the back and just listen to my music. At lunch i caught up with my best friend and my only friend.
"hey claire"
"hi, i smiled, but it was fake"
"we have music next, do you just wonna skip"
"why not there is nothing better to do"
Sarah and i walked out the school gates, as we were walking towards the park, i notice a black car driving towards us.
Oh, crap it was my mums boyfriend. I could see the anger in his eyes.
"get in the fucking car now!" he yelled,
"make me" ' bugger, i shouldn't of talked backi will be in even more shit'
"CLAIRE ANN HARPER, get in the fucking car or i will call your mum"
"catch ya tomorrow babe," sarah was just staring at me,
"sarah, i gotta go"
"yer, okay then bye"
i was in the car and looked in the mirror and saw sarah walking to the park or she could be walking to her boyfriends house,'who knows'
We arrived at home, i went to my room and had my music playing,("To The End" by My Chemical Romance, if you were wondering).
I sat on my bed looking at all of my posters and thought to myself.
' i would do anything to meet my chemical romance' i was just about sleeping when there was a band on my door.
"Claire, GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM AND SET THE GOD DAMN TABLE NOW!" yelled Kyle (mums boyfriend)
"IN A MINUTE" i could tell he was getting angry by the tone of his voice.
"I'LL GIVE YOU FIVE FUCKING MINUTES, THEN THATS IT" with that he was gone, but to make sure i listened to his foot steps trail off.
"good" i sighed and changed out of my uniform, and into ' you guessed it, skinny legs and one of many my chemical romance tees.

I unlocked my bedroom door and walked downstairs, 'yay kyle has gone out.' i didnt know for how long so i quickly dialed sarah's number, and set the table while talking.
"hey kaka(nickname)"
"whats wrong claire, you never call at 6, its always later"
"oh, i just won-" i got cut off
"OH MY GOD! claire i'm reading this magazine and you can meet my chemical romance,"
she was pratically jumping around,
"oh my fucking god you joking right"
"sense the tone, i'm not!, would you like me to enter for you"
that would be awesome, thank-you,oh crap kyles home got to go now mwa!"
"mwa, see you tomorrow"

okay, my first chapter, it might be original at this point but there will be more twists and drama
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