Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sing for Absolution

I Will Be Singing, Fallen From Your Grace

by akissforjersey09 2 reviews

Killian has to fear her life when a vampire makes his intentions clear...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-05-07 - Updated: 2007-05-08 - 982 words

Frank often visited me at night after that. We would both tell each other about our days and talk until I finally fell asleep with his hands combing my was the same every night.

One morning Darcy confronted me at breakfast.

"So how is Frank doing? I see he's made himself a permanent night visitor," he said.

I looked at him, not sure of how he wanted me to answer. I didn't want to seem like a smart ass...but I then also I didn't want to be dishonest.

"Frank's doing fine. He says he's lonely over in New York," I said, finally deciding to tell the truth no matter how smart ass-ish it came off as.

"Oh really? Is he lonely because you are no longer there?"

That I didn't answer at all. Even if Darcy knew about the incident with the Untouchable, I wasn't entirely sure Darcy could be trusted with my inner-most feelings. There was only one other vampire that I could trust besides Frank and that was Bob. He mostly knew because he was trying to help us.

"I know you love him, and he loves you. It is no secret to a vampire who cares to pay attention. You were in luck in Nwe York since those vampires are usually so caught up in themselves they're too busy to notice such a quiet love between you two. But I must warn you, his love comes at a great price. His love could ultimately cost your own life. Are you willing to do such a thing? Are you willing to sacrifice mortality to be with him?" Darcy asked.

I looked up from the table and looked at him. A tear was rolling down my cheek because he really had no problem with me loving Frank.

"Yes...I'd be willing to go through Hell and back. I'd even be willing to...change," I said.

That was the truth. If I had the choice to be changed into a vampire just so that I could be with him, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Frank was starting to become everything to me, and if that's what I had to endure, whatever pain may come, let it be.

"It's amazing how sure you are. Even in your eyes I can see a truth...I can see your soul begging for this."

"How can you be so approving of this? Most of the elders were upset to even think I was in the same roomw tih Frank alone." Darcy seemed to honestly not think it was that bad.

"Because the rule is so ancient that even King Tut would think it was old. Humans will always find their way throuth the crack and come to our world, or vampires will always find humans that becoming more than just humans. Frank has found someone after being alone for more than five hundred years; I think that's more of a situation for celebrating, not condemning," Darcy said, his eyes shinning and glimmering in the sunlight floodin the large dining room.

"I wish the vampires in New York had that view," I said silently.

"They're very uptight in the north. They're all very fast to judge and to distrust. Those clans have gone through wars and massacres among their own kind and they have good reasons to try and keep humans out. Andrew Saint James had the unfortunate luck to find a human to be his love. You and Frank kind of remind me of them. They were both very much in love, but in secret. They had a Catholic marriage fo her, and the moment they cam eback, they were caught by Elijah. Elijah took them and had them stand trial in front of the council who then sentenced them to death. Claire, the girl Andrew fell in love with, was to die first. They bit into her neck and left a gaping hole for the blood to slowly sleep out. She died from being drained. When the news got back to Andrew that she was dead, before they could kill him, he did himself in. Took him a few hours of course, but he figured out a way. Because of those decisions the vampires in the north have always been a bit harsher towards the conduct of the vampires in their clans."

I sighe and nodded. Andrew was Frank's friend. I remember him saying that.

"Frank said that was one reason he didn't wan tto eb with me. The possibility of getting caught could be disasterous." I sighed deeply, feeling more desperate to see Frank.

That night I saw Frank in my room. HIs face was lit up and a smile played on his lips. His eyes smoldered in the moonlight of the room and his hair fell into his face.

His hand was combing through my hair ocne again, and suddenly this felt all too familiar. Suddenly this felt all too much like a THE dream.

Just as he was about to say something the door crashed open and all I could see in the hype of the movement was someone pulling me by my waist and pulling me away from Frank. The horror and sorrow was tangible on his face; his nightmare had come true. He would soon see the fate of his best friend Andrew...he would soon be just as mortal as I was.

Tears streamed down my face as I saw something shimmer behind him. "FRANK!"

The scream ripped from my chest and shook through me, the walls keep my voice loud in the room. Frank closed his eyes as they hit him itn the back of the head and I fell into unconciousness...

Author's Note: I would like to thank cutegirl12356, SafeFromRobotsDAMN, rejected_smurf_god, faithless, and Reign_Madden for the past reviews, and I grately appreciate them...they help me write faster...
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