Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sing for Absolution

Sing For Absolution

by akissforjersey09 1 review

Killian is in danger once more, but there's a new blood fiend to fear...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-05-07 - 1693 words

"What is it Bob?" I asked, pulling Killian behind me.

"The council is here...they're debating on where Killian will be sent until it happens," Bob said, his eyes shifting to Killian and then back to me.

Can they do that? That isn't fair! Do I get any say in anything anymore?

I ran down the hallway, leaving Killian where she was standing. I needed to make my point to them. She couldn't be taken away from here. She couldn't. Why? That's what I'm trying to make up in my mind right now.

As I opened the oak door, I saw Gerard, Ray, Mikey, Giselle, and Belle. I hadn't seen the elites gather in years and it was quite astonishing to see them all there. Giselle was at one time married to Gerard, but left to California and rules most of the vampire clans in Los Angeles. She had bluish-tint skin, violet eyes and high cheekbones, making her face appear narrower than it really was. Her black hair that was waist-length was pulled into a tight bun, exposing a black spot. Most vampires see that black spot as an accomplishment. Not every vampire has the prayer of facing a demon and coming back out of it alive.

Belle was probably the most powerful vampire in this room and in this world. She had a unique ability that most people would die for. She was called the Mistress of the Winged Death. She was one of the most important vampires in our history, but she was stubborn and hardly gives up when she's made up her mind. Belle had a soft, innocent face, her blue eyes big and luring. She only looked like a teenager, but she was deadly. One simple bite was all it took for her victim to die; she didn't have to drain a body for her victim to die. Her red hair was down, and elegantly flowing over her shoulders.

"Frank, how nice of you to join us," Gerard said, indicating that I sit.

I accepted the offer and sat in the chair next to Ray and looked around at them all. "Killian should stay here," I said without thinking.

I watched the slightly appalled look on Giselle's face and the angry look Belle was giving me.

"Why?" came Belle's ringing voice.

"Because, Killian's blood is highly recognizable once one smells it. If we were to expose her to the rest of the vampire world, she would without doubt be drained by a renegade," I said, tyring to keep my voice even. Belle and Giselle no doubt knew about my event last week with her and the Untouchable, but I tried to make it seem like my decision wasn't too personal and had no link to what happened. Belle sat back, looking at me curiously as Giselle sat on the edge of her seat, indicating that she was about to speak.

"With all do respect Frank, your opinion and decision in this matter cannot be taken into account. You know our rules, that would be a conflict of interest and considering what happened last week, we cannot let you make rash decisions," she said.

"I know, but I was arguing the case of those who oppose it."

"Frank, we need to move her. It's more than just trying to get her away from you, her scent was caught by Gilles de Rai who visited Elijah two nights ago," Ray said.

There was an unusual cool sensation that ripped through my body. I thought Gilles de Rai had gone insane and taken to living in the Alps in France. How could he be here? Why was he meeting with Elijah? Why hadn't Elijah said anything? Better yet, how was Killian's scent on Elijah?

"I'm in favor of letting Darcy take her in," Mikey said, looking around the circle for some accordance to what he said.

"Darcy would be wonderful in taking her in. He's a human-lover, he'd have her fit right in," said Gerard as he stood up.

"But Darcy has chosen to be exhiled from his vampiric ways, how would we contact him?" Giselle brought up, sitting all the way back in her chair.

Everyone looked around at each other and then suddenly all the eyes were on me. I stared back in confusion.

"Frank, you have a gift that could be of service," Mikey said.

"Wait? You want me to find Darcy and then try and convince him to take in Killian after I presented a well-defended case to keep her here?" I asked a little outraged.

"Frank, you need to do this! If not for yourself, do it for her! She's in danger of being drained by Gilles," Gerard said.

I took a moment to think. They had valid pionts. But why did she have to leave me? How come she had to go so far away? Why all the way to New Orleans? When did the world feel so cold?

"Frank, what's wrong?" I asked as I saw a defeated and pained look on his face. The anguish was obvious, and his eyes looked strained.

"We need to move you," he said.

What? Wasn't he running to try and convince them that I needed to be here? Why was he siding with them? I thought he said he'd die for me!

"What? Why?"

"We're moving you to live with another vampire of the name Darcy," he said, ignoring my question all together.


"Darcy loves humans so you'll be very welcomed there."


"He lives above ground in the human world."


"He lives all the way in New Orleans," Frank said. It stopped me in mid-thought. New Orleans? As in New Orleans, Louisiana? Why so far away?

"Y-You're just going to let them ship me off to LOUISIANA?" I shouted, tears once again, stinging my eyes. He was so unbelievable!

"I have no choice Killian!" he yelled back.

"Fuck the rules Frank!"

"This isn't about rules anymore! This is something far more important than rules!"

"Fuck you Frank."

That was the last thing I said to him before I left for New Orleans. Frank was the one who took me too. It was the following day that I left.

Darcy was welcoming to me. He seemed genuinely anxious to meet me and very interested in humans, not as potential food, but as just living/breathing things. As cordial as he was, I still didn't feel warm or whole. I felt empty and suffocating on regret. I had no idea how long I was going to be here and when I would see Frank again, and the last thing I said to him was to fuck him. I felt horrible and I wasn't planning on forgiving myself until he forgave me.

"What's the matter love? Ever since you've arrived, you seem a bit...dead," Darcy mentioned as he watched me pick at my salad at dinner.

Darcy had platinum blond hair with red streaks, green eyes and a square jaw. His face was very kind though it looked a bit fierce at times. He was least kinder than the vampires in New York that I stayed with.

"I'm just kind of thinking...I'm regretting a bit."

"Hopefully you're not regretting my eagerness. I appologize if I've been overbearing with the questions," he said.

"No! It has nothing to do with you. It's just...I told Frank to fuck himself. That was the last few words I ever said to him. I'm just regretting what I said."

"Why did you say that?"

"Because he told me I was leaving, when I thought he wanted me there," I said, letting my fork slip from my hands and hit the plate below.

"Do you know why Frank had to bring you here?" he asked, his perfectly arched and shaped blond eyebrow raised slightly.

"Because the council told him to," I said, with much disgust in my voice.

"Do you know why they told him to?"

"They don't like me," I said before Darcy's clear chuckle rang through out the whole dinning hall.

"It's not about them liking you are not. You were in danger there."

"Well yeah, but the Untouchables aren't coming anytime soon."

"You weren't in danger of the were in danger of another vampire. Gilles de Rai. One of the most infamous vampires from France. Was known to have raped many boys and done grostesque acts with their bodies. I won't go into detail, but I will say this, when he did become a vamprie, despite the sex of the human, if he was attracted to the scent of the blood, he would persue them and drain them of their blood. They brought you to me because if Gilles were to kill you here he'd be in breech of the contract and killed by either an Untouchable or a Vampire Hunter."

It all made sense. Frank wanted me away from there so that Gilles de Rai couldn't drain me. But how long could one vampire keep a search up?

"I see you have the it's true?" Darcy said, bringing me back to the dinner table.


"The key," he said, pointing to me.

"So they tell me," I said.

Darcy gave me a look and got up, walking out of the room and leaving me there.

Once I reached my room, I saw Frank lying there, looking up at the sieling. "Frank?"

He looked up and smiled, pulling me on the bed. "Forgive me for sending you here. Forgive me for my stubborness. Forgive me for caring more about my immortality and the council than for you," he said, his face inches away from mine.

"I forgive you. Forgive me for my anger...I didn't mean what I said." My voice was small as I looked into his smoldering eyes.

"There is nothing to forgive Killian. You've only done what comes natural. Forgive us vampires who do not normally feel human emotions."

And with that Frank took me into the most powerful kiss I've ever shared with him.

AU: thanks for reading and reviews are well-appreciated...helps me get these out faster...

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