Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > We're Both On Borderline Obsession

I've Got You Wrapped Around My Pinky Finger

by meeniemoe 7 reviews

And it starts up again. The infatuation, I mean. ;)

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-05-08 - Updated: 2007-05-09 - 2326 words

A/N: Getting so much writer's blockage right now...if you haven't read Lifey's new fanfic, go read it. I'm having a blast reading it, and I'm sure you will too. :) Plus, I've 'started' a new fic...It's called 'I Don't Write Romance On Paper' (or something like that...idk, it was a long title lol) and only the prologue's up, but it's going to be the somewhat polar opposite of what i normally write. (meaning something a bit more violent, thriller, murder-esque, horror thing...yay.) So...summer! nearly here! woooo. i love everyone who reviews. and to everyone who doesnt...i love you still for reading. :D xoxo nat

Chapter 11:
I've Got You Wrapped Around My Pinky Finger

The fair-skinned girl stirred slightly. A little groan escaped from her parted lips as she turned over onto her stomach, then realized something was in the way. As she peeked out from under her eyelids, she heard a man next to her breathe heavily. Brendon slept peacefully, and Alice could have sworn he looked the tiniest bit cherubic the way his cheek was all pressed up against the pillow. She giggled softly as Brendon turned over. This put her into a little dilemma, since he had his arm around her. She could hardly breathe now.

"Shit." She murmured softly, but careful not to wake Brendon up. As she twisted and turned, trying to gently get out of his grasp, she mumbled a bit louder: "Shit!..." And just when she thought she could make it out of Brendon Swamp alive, she felt his grasp tighten around her stomach. "What...?" Brendon laughed, and turned back around, throwing her back against the mattress.

"Well, hello there Sleeping Beauty. Did you have a good sleep?" He purred, his hips straddling hers. Alice was speechless for a moment, before she curled up into the fetus position. "Hey, I'm talking to you, you know..." Brendon protested. Alice just laughed silently to herself.

"Fine then. I'm going to get something for us to eat.' it's 7:30 am. I never wake up this early...ish." Brendon rambled as he jammed on a pair of his jeans that lay on the floor. Before he walked out, Alice hid underneath the covers, but yelled: "Aren't you missing something?"

"Tell me, Alice, what am I missing?" Brendon rolled his eyes as he turned around to face his lover. "How about your shirt, smarty pants?" She pointed out. Brendon looked down at his bare chest. Okay, he was sexy, he'd admit that. But he couldn't exactly go out to the store to buy breakfast if he was shirtless. They probably wouldn't even let him in...

"Oh. Thanks babe." Brendon passed a killer smile to Alice before winking at her. She could have rolled her eyes at his swollen ego, but she decided against it. So Brendon yelled, "I'll be back before you know it!" And slammed the door. Alice snuggled beneath her sheets, until she heard a banging on her door five minutes later. "What?!" She yelled irritably.

"Jeez, it's just me," Sarah said hurtfully as she walked through the door. "Whoa there. Are you topless, or...?" Sarah asked when she saw her friend in bed. Alice blinked innocently, then shook her head profusely. "No...Why would I be topless? Look, I'm bra." She pushed down the covers to prove her point. Sarah still looked suspicious, though.

"Did you sleep with Brendon?"

"Brendon wasn't even here." Lie. That was such a bullshitting lie that Alice just told.

"Then why is there a male jacket sitting in the corner of this room, like it's been tossed there randomly as a pre-sex kind of action taken?" Sarah asked, accusing Alice on the spot.

"I borrowed his jacket last night. It was cold." Alice defended even more irritably. "What's wrong? Didn't you want Brendon and I to get back together?"

"So he was over."

"I didn't say he was!" Alice threw her hands up into the air, before throwing the covers back and walking into her kitchenette. "I simply borrowed his jacket." She stated under her breath.

"Well..." Sarah said, unsure of her friend's insisting.

"But I mean seriously. What if Brendon and I did hook up again? What then?"

"I don't know's just that you two went through so many ups and downs, and I don't know...I don't know if I could see you breaking down like that other time you saw him and Ryan together..." Sarah mentioned lamely, her voice trailing off into the distance. Alice sipped at her glass of water, and shrugged.

"Well...I actually came on by to see if you had Spencer's number on you? That and you need to be on set by 11 am. Which is and a half hours."

"Why would you want Spencer's number?" Alice asked suspiciously. She waggled her eyebrows at her friend, who just blushed abnormally, and snapped, "I just need it, alright?"

"Okay...Whatever you say." Alice murmured, and went to fetch her cell phone from the countertop. When she found his number and gave it to her, they exchanged brief goodbyes, as Alice mentioned: "You know he has a girlfriend, right?"

"...Since when?"

"Since...I don't know. Good question," Alice mused aloud. She could have sworn she heard a very upset Sarah exit her trailer, but she didn't bother chasing her friend down.

Before she even had the chance to walk over to her small futon and begin to watch the morning cartoons, her door opened again with a bang. Alice's head nearly spun 360 degrees at the shock that gave her. "Honey, I have breakfast." Brendon sang merrily. "Isn't it, 'honey, I' m home'?" Alice asked curiously as she ambled over to look at the food Brendon bought. Brendon merely shrugged, and gave a lopsided smile. "I don't know...does it really matter what I say? Except that I lov-"

"Oh, you got waffles. I even have a toaster?" Alice interjected quickly. She liked him, but saying those three little words were a bit on the risky side...

"I think I have one in my trailer if you don't have one...But shouldn't you have one underneath your sink?" Brendon asked, before rummaging through her cupboard to locate a toaster. They finally managed to find one, though, and they munched on waffles with butter spread over the top. Brendon had his breakfast with coffee and syrup over his waffles as well. "You're going to be so hyper this morning," Alice told him softly, and shook her head. Brendon grinned like a madman, and asked, "Isn't that what you love about me?"

"Maybe," Alice mused aloud again, before Brendon pouted in a very puppy-dog fashion.

At 9 am, Brendon had to return to his trailer. He had to be on set at 9:30 am that day, and he hadn't even changed clothes since the night before. Alice had been left to 'defend the fortress and herself' until 11 am, as Brendon put it. So Brendon slowly slipped off his jeans to put on a new pair, but didn't follow through entirely because Derek hammered his door down.

"Where are you? I said I wanted you on set at..."

"Nine thirty?" Brendon asked.

"Oh...wait...yeah. Sorry about that." Derek apologized, and backed out of the actor's trailer. Brendon sighed heavily, and leaned against his trailer wall. Alice. Acting. Singing. His band. Alice. Sex. Alice's dark brown hair...Shower. Alice. Sex.

Why were his thoughts oh-so-repetitive? He didn't even know. Brendon put himself together, and headed down to the set with a couple of his co-actors.

"You guys are awfully close, no?" Geets asked Brendon while Derek was arguing with the camera man. Brendon turned his attention from Alice, who was sitting next to Derek, falling asleep, to Geets who was beside him. "Huh?...Yeah...I mean...No?" He half-answered, half-asked. Geets smiled dryly, and went back to looking at the script in her hands.

"I guys are really good friends." She rephrased the sentence. Brendon nodded at that. "Yes...we're...friends."

"Nothing more?" Geets asked Brendon suspiciously. "Nothing more," Brendon echoed vacantly, as if he had just been shot in the temple and was forced to say something he didn't want to say. "Hmm," Geets hummed, and went back to her script. Brendon didn't know what was wrong with him. It wasn't like him to think something through before saying it. Usually, he just spoke his mind. Usually, he would just say, 'Hell yeah, she's my girlfriend.' So why did he just explain they were 'just friends'? And 'nothing more'?

"I don't know." Brendon mumbled to himself. "Huh?" Geets asked, and looked up from her script eagerly. "Nah, nothing," Brendon replied softly, and rubbed his temples. Geets rubbed her friend on the back. "It's okay, you'll be fine."

"Geets?" A girl with long, honey-brackish hair suddenly swept onto the set with grace and a bubbly tone to her voice.

"...Elizabeth!" Geets chirped, and ran over to her friend. Brendon was confused, and looked at the two girls, who were hugging each other happily. "Who is she?" Brendon whispered to a co-actor near him. The co-actor just shrugged, and mumbled, "Beats me."

"Brendon...Brendon, this is like my best friend...her name's Elizabeth Schultz. Most of us just call her Beth, though. Don't we?" Geets smiled at her friend. Beth nodded, and gave a wide grin. "Are you...Brendon...Urie?" She asked tentatively.

"Who are you?" Derek asked-or shouted-from his director's chair. He obviously posed the question towards Elizabeth. "She's my friend!" Geets shouted from her place on set. Brendon wanted to plug his ears with earplugs-hell, the girl could yell!

"Get her off set! Remember what I said with inviting people on set unless-"

"Dude, you better get out while you can. This guy's psycho sometimes." Geets whispered to her friend violently. Elizabeth nodded, and walked out from where she came. "NOW are you ready to-"

"Yes, I'm ready. Are we gonna be slated now?" Geets asked monotonously. Brendon looked from Geets to Derek to...Alice...

"I just wish there was something more to life....something more to life...hello? Something more to life!" Geets nearly yelled at Brendon. Oops. Are we rolling? Did we already start filming?

"Brendon! Can't you focus for one moment?" Derek shouted angrily at the young singer/actor. Brendon saluted Derek. "As you say, Mr. Director."

"Okay, from the top...again." Derek said tiredly to the cameraman.



"...So...what are we, exactly?" Brendon asked as his large hand wrapped around Alice's small one. It was nearly midnight, and after the two were hanging around Brendon's trailer for awhile, he decided to walk her back to her trailer. She told him that they shouldn't 'risk it' that night, in case someone 'caught them together'. Of course, Brendon didn't protest, but he couldn't think of..

"I don't want to call us lovers." Alice decided slowly, as she stepped up into her trailer. She turned around to look at him closer. "But I don't want to call us 'just friends' either."

Brendon gulped. Didn't he just use that term about them today when he was talking to Geets...?

"So...I guess we're close friends?" Brendon asked tentatively. Alice smiled, and tapped his nose. "I guess you could say that..." Brendon and Alice smiled at one another, and went in to nuzzle against one another's necks.

But all too soon, they heard a trailer door slam and a car engine turn on. The two jumped apart from each other, and laughed nervously. "Tomorrow!" Brendon waved, and ran off to his side of the parking lot where his trailer was. "Bye," Alice whispered, almost to herself. When she got into bed, she collapsed with fatigue. It was a long day.


Brendon awoke early the next day and walked onto the set with his hair mussed up. "Alice?" He asked Alice, sitting in her usual seat beside the director's chair. The girl who had turned around to half-ask, "She's not here?" indicated to Brendon that...she wasn't there. To which Brendon swore profusely under his breath. Derek looked at the miserable Brendon, and said, "I heard she had to run some errands. Go get your makeup done..."

Brendon looked behind him at his very angry makeup artist, who was tapping her foot. "'s halfway done.." Brendon murmured the lie embarrassedly. Derek shooed him away, telling him, "Go get it done! Quickly! You and Geets are on in four minutes." As Brendon ambled his way back into the makeup room with his furious makeup artist, who complained she now had no time to perfect the two pimple spots on his face. He kept thinking about Alice, and even the makeup artist couldn't put a downer on his mood.

"You're done." His makeup artist grumbled.

"Where's my old makeup artist?" He asked, a bit annoyed at the tone of voice the new girl was using on him.

"She's at her aunt's funeral. She'll be back next week." The girl told him informatively as she packed up the brushes and pots of eyeshadow and makeup.

Brendon managed to put Alice out of his mind entirely, immersed in his mad acting skills. The day was going to be good, with Derek complimenting him over and over with the way he was interacting with Geets. He even saw Spencer and Sarah in the corner of his eye nudging each other and watching Brendon on the set. Even better, Jon swung by to hang out with him during lunch, and he was even 'allowed' to have a Red Bull. On the way back on the set after lunch, he bought a huge bouquet of red carnations and left them on the steps of Alice's trailer. Now how much more suave can I get than that? He thought to himself happily. There was nothing wrong with his behavior.

He was just notoriously infatuated with Alice.
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