Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The True Story Of: The Demolition Lovers


by WynonaKing90 3 reviews

just read. sorry i haven't updated in a while.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-05-10 - Updated: 2007-05-11 - 643 words

Eventually i said good-bye to Starr, giving her a hug before stepping onto my train. As the train departed, i looked out the window, watching Starr get smaller and smaller into the distance.
'Frankie!! Frankie!! Did you hear??' Bob shouted as he walked into the Eyeball Records building. Frank was making some demos for his band, 'Pencey Prep' as Bob introuded durring the recording of, 'Killing Spree'.
'Fuck it, Bob!!! We just got that part down, and then your fat ass...' Frank started, pissed. Bob interupted Frank's angry ramblings.
'Frank...Gerard might be fuckin dead,'
There was a silence, until Frank, as if the thought just processed in his mind, said,
The T.V was on at the Way household, turned to Channel 24. All the regular programs were held off so that this 'special boradcast' could be played. Even Mikey's favortie Tom And Jerry show was delayed because of this report. The news anchor with the perfect hair and make-up called it 'the tragic affair of 9/11' as the banner at the bottom of the screen said, 'We Delay this program for a specail report...'
'Oh my fucking...' Mikey started.
'Watch your mouth!' Donna (Mikey's mom) snapped.
'Sorry...but, ma, Gerard could be dead. His train...'
'We know!!!!' Donna shouted. She didn't handle tradgedy very well.
'Has Gerard called to say he is okay, or anything?' Ray asked worridly, his eyes plastered on the T.V. The news anchor was now showing photage of the damage the plane caused on the two towers.
'No,' Mikey replied, gravely.
'Have you tried calling him?' Frank asked.
'Yeah, he won't pick up his phone,' Bob replied, grimmly.
'Uh, Starr, have you heard?' ZeZay asked, his shades on, even though it was 8:00 in the fucking evening and the sun wasn't even out.
'Heard what?' She answered, leaning on the brick wall, cigarette in hand. '...heard you can hook me up?' she asked.
'I'm no expert,' he said with a grin, '...but i say someone needs to cut it back a bit,'
'Ah, what are you, my father?'
'No, but im not going to prison cause you can't handle your coke well,' he replied, leaning on the wall next to her.
'Aw, fuck it, Ze, what did you come to tell?' she asked, handing the cigarette over to ZeZay. He took a puff, and let his shades fall down to the tip of his nose. He looked over the lenses to face her.
'Dontcha read the fucking papers?' he asked.
'I can't fuckin read,' she mummbled bitterly. 'Well, at least not that good,'
ZeZay chuckled as he handed her cigarette back.
'That was my fuckin last one...' Starrr complained as she squished the left over fag under her shoe.
'A plane crashed into the twin tower...killing tons and tons of people. Something about terrorists...' he stopped in mid- sentence. 'Hey, dollface, you wouldn't happen to have my payment from the last pound i gave ya, would you?'
Starr shook her head. 'What else happened? Where are the twin towers...'
'Doll, you know if you don't have my money, im gonna have to send some men for you. Luckily your pretty...' he studied her for a second, his dark brown hand caressing her arm. She quickly moved away. He then smiled.
'You better get used to that, dollface. Cause if you don't get my money, some very bad men...' he stopped to lean his face close to her ear as he whispered, '...are gonna be a little more friendlier than you'd like...' he pulled away from her face, then returned to a normal volume, ' have my money by tommorow at noon, dollface' With one last smile he left the alley.
'What the fuck are terrorists?' Starr asked herself after ZeZay (her supplier) left. Suddenly, she wished she wasn't on the streets, but in school.
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