Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The True Story Of: The Demolition Lovers


by WynonaKing90 2 reviews

gerard goes off to new york to work for the cartoon network. he has his douts. in the train station he meets up with 'her'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-24 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 893 words

I had stolen some hair dye from the convenience store across the street from that 'Eyeball Records' place. It kind of gave me a excuse to run into Gerard. His brother, Mikey, worked there, so, Gerard was sometimes seen hanging around this area. After sneakily hiding the box of black hair dye in my coat, i rushed out the convenience door, trying not to look suspicous. As I got outside, un caught, a wave of relief went over me. Shop lifting was always my tool to survive, but each time i felt guilty. Besides, i didn't really NEED hair dye. As I walked around the 'eyeball records' building (it was more of a typical jersey house), I did not spot Gerard. I had not seen him around the alley since that rainy evening. It had only been a week, but I missed the motherfucker. I couldn't even tell you why. was the way he seemed like he cared, actually cared, when you talked. Or may-be it was that greasy jet black hair, always hanging over those gorgeous hazel eyes of his. But, after living on the streets for 6 months, I learned not to get too attached.
'We are gonna miss ya,' Matt said as he gave Gerard a pat on the back.
'Yeah,' Frank added as he gave his friend a huge kiss on the lips.
'Ohhh, Frank. I'm coming back just for those kisses of yours,' Gerard joked.
'they are always here waiting,' Frank laughed.
'Well, I guess I should get to the train station. Don't wanna miss my ride,'
Ray gave Gerard one last hug as he departed from his little New Jersey home.
'Wait! Wait!,' Mikey yelled as he raced after his brother, Gerard. He stopped and turned around.
'You forgot your drawings,' mike handed him a huge bag, filled with super heroes for the 'Cartoon Network'
'Oh, god. Thanks. Can't leave without these pieces of shit,' Gerard mumbled bitterly as he light up yet another cigarette.
All the guys looked confused.
'I thought this is what you always wanted to do,' Ray said, wondering why Gerard just called the drawings he worked on for months, 'pieces of shit'.
'Yeah, I do. I dunno ya guys. See ya in a couple weeks may-be more,' Gerard said, pulling up a small smile. He then took a long drag.
'Yeah. Don't let us down, Gee,' Mikey said, a worried look in-printed on his face. He hated it when his brother got so fucking bitter. After saying their last good-byes to his parents and friends, Gerard headed towards his car.
'Good luck with the cartoon network!' Donna(his mother) shouted after him.
'Thanks, i'll need it,' gerard thought to himself, as he drove off, scared shitless.
When I finally arrived at the trainstation (AKA: shelter for the homeless), I checked to see if my train was to be on time. I hoped for a delay. I don't even know why. Something in my gut told me I shouldn't go and work for 'Cartoon net,' but, I knew I had to. I couldn't live in my mother's basement for the rest of my life. As I checked the time schedule, I found there was to be a 15 minute delay on my train. I frowned and then hauled my luggage over to a bench, waiting for my ride.
'Hi, Gee. Haven't seen you around the alley lately,'
I recognized that slow sultry voice. It was Starr.
'Hello Starr,' I said as I turned my head to face her.
'What is a pretty face like yours doing around a place like this?' Starr asked as she scooted closer to me on the bench. So close, I could smell the nicotine in her breath. I smiled at the familiar scent.
'I dunno, doll. You like this game, dontcha?'
She smiled, then layed her head on my lap. I could tell she was exaughsted, the black rings around her eyes were dark. Then I noticed, so was her hair. Shen must have dyed it black. What a shame, i loved her beautiful locks of blonde.
'Kiss me,' she mummbled. I looked down on her heart shaped face, her eyes were closed, and her body seemed weak.
'You want me to kiss you?' Gerard asked. She opened one eye and nodded.
'Will my prince of gloom please save me with a kiss?' she asked, smiling at her own words. I nodded, and kissed her forehead.
'Awwww, thanks Gee.'
There was a pause. I thought she may have fallen asleep on my lap, but then i heard her talk.
'So, where are ya heading anyway?'
'New York,'
'I got a job as an illustrator,'
'I didn't know you draw,'
'Now you do,'
'Why didn't you really kiss me,'
i laughed. 'I did really kiss you,
'No, hun. I mean on the lips,'
I paused and looked at her, studying her features. I wanted her. I wanted her so bad, but, i knew 'a boyfriend' isn't what she needed at the moment.
'I dunno, I guess im scared of you,' She opened her once closed eyes and sat up.
'Thats funny. Most people are,'
eh, not really impressed with this chapter.
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