Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Hate My Life


by clutsy_93 3 reviews

the plan to meet my chemical romance, and shopping with kim

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [V] - Published: 2007-05-12 - Updated: 2007-05-12 - 1592 words

Kim and I were waiting for Alan to arrive but he was 10 minutes late, we were discussing a plan to get me to go to the airport to meet them.
"Claire,how about toy go to the wedding and then during the ceremony we take you to the airport, i'm sure you can call them and tell them you might be a bit late because of your mum's wedding?"
"maybe, but first i dont have there number, they are meant to be sending the details to me tomorrow, and i have to get the mail before Kyle does"
"i'm sure Alan can get it for you,as the postman comes at 2:30 and Alan has his car"
"but he has school"
"Claire, i am in senior year, i can leave when i want too, and if its to help my sister get out of this shitty hole and for her to meet her idols i will"
"why are you guys helping me, i mean i'm really thankful that you are, but your not normally this nice"
"okay, we didnt want to tell you this, we heard Kyle yelling at you last night, and we still beleive you a virgin"
"no guy can sleep with you and then leave,and if they ever did,i would hunt them down and bash the shit out of them"'the one bonus having an older brother he will always look out for me'
"aww, thank-you" we were all in a group hug, when Kim pulled out,
"okay,now we need to get back to our game plan"
Alan and i were just giggling at Kim,
"what?" she pulled the most funniest faces when she was confused,angry or scared
"its just your face, you pull the funniest faces"
"SHUT UP ALAN!" kim and alan were just yelling at eachother and we starting to draw attention to our table,
"guys" no-one was listening
"GUYS!" they both stopped yelling and noticed that someone was talking and that someone was me,
"sorry to say this and i am going to regret it, but i will just go to the wedding and forget about meeting them"
"OH MY GOD, dont be pussy you are going to meet them, its your long life dream"
"i hate it when your right Kim"
"yer, most people do"
"how about we do this another, as i have to go to soccer training"
"okay bye Alan"
"Alan remember to get the mail tomorrow, please dont forget"
"i wont, i promise"
Alan left in his car, and just left Kim and I talking,
"hey how about we hit the shops, and get some clothes for you, for when you go on tour with them"
"aww, cool, i'm in need for some clothes"
"haha,lets go"
We were walking towards the car,and my mobile started going off
'where the fuck are you? who said you could leave the house'
'Kim and I just went out for lunch'
'dont blame Kim'
'i'm not i jus-'
I put the mobile to my shoulder,and i was getting teary in the eyes and i could see the look of concern in Kims eyes,she knew it was Kyle
"give me the phone i will talk to him"
"okay" i gave her the phone she was walking super fast, i was trying to keep up with her and listen at the same time but it was so damn hard, i just decided to get her to tell me when we were in the car,we were in the car and Kim was still on the phone to Kyle, i could tell she was getting pissed
'okay, bye' finally it was over, she started the engine and we were driving towards the shops,
"okay, i'm sure your wondering what Kyle was saying, and i will tell you, but just to let you know ,i will be there 100%"
"what your scaring me"
"okay, i will just briefly tell you what he was saying, he told me to tell you when you get home your a dead girl,and i just kept saying to him leave her alone it was my idea he just said stop making excuses i know she made you take her out and shit like that, and i told him we are going shopping he said okay,which i thought was strange, but when you get home i have a plan, to make sure you can get into room without him seeing"
"i'm getting sick of this,why am i getting abused,its like mum doesnt even care"
"mum is a bitch,okay she doesnt care about us, so no matter what, you are going to the my chemical romance thingy"
"how did we get on that topic again"
"i knew you would probably start saying that it would just be better if you didnt go"
The rest of the way there it was so quiet, we pulled up at our local shops,
"kim i dont have any money"
"where do you think i am,wednesday,monday nights,i'm working"
"oh, i'm sorry i said it was make-out sesions"
"haha,sometimes it is"
"okay, eww too much detail"
"okay okay sorry"
"cool,you dont have to buy me stuff you know"
"well you are going to be gon-, hang on how long are going for?"
"i have no idea, its in with the details they are sending me tomorrow"
"aww, okies"
We walked into Jay Jays, and saw the skinny legs,the punk tops,jackets and the long tops you wear with belts, it was like heaven, i havnt been here for so long.
"okay, i have $100 in my wallet,and i can get some more out from the bank"
"holy crap,you dont need to spend so much on me"
"nonsense, we are going to bra and things aswell,to get some underwear and pj's for you"
"oh my god, new clothes this is too much"
"okay, you have to stop, aww look at these skinny legs, lets get them in black,dark denim and another black pair, i mean how many pairs can you have"
"haha,so true"
Kim looked at me up and down at me,
"what are you looking at?"
"i think you need some new shoes aswell"
i looked down at my converse, they were really dirty, and were starting to get holes in them,
"haha, no maybe, its a yes, what colours to you like, cause while your trying your clothes on, i can get some for you"
"i like low tops and high tops, so maybe black high tops,and green low tops"
"okay, well choose your clothes here and go try them all on, and i will go get your shoes"
I chose the skinny legs that Kim showed me, and grabbed loads of tops but i didnt need to try them on because i knew my size, the skinny legs were awesome and fitted good, i walked out the change room with a pile of clothes, some teenagers kept looking at me, i just gave them an evil glare and met Kim at the register,
"god, thats not enough clothes"
"come on, yes it is, after this can we go to bra and things, i'm so tired"
We payed for our stuff at Jay Jays and walked our way to bra and things,
"hey i got the colours that you wanted , in shoes"
"so, you are gonna want winter and summer pj's,and i shall let you choose your underwear"
"awww, look at these matching snoopy bra and underwear,you have to get these"
"any louder Kim, i dont think the store clerk heard you"
"oh sorry"
We walked of bra and things,and we had so many bags, it wasnt a joke,i have no idea how we were gonna get them into the house,
"Kim, how are we gonna get all these bags into the house"
"i can say they are mine, i mean come on, when i go shopping i by the whole shopping centre"
"then i can just quickly shove them into your room,and you can pack and do what ever you want with them"
"haha, thank you"

We arrived at the front of the house, Kyle's car wasnt there but it could've been in the garage, who knows.
"okay, i shall unlock the door and let you run into your room,i will knock on your door and quickly give you your shopping"
We were walking towards the door, and Kyle pulled up, kim ran and unlocked the door for me,Kyle was getting out of his car and Kim quickly gave me my shopping and told me to run, i did as she said
"Kim i left my phone in your car"
"dont worry i will get it for you, now go, before he catches you"
I was sprinting up the stairs, bloody hell i did quite a fair bit of shopping, i was in my room and quickly locked my door, and put a chair under the handle, now no one was getting in, i placed my shopping on my bed, and heard Kyle pounding at the door and screaming, i decided to take matters into my own hands and put my stereo on full, so i couldnt here Kyle anymore. I felt so relaxed i got my scissors out and cut of all the tags from my clothes and started to pack, i was so excited.

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