Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Original Prankster

Covert and Overt

by BlueTawney 2 reviews

Nicotine and midnight rendezvous'

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor - Published: 2007-05-14 - Updated: 2007-05-14 - 4395 words

Chapter 8 - Covert and Overt

It was half 12 when the bus pulled into the next rest stop and I heard Ned, the driver, go to his bunk.

I was now on my fourth hour of Super Mario bro's. The classics never die, although my Gameboy batteries were about to. After spending all night hiding from those bozo techs in my bunk, I was in desperate need for fresh air. And a cigarette. I grabbed a hoodie and sat on the edge of my bunk. I can't go out the bus door; the pneumatics will probably wake someone.

What to do...looking up I had a light bulb moment.

The roof! No perverts lurking around can see me and the roof hatch doesn't make a sound. Being on the top bunk, all I had to do was lean out and open the hatch.

The cool night air hit me as I hauled myself up through the hatch, after a balancing act on one leg. Another benefit of hauling amps around all day, great upper body strength. After lighting up I lay down, the cool metal roof oddly relaxing against my back. Watching the smoke slowly drift away in the light breeze I heard my cell beep from my pocket.

Who is texting me at 1am?! Unknown number eh?

I dnt knw u smoked? P

Ok, creepy much? Must have seen me with Leo yesterday. Who is p? P.P.P. Pete? No, surely not. How did he get my cell number? Ok what to say.

Pete? I only smoke when stressed. Syd

My cigarette had burned to the filter in my distraction. Stubbing it out and flicking it over the side of the bus, I went to light another when my cell beep yet again. Anxious to see if it was Pete I snatched up my cell.

The 1 n only. Use a trash can. Bad habit. How's leg? Peter

Ok now this is creepy. I looked across the lot, but all the buses were shrouded in darkness. Ok slightly freaking out now. Where the hell is he and how can he see what I'm doing?

My thumbs flew over the cells numbers.

Where r u? Syd

Saving the number under 'pw' I hurriedly lit the cigarette that hung from my lips. Thinking back to Pete coming to help me yesterday I couldn't help but regret how rude I was to him, or remember how hurt he sounded at my accusations.

Another beep cut through the silence. The screen read pw this time.

Look left. Peter

I sat up and glanced around in the darkness. The sky was clear and moonlight bounced off the top of the metal bus roofs. All of a sudden a blue light shone from on top of a bus. Then it was gone.

My phone screen lit up.

Incoming call:PW. Oh shit. I can't ignore it. He can see me. After one last drag, I picked up the call.

"Pete?" I asked cautiously; looking across to where the light had come from. I could just make out a shadowy figure on the roof. Great minds think alike.

"Hello Syd. How's your leg?"

"Erm, fine thanks. A bit sore. Listen. I didn't really get chance to apologise for yesterday. I reall-"

"It's fine." Pete interjected. "Really. After all that's gone on between us you had every right to jump to conclusions, all be it wrong ones. I assure you I would never hurt you."

Something in Pete's voice told me wasn't talking about the bike any more. He had the same sincerity from when he spoke about being alone yesterday. It was unnerving. All I knew was the balls-ey front man who revelled the prank war.

"Yeah. But I still shouldn't have attacked your personal life. That was below the belt. I was just so angry I let myself get carried away."

"It was a pleasure to carry you."

Oh my god that was cheesy. I could feel my cheeks flush. Glad no-one was around to see me.

"Thanks." I mumbled. Oh god what do I say. I picked up my discarded cig and took another long drag. I came out here to clear my head. Not confuse it even more.

After a minute of comfortable silence, Pete spoke up.

"Smoking is very anti-social, you know."

"I'm hardly a social butterfly." I scoffed.

"I see you around. All the women are jealous of the way you can handle guys. All the guys admire you and your give-a-crap attitude."

"Mr Wentz! Are you saying I have an attitude?" I cajoled.

"Yes, yes I am. You have a problem with that?" He drew out the word problem, sending a shiver through me. It's just the breeze. Nothing more. Just the breeze. I pulled my hoodie up over my head.

"Oh I do. I don't take comments like that lying down." I replied without thinking.

"Mores' the pity."

I couldn't help choke on my drag. Oh god. This conversation is going somewhere and fast.

Before I could think of a snappy comeback a voice broke the silence

"Syd?" Leo's head popped through the hatch.

"Fuck!" I leapt back from near the hatch at her sudden appearance.

"Don't do that!" I snapped, my heart beating ten to the dozen.

"Sorry, I heard someone talking and thought I was going to find Fra- I mean those losers smoking pot." She replied going red.

"Hang on a sec," I gestured, I could hear Pete's words coming from my cell as I brought it back to my ear.

"Sorry, I have to go. I'll call you back. Bye." I hung up before Pete could answer and shoved my cell back into my hoodie pocket.

"Sorry about that. Just having a quiet smoke when I got a call. Hope I didn't wake you." Sleep was precious on tour, and I know I would be pissed if someone woke me up.

Leo was still peering through the hatch, visibly shivering in the cold night air. "No, I was awake anyways. You coming in? It's pretty cold."

"Err, yeah. Guess it's kinda late." I stubbed out my cigarette and scooted across to the hatch. As I went to lower myself down, I suddenly realised it was a lot easier to get out than in. Putting my good leg into the edge of my bunk I lowered myself down gently, arms threatening to give way. Once I got sat on the edge of my bunk I caught my breath.

Leo was sat on the edge of her bunk, looking up towards me. Surprisingly it was quite a comfortable silence. I wouldn't have thought I would be sat comfortably with Leo in the tech bus a week ago!

"Thanks for kicking Kirt's ass earlier" I spoke up. Leo could have been sacked for that. I'm surprised she would risk that for someone who accused her of trying to kill them.

"For someone who doesn't usually apologise you're on roll." She gave me a cheeky grin. I'll admit, I think I may have misjudged Leo. Even guys didn't have the guts to give me a come back. I was quietly impressed. Not that I'd tell her that.

I saw Leos cell screen flash from the edge of her bunk, lighting up the narrow aisle in the darkness. Did that screen just say Iero?

"You have a text."

Leo glanced down and quickly shoved the cell under her comforter once she read the screen. Busted.

"Anything you'd care to share about our dear little Frankie?"

Leo was as red as an English mail box. Ha-ha.

"Goodnight Syd." Leo swung her legs into he bunk and yanked the curtains closed. After a few seconds I could hear frantic tapping of keys.

"Tell Frank I'll see him at breakfast." I called out before lying down in my own bunk and pulling the curtains shut with a smile.


Lying in my bunk, I tossed and turned trying to get comfy. Stupid ass uncomfortable midget bunks. I'm not even that tall and yet my feet were still wedged up against the end making me feel as if I were in a coffin.

Today had been weirdly serene. I had seen very little of Pete or the others and ended up spending most of the day working comfortably with Syd and the rest of the heads of areas. We packed up in record time and set off early in convoy to the next venue.

We ended up travelling through the night to make up some time and now at almost 1am in the morning I was wide awake, unable to sleep. The other techs had spent half the night smoking and drinking, making far too much noise for me to even considered dropping off. God I sound like my Grandma.

We'd stopped at a rest stop about half an hour ago which seemed to have forced everyone to finally shut up and get some sleep leaving the bus in eerie silence.

I hadn't seen much of Syd since working with her in the day and although we had reached a vague truce, I still didn't think she'd appreciate me bugging her so I'd taken her closed curtains as a sign and left her alone.

My pillow vibrated suddenly and I sat up, reaching underneath it for my phone. Seeing the flashing message sign I flipped it open quickly.

Who would be texting me at this time? Could be Holly; she still hadn't quite gotten hang of the whole time difference thing yet.

Hmm...not Holly, an unknown number. Clicking on 'open' curiously I waited for the text to come up on screen.

How's the tech bus? U copin? Frankie X

What. The. Hell.

I stared at the message in shock. Frank? As in Frank Iero Frank?

Err...what do I do? Ignore it? Text back? Arg.

My fingers began to move on their own, clicking 'reply' and typing out a return message.

I mean it would be rude to ignore him wouldn't it?

Its hell. Every1's passd out now tho. U do no its 1am rite?

I pressed send before I could change my mind. Clicking on address, I added Frank's number under 'Iero' and waited for him to reply.

My phone flashed not a minute later lighting up my darkened bunk.

Glad ur ok. B's snoring keepin me up! Fancy a smoke? X

Fancy a smoke? What does that mean? Aside from the obvious I mean I'm not that stupid. He wants to meet me now?

I sent a text back with no hesitation this time.

Now? Where ru?

A thump on the roof had me dropping my phone and looking sharply up at the ceiling. Surely he wasn't on the roof? O hell.

Dragging myself up out of my bunk I eyed the open hatch in surprise. Stretching up, I poked my head out and nearly fell back into the bus as I saw Syd sitting not 2 foot away from me. Phone pressed up against her ear, cigarette held lazily in her hand.

"Syd?" I asked, wondering what the hell she was doing on the roof at this time of the morning.

"Fuck!" She yelped as she spun round at my voice, "Don't do that!"

She looked like she was about to have a coronary.

"Sorry," I said shrugging, "I heard someone talking and thought I was going to find Fra-"

Shit, fuck and bugger. This is why I can never keep secrets. God damn it now I'm blushing. Again.

"I mean...those losers smoking pot." I muttered quickly.

Syd was looking at me as if I was a crazy person. Which is probably a fair observation of me at the moment. A quiet, squeaky chattering drew my attention to Syd's mobile which she'd dropped from her ear as she'd spun round.


Seeing my attention go to her phone she quickly brought it back up to her ear.

"Hang on." She said gesturing in my direction.

Hang on? Where the bloody hell am I supposed to go?

"Sorry, I have to go. I'll call you back. Bye." She said abruptly as she hung up. Shoving her mobile into her hoodie she turned her attention back to me once more.

"Sorry about that." She said as she moved towards the hatch, "Just having a quiet smoke when I got a call. Hope I didn't wake you."

Not bloody likely. I'd have to be piss drunk or unconscious to get any sleep on this stupid bus.

"No, I was awake anyways." I replied, shivering slightly as a cool breeze whipped past us, "You coming in? It's pretty cold."

"Err, yeah. Guess it's kinda late." She said as she stubbed out her cigarette. Ducking back down into the warmth of the bus I climbed back into my bunk to give Syd room to get down.

I tried not to watch her as she awkwardly climbed back down but as she lowered her legs into the bus her PJ bottoms rode up and I stared in shock at her damaged leg. The back of her calve was red and swollen, the deep gash spreading from knee to ankle. The stitched skin looked sore and angry and the flesh around the cut was already bruising a deep mixture of purples and yellows.

If the accident caused that much damage to her leg, imagine what could have happened if she'd landed differently; if it had been her head or chest taking the full brunt of the hit. How could anyone knowingly put someone in danger like that?

As Syd manoeuvred herself into her bunk I tore my gaze away from her leg, instead watching her face. After a moments comfortable silence she spoke up, her voice oddly shy.

"Thanks for kicking Kirt's ass earlier."

"For someone who doesn't usually apologise you're on roll." I replied with a smile.

Syd looked up surprised before breaking out into a grin, her dark eyes crinkling up at the corners. Her gaze shifted slightly to my right and her eyes narrowed as she focused in on something.

"You have a text." She said, her voice laced with laughter.

Looking down I quickly glanced at the screen. "Iero" the phone flashed at me. Bugger. I quickly shoved it out of sight under my pillow even though I knew full well that Syd had seen the name on screen.

"Anything you'd care to share about our dear little Frankie?" she said slyly.

I blushed deeply and turned away from her. I am so not having this conversation with Syd. Ever.

"Goodnight Syd." I said quickly as I swung my legs up and hurriedly shut the curtains.

Reaching under my pillow I snatched up my phone and quickly opened the text.

I'm outside ur bus. Come sit with me? X

I felt a jolt of nervous excitement run through me but shrugged it off. He probably just wanted some company, it didn't mean anything. Besides after running away from him like an idiot I haven't got a chance in hell with him anymore....not that I'm interested in him or anything...except I might be...just a little...

"Tell Frank I'll see him at breakfast." Syd yelled across the bunks and I cringed.

Ignoring her hushed laughter I grabbed a nearby hoodie and yanked it on. Quietly easing out my bunk, I eyed Syd's bunk suspiciously and padded softly past. Pressing the 'open' button on the door I winced as it hissed open. Jumping down the steps I looked around, spotting Frank stood leaning casually against the bus to my right.

Hearing the doors go he looked up and smiled as he saw me. He watched, his dark eyes unreadable as I approached and I suddenly felt a little self conscious of my attire. I was wearing a pair of fairly short pyjama bottoms and the overly large hoodie hung loosely down to my knees. Barefooted I stepped quickly over to him and leaned on the bus by his side.

"Hey," I muttered feeling nervous and a bit flustered.

I'm such a fucking girl.

"Hey Leo." He replied, "Fancy seeing you here."

God why does he have to have such a sexy accent. I swear my name just sounds better when he says it.

He flashed me a cheeky grin and I looked quickly down at the floor. Loser. It's not fair. He's not supposed to be this attractive damn it.

"I'm...I'm sorry about what happened." He said suddenly. Looking up at him I saw he'd moved closer and was looking down at me, his soft brown hair falling innocently into his eyes.

Slightly confused I waited for him to continue but he didn't elaborate. Why and what was he apologising for? The prank? Or the kiss? Not that it really mattered I suppose. I deserved the prank really and the kiss...I should be the one saying sorry not him.

Frank seemed to be waiting for a reply and so I answered based on the assumption that he was talking about the lighting prank.

"Don't be," I said meeting his eyes, "I seem to attract trouble."

"Are you saying I'm trouble?" He asked with a mock hurt face, I couldn't help but smile.

"O yes," I replied, "You're definitely trouble Mr Iero."

"Mr Iero." He said cheekily, "I would say that's my dad's name but it sounds hot when you say it."

I swear he likes to make me squirm. Time for a subject change methinks....

" did you get my number?" I enquired as I slid down to the floor.

"I have my ways." He replied mysteriously as he sat down next to me.

Hmm. I'm not sure I like that answer much.

Crossing my legs I shifted into a more comfortable position and tilted my head back against the cool metal of the bus. It was so quiet, peaceful even. Such a contrast to the noise and energy I'd had to put up with all day.

"Smoke?" Frank asked, breaking my train of thought. He was holding out his packet to me and I took one, placing it gently in my mouth. Frank lit up one of his own and I held out my hand for the lighter.

He shook his head, a sly grin on his face and gestured for me to move closer. What's he up to now? If I move any closer I'll be in his lap...

Cupping the lighter in his hand, he tilted into me and I eyed him warily. Pressing against me gently he lit up the cigarette between my lips, his face close to mine, our eyes fixed on each other.

They were so beautiful. A deep hazel with flecks of light amber that glittered softly as the lighter flickered in the darkness. They were mesmerising and I couldn't look away. He still hadn't moved back and I found myself staring at him, my cigarette long forgotten.

He looked hesitant. Glad I wasn't the only one.

I'd made assumptions about Frank that I couldn't help but regret. It would make this strange and haunting attraction that I felt for him that much easier to handle if we didn't have the 'Prank War' barrier between us.

He let the half smoked cigarette fall from his hand and stubbed it out. Reaching for mine he repeated the process. I watched him curiously as he anxiously fiddled with his hands and shifted uncomfortably.

"I really like you Leo." He stated suddenly then seemed to cringe at his own cheesiness. Shaking his head he smiled and looked up at me shyly from beneath his long side swept fringe.

I like you too...

I couldn't say it though. I wanted to but I just couldn't. In situations like these I can never find the words; which is probably why I usually end up alone.

I didn't want to let Frank go though. We didn't know each other that well but I realised at that moment that I definitely wanted to.

His face had fallen at my moment's hesitation and I heard him sigh softly, his eyes once more tinged with hurt and frustration.

Just do it. For once in your life actually take a chance and go for it.

O fuck. He's getting up. Shit.

Frank stood up, giving me a sad smile as he brushed himself off and began to walk away.

No! Don't leave. I shot up and he stopped suddenly as I grabbed hold of his hand. It was warm and calloused to the touch and I laced my fingers firmly with his.

"Don't go." I said quietly as he watched me, eyes full of confusion and something else, anticipation...hope maybe, I couldn't tell.

"God Leo," He breathed as he pulled me to him, "You're driving me crazy."

Crazy? Was that good or bad? Like mental patient crazy or cool crazy? O hell shut up brain! Why am I whittling on when I have Frank in front of me? A gorgeous, sweet, funny guy who just told me that he likes me and is now moving even closer with a predatory look on his face.

He pushed me backwards gently until my back was pressed up against the cool metal of the bus and moved to stand in front of me, a glint in his dark eyes. Our breath mingled together as he closed the gap and softly pressed his lips to mine.

For once in my life my brain didn't go into overdrive. Everything was suddenly clear; I liked Frank, Frank liked me, it was as simple as that.

Sliding my hand up to the back of his neck I wove my fingers through the soft hair, drawing him closer. I felt him smile into the kiss as he moved one hand to rest on my hip, the other to gently frame my face. Deeping the kiss, I moaned as our tongues brushed lightly together. He tasted like coffee and cigarettes, the perfect combination.

Teasing the cool metal of Franks lip ring, I nipped at his bottom lip and he growled in response. A low burn of desire sparked through me and I gasped as I suddenly felt his hand sliding up my thigh. Breaking the kiss I threw my head back against the bus with a sigh as he placed slow kisses down my neck and collarbone. Wrapping a leg around him I pulled him to me and as the evidence of his own arousal pressed firmly against my thigh he let out a low moan of pleasure.

Something vibrated suddenly against my leg and I opened my eyes in confusion, my breath coming out in harsh pants. That's never happened before...was Frank a freak with a vibrating...

O over, now I'm just pissed off. Someone's going to die for interrupting this.

My phone continued to vibrate and I hissed angrily as I pulled it out my pocket. Frank stopped the assault on my neck and rested his head lightly on my shoulder, watching me in amusement.

I flipped the phone open without bothering to check the number.

"What!?" I snapped breathlessly.

"What the hell Leo!"

Pete. I should have fucking guessed. No one else would be up at this bloody time to annoy me.

"Look Pete, I'm a little bit busy right now-" I began.

"Yeah Leo I can see that." He said cutting me off.

Err what?

"Is that Frank?" he asked in disbelief.

I flushed red with embarrassment. Pete was could see me? O god I'd never live this down.

"None of your bloody business!" I replied as I snapped the phone shut, bristling with mortification.

Stupid Pete. He's completely ruined the moment now.

Frank was watched me as I shoved the phone back in my pocket with a sigh of annoyance. Feeling Frank lace his fingers through mine I smiled feeling the tension ebb.

"Annoying friends?" He questioned with a smile.

"Yeah." I said with a nod, "Very annoying and apparently voyeuristic with it."

He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"You aren't into that?"

I laughed and shook my head.

"Not when it's Pete no."

Frank grimaced, his handsome features curling in distaste. I drew him to me and kissed him, smiling at the look on his face. It was a brief meeting of lips and tongues, soft moans and thinly veiled gasps of frustration. Hands strove to touch and feel as much as possible.

Aware of being watched, we pulled apart reluctantly, both resting against the side of the bus as we got our breath back.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" Frank asked his eyes hopeful.

I was about to remind him of how busy we'd both be at the new venue when I remembered that we actually had a free day tomorrow. A random and yet welcome day off in-between shows.

"I'd like that." I replied nodding, feeling a happy, warm glow at the prospect of spending more time with Frank.

His face lit up with a relieved grin.

"Great, I'll give you a ring tomorrow then." He said and I nodded once more. Giving my hand one last squeeze he let go and walked away.

I watched as Frank walked back to his bus until the darkness swallowed him up and he disappeared from view. I stepped back onto the tech bus with a soppy stupid grin on my face as I thought about tomorrow.

The smile dropped sharply though as I walked into the living area and found myself face to face with Syd. She was standing, hand on hip with a smug look on her face.

"Having fun with Frank?" She asked, with raised eyebrows.

What is it with people watching me? Her and Pete should hook up and be voyeurs together.

"I don't know what you mean." I said as I brushed past her, choosing the "deny everything" method.

"Yeah right." She snorted as she followed me through into the kitchen, "So you just fell onto his lips then?"

Cringing I slumped down defeated into the tables booth seat.

"You know watching at the window's kind of pervy."

She slid in across from me grinning.

"Yeah well what can I say? I'm a big perve." She replied laughing.

I dropped my head down onto the table with a groan. Girl talk with Syd?

It was going to be a long night.
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