Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Classified: Need Of Help


by MySweetRomance 5 reviews

Gerard finds out something horrible.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-05-15 - Updated: 2007-05-15 - 878 words

Back in the room that next night, the awkwardness between Gerard and Frank had intensified. It had now gotten to the point where they could not even look at each other now, let alone speak. It killed both of them to be this way; they were meant to be room mates after all. However, it was Frank who took the first step out of this private Hell.

"So... Gerard, how's Mikey?" he said, not looking up from the magazine his eyes glazed over, pretending to take interest in what Kasabian's new sound was going to be like. To be honest, Frankie couldn't care less.

Gerard, sat in the far corner, was scribbling on various bits of paper. Words scattered every inch, a deep release of emotion bound to each peice of paper. He said nothing to Frank, but gave him a quick once-over with his eyes and went back to his writing.

"Gerard... I'm not going to deny what I saw today. I'm not going to critizise you, I won't tell you that it's sick, or /wrong/, but I just can't stand it like this --"

"Well why did you come looking for me then, Frank?!"

By now, Gerard had thrown his pen to the other side of the room, all his notes a complete shambles spread out everywhere in the room.

"I wasn't, Gerard..." Frankie lied, hoping that if he played the nice guy just enough to get Gerard to be okay with him again, that he had achieved his goal.

"It was pretty obvious when I saw you standing outside that room, Frank. But I'm not going into that with you now. I've had to start taking my medication double now, thanks to you -- you give me stress, boy."

Gerard sighed, and looked up at Frankie who sat nonchalently on his bed, playing with his black hair and watching Gerard with a hidden smile. God, how he loved that boy's eyes. And although it was undoubtedly disgusting and wrong that his friend was incest with his own brother, Frank was somewhat okay with it -- he didn't know why.

"Come here, Gerard." Frankie sighed, in denial of everything he had just thought. It took some time before Gerard had the guts to get up from his corner and cross the room towards Frank's bed.

Frank took a long sigh, and pulled the older man into a strong, tight embrace before leaving it at that and going into his clothes drawers to pull out his pyjamas for that night. Both boys were startled when a nurse walked in, completely clad in white. Her eyes seemed to be puffed out and a solemn look was pictured on her face.

"Gerard Way?" Her voice was pinched, as if her nose was extremely blocked up -- she was sort of sobbing.

"...yes?" Gerard looked at her with suspicion, eying her up and down to see if he could figure out any reason as to why he would be wanted by anyobdy except Frankie, or maybe Mikey.

"Can I... can I have a private word with you for a minute, please?"


"Gerard, it's very important and you might want to know -- it's not what you want to hear but I think you have the right to know everything."

"Tell me here, if it's that important! Frankie can know, whatever it is, because no one here gives a shit about me!" Gerard was practically shouting now, just wanting, needing this woman to get her moaning rant out of the way so he could carry on writing.

"Gerard, I don't know how to say this..."

"Just get it over with."

"Gerard, people in our lives come and go. People come into the world and then they leave. Some people leave a little earlier than others, and--"

"I GET THE POINT! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO TELL ME?!" Gerard yelled, losing his patience completely.

The nurse was scared half to death by Gerard -- she wasn't expecting this yet.

"Your brother... Mikey passed away this morning. I'm sorry, Gerard."

Suddenly, Gerard felt numb. He stood there on the spot, dumbfounded -- the world spinning by, even though time had suddenly stopped. It felt as though he was on a sudden downer, like the side effects of cocaine had once done.

"No... he was here yesterday, my brother rang me last night to say he'd got home safe. I even spoke to the woman on reception!"

"He went out this morning in his car and was killed in a collision, Gerard. I know this will be hard and you may not choose to accept it, but I just thought you'd need to know that. I'm very sorry for your loss, I'll be in my room if you need to talk to anyone."

As soon as the woman had left, Gerard broke down into a fit of tears and sobs, his worst nightmare had come true. His entire being revolving around terror and fear, he was more than glad to have a pair of familiar arms wrapped around him tightly, being pulled protectively in so he was shut out from all the evil in the world.

"I'm so sorry, Gerard." Frankie whispered, letting Gerard's warm, wet tears roll onto his body and holding him close to his chest.
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