Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Flourescent Adolescent

Like, MTV Huge

by thruthekeyholes 3 reviews

"I don't know if other girls you've been with have made this more difficult but I'm giving you the easiest out on Earth. Just take it. Seriously, no strings,"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2007-05-15 - Updated: 2007-05-15 - 1960 words

"Jen? I'm home. You never came back today. Are you OK?"
Kaitlin had a tendency to come in any place she went like a hurricane. She always asked a million questions she didn't want the answers to, just wanted to ask and that was exactly how Jen liked it.
If she knew, if she had any idea, well...she didn't so that was all that mattered.
"I'm fine Kait," Jen took comfort in the fact that she would never catch the deadpan response and question it.
In a new and different attempt at bonding, Kaitlin showed up in the doorway to her room. She liked Kaitlin as far as she knew her but neither had ever really made an attempt to become anything more than casual friends. They lived together in an off campus apartment while they went to school and happened to also work together. A year and a half earlier Jen had been in need of a place to go and Kaitlin had been looking to get away from the crazy dorm roommate she had. It had worked out well for both of them but they didn't kid themselves thinking that it had to be more than two people who shared space. They didn't hang out together outside of work. They knew different people and had different interests. Every once in a while one of them would come home to find the other one watching a movie and sit down to watch as well but that was really it. They didn't go into each other's rooms for late night discussions on the merits of certain nail polish brands. They didn't go into each other's lives much at all.
"Yeah?" she could only ignore the presence for so long before she had to give in and acknowledge her.
"So, I have a question, and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to but I have to ask."
Jen wished she'd just have asked the question without the prologue. It just built up a tension and a defense that she felt coming before the full statement made it's way to her ears.
"Shoot," please.
"When you went to the bathroom you came back in a different shirt..."
She'd spent the remainder of the afternoon preparing for this question.
"I got sick on mine. I bought a new one from a vender," she relied mainly on Kaitlin's complete lack of knowledge about anything that had gone on that day, including any of the names of any of the bands on the tour.
"Oh, yikes. Lucky you brought money."
Yet apparently not lucky enough to make Kaitlin leave.
"So, I have another question..."
Good God what was this girl, some sort of prelude to life? Just say it and get it over with already!
Jen took a breath and just stared, open invitation to talk.
"This guy came up to the counter today after you left looking for you."
Did Kaitlin not know what a question was? She had yet to actually ask a question. Jen wondered if she should point this out but decided it would be easier to dodge if she pretended she wasn't.
"A guy?" did that have the right degree of innocence?
She wasn't sure.
"Yeah, actually his name is Mikey Way. I don't know if you know who he is but he's in this band and they're actually really good and he asked about you. He said he had asked for your phone number earlier."
He said that did he? Well, she guessed it had technically happened. It made it a lot easier to deny any actual memory of him.
She just wished it were that easy to actually erase him from her memory. Too bad she could still feel his lips on hers every time she closed her eyes. It would be a lot easier to forget if shivers didn't run up and down her spine every time she thought of him biting his bottom lip...and biting her bottom lip.
"I don't know. Guys hit on us all the time. I don't remember anyone special," she lied.
She wrongly assumed that would be the end of the awkward conversation that had included no actual questions ironically enough.
Kaitlin still stood in her doorway.
"So you don't remember him at all then? Kind of skinny, with glasses and brown hair. No recognition?"
The first time she hadn't asked if she could ask a question and two had actually come. That was a character trait Jen had never noticed before.
"Nope," she shrugged as the feeling of her hands in his hair and the sight of his glasses on the table filled her mind.
No, she didn't remember anything about the way his skin felt on hers or the warmth that radiated from it. The same way she didn't remember the way his hands moved from one sensitive place to another.
"Too bad. He's pretty cute and his band is really huge right now. Like MTV huge. If I had been there when you talked to him the first time I would have told you."
Like that would have made all the difference?
"How do you even know all this? You don't listen to any of that kind of music."
She thought immediately that she probably shouldn't have shown any interest of any kind but she couldn't help wandering a little bit who this person was that she had given a part of herself to.
Given one of that last parts of herself she really had left.
"It's hard not to know. All you have to do is turn on MTV and see his face plastered everywhere. Not as much as his brother's by any means but there none-the-less. Anyway, no big deal. Are you going back to work tomorrow?"
The speed at which Kaitlin could go from one subject she had invested in a fair amount of time in to another subject she really didn't give a shit to even get an answer to was amazing. Jen wasn't sure how she ended up living with this person for over a year and never knew that. She didn't bother anything but a nod since she knew Kait didn't really care. It was enough for Kaitlin to finally leave and that was all that mattered.
Unfortunately that only left her alone with herself and her thoughts. She wasn't sure which was worse.

It was an odd feeling, knowing no one noticed or cared that she was clearly incredibly messed up. On one side, no one ever had to know what she'd done. She didn't have to own up to how low she had actually sunk. On the down side, she could probably shout it from the damn balcony of their apartment and not a damn person would give a shit, other than Kait who would probably just be happy to tell people her roommate had slept with Mikey Way of God-Only-Knew what random popular band.
She couldn't escape it no matter how hard she tried though. Whether anyone else knew or not, she did. Yeah, people did that kind of thing all the time. It happened. It was just sex. It shouldn't have been that big of a deal. Why did it make her feel like she betrayed the only person she had on Earth then?
She tried everything to push the thoughts away. She put on her headphones and turned the music up so loud she could barely think and that didn't work. She pulled out her favorite oversized hoodie and put it on hood up, zipping it all the way up to the top and hiding in it, shutting out the world. She covered up under her blankets and covered her head with her pillow and still couldn't escape the way she could still feel the pressure of his body resting on hers and his breath in her ear.
Worse, she couldn't help wishing he were right there next to her still.

The phone barely brought her out of her own thoughts when it rang. She registered the sound but didn't worry too much about it. She knew it was for Kaitlin. It was always for Kaitlin. This was actually so true that Kaitlin didn't even make her pay half of the phone bill.
When she didn't hear anything else she went back to the depths of her own mind.
If there were anything good in the world this would have been in her imagination. She peaked out from underneath her pillow to see Kaitlin in her doorway again and reminded herself that there was nothing good about life. This fact sometimes escaped her and then slapped her in the face moments later.
"Yeah?" she grumbled, using what little hope she could muster to hope that Kaitlin would take a hint for once in her life.
This thing called luck that she had heard so much about chose to bypass her again.
"So, earlier? When I was in here, there was something I didn't tell you..."
"When I talked to Mikey earlier, he asked me if I could help him out and I kind of, gave him our phone number."
That was the most effective way to make a person stop breathing.
"You gave him our phone number? Without asking me?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry about that but I just thought maybe you'd get out and have some fun. Anyway, ...he's on the phone for you right now..."
She looked like she thought Jen might hit her, which was actually a fairly accurate perception of her feelings at that moment.
"Tell him I'm not here," her heart was in her throat.
"I already told him you were. I'm sorry."
In a way that makes no actual difference.
Jen tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat to take the call. She sat up, unzipped the hoodie and rearranged her hair, all in a vain attempt to buy her a little more time before the inevitable.
"Hello?" she picked up the phone and cringed at the sound of her voice, so small and weak.
"Hi, Jen, this is Mikey...Mikey from today at the show..."
"I was there. I remember. There's really no need for a courtesy call Mikey Way. I thought I made that pretty clear. I don't want anything from you."
Even as she said it she wished she could take it back.
"It's not a courtesy call. I just..."
"I don't know if other girls you've been with have made this more difficult but I'm giving you the easiest out on Earth. Just take it. Seriously, no strings," she hung up as quickly as she could, allowing him no time to say anything in return.
She could feel the tears coming to her eyes almost instantly and knew she couldn't stay in the apartment. She had to get out.
She had to get out of her life.

Jen zipped her hoodie back up and swung the hood back up over her head. She picked up her keys as she slid on her shoes and headed for the door.
"Kaitlin, I'm going out. If he calls back tell him I moved out or died or something. Just tell him not to call back again," she yelled as she pulled open the door.
Kaitlin came around the corner from her room.
"Regular place?" she asked.
No matter what they had always said it was important to know where each other were if they were out alone in case of emergency.
"Yeah," Jen confirmed and pulled the door shut behind her.

Please R&R? I just want to know how I'm doing. Good, bad, amazingly horrible concept for a story? This is your chance to be the judge =]
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