Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sing for Absolution

The Truth Burns Deep Inside, And Will Never Die

by akissforjersey09 1 review

Killian and Frank are punished for their love...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-05-15 - Updated: 2007-05-16 - 1051 words

"I wouldn't complian Frank," Gerard's voice rang and echoed against the cold stone walls.

I only looked up at him through narrowed eyes.

"Oh come on Frank! You know I've tried to look out for you ever since I changed you. One thing you know is I make decisions for you based on your well being, not for mine or anyone else. I've tried bargaining as much as I can with the council, but they won't hear it. I'm afraid it's not looking as promising as it did in the beginning," he said, looking at me sympathetic.

Most would almost always judge Gerard as being a mean and horrible vampire, but he really does have his moments. It's true that Gerard had always tried to help me out and make decisions that benefitted me alone. I know that he had tried everything to get me out of this situation, but there was nothing he could do to save me now...I was willing to accept that.

He motioned for me to get up and follow him down the brightly lit hallway and I obeyed, my legs feeling weak beneath me.

I could hear ripping sobs sounding through out the hallway, making me spin around to see where the sound was coming from. It sounded haunting and horrible. It made my whole body go numb, back to how it felt before Killian had ever crossed my path.

Gerard opened a gray metal door, and stepped inside the cool room. The dim lights made the walls look a pale and unnatural blue, the skin of every immortal in the room also reflected a blue tint. I could see every person in the council was here, even a few ancients. My eyes fluttered to the loud ripping sobs and found that it was Killian. Her face was tear-stained and her hair matted to her face. The sobs shook her small and fragile frame as she gasped for air. The council members only stared, not sure what to do.

"Frank Iero of the Divinus Excessum and Killian Parker of Staten Island, you have both been accused for unlawful infatuation with one another and the breech of the Victus pact. This is punishable by death. Are any of the council members in discordance to this punishment?" the oldest vampire, Claudius said, his dark eyes penetrating me, and his pale skin looking a neon blue.

My eyes searched the rest of the council as they stared at me and then moving their attention to a now quiet Killian who still was shaking and looking down at the floor.

The vampires watching her were smirking slightly, almost pleased with how this situation was turning out. My eyes stung with tears that I tried to hold in this whole time. The tears feel in small amounts, each one giving the other time to fall down my cheek. The black I guessed would be noticable to the others as they surveyed me again.

"I would like to suggest something, an ultimatum if you will," Gerard said, standing up.

He was part of the council, but had given up most of his power and now is only used for guidance and advice.

"What is that?" Claudius asked, his platinum hair falling into his face slightly.

"The girl if you do not know is the one our elders foretold about. She has the key," Gerard said.

The moment he started talking, there were grumbles of disdain.

"Wait. Look at her closely. She has something the Untouchables want...she has something that is more valuable than any blood we could ever be given," Gerard said, pointing at Killian.

Some of the vampires' angry faces turned curious, looking her over. A few caught it. Most were still upset.

"It's there! I see it!" one shouted, and more vampires stood up to look at Killian better.

"We can't obviously keep her hostage then, and we can't set her free," Claudius said, contemplating.

"Let's try and deliberate," said Belle.

"Let's," said Claudius, getting up and leading the rest of the vampires out of the room.

I was back in darkness, trying to think only of Frank's face, but it was slightly harder when I was so close now to dying. I knew there was no way that the council would grant me any kind of redemption. I sighed as the darkenss consumed the corners of my mind until it seemed like I was floating through nothingness...floating through a void.

There was a rattle at the door moments later and a cool hand grabbed me, dragging me back out to the brigh hallway. This time I was taken to a dimly lit room, mahogany floors, walls and a marble globe sitting near a bookcase that was overcrowded with books that looked like they were centuries old and the papers yellowing. Maybe an old and retired historian's office would look like this, but it was amazingly calming.

"Killian, sit in the chair," came a voice from behind me. I spun around to see the same blond vampire from earlier. He leaned against the frame of the door and smiled warmly, although I couldn't feel it completely.

I sat down and looked at him as he took a seat on the couch across from me, still smiling and his eyes a dark onyx.

"So as the council sees it you and Frank are going to be killed tomorrow evening," he said, his voice frighteningly even, making it seem like the impending doom was more of a day's wait until we ventured to an amusment park. My eyes drifted to the ground, my heart litterally stopping and restarting itself painfully. I willed the tears back, and lifted my head again.

"But...I was thinking it might be a good idea to see if you had a better way to settle it...maybe you have an ultimatum to bring to the table," he said, his onyx eyes settling on my face.

I stayed quiet for a moment, trying to think of any way to save Frank. It was no longer about saving my own skin; it was all about saving Frank. He had more potential in the future than I did. And then it hit me harder than I thought it would.

"Drain me and set Frank free and unharmed."
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