Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans

The Wedding Date

by CompetiveSwimmaChick 3 reviews

Co-written with TWIINKLESTAR. When Archie's sister requirs him to go to her wedding, he fine. Until some of his friends and him are requested to bring a date. So he goes to what seems to be the ...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 1417 words

Heys there everyone! CSC and Twiinklestar here together, writing one story! WOOT! Now to get on with the story...


"Come on guys!" yelled an impatient brawn upstairs at his six roommates. "You'll miss the show!" he proceeded to walk towards the living room, fanning himself with a Rogers DVD case. Despite being spring, an Indian summer had began to descend on the town of New Olympia, resulting in above adverage temperatures. Appearing at the living room door, he gave a start on seeing his friends five of his six fellow friends and room mates already there.

"But... how did you get here so fast?" the brunette questioned in bewilderment, creases furrowing his brow.

"We've been here waiting for you Herry" a descended leader responded from his position on the larger of the two couches. Beside him, close but not touching, sat a pretty psychic, her emerald eyes wide with innocence and agreement.

Lawling in front of the big-screen television were two fiery individuals, a descendant huntress and purple-haired warrior. Up until this moment they had been fighting - dare we also say flirting? - for the most comfortable and prime spot in front of the T.V. A winner of this battle had yet to be decided, for both had one pillow each and neither was directly in front of the television.

On the second couch of the room sat sideways leaning on the arm the braniac of the group, a dark-skinned boy with a mop of hair in the form of an afro. Clutched at his side was his prized customized laptop which never strayed to far from him. Herry crossed the room and plopped himself down beside his small friend, who grimaced as the couch groaned and shifted under Herry's weight.

"Atlanta, will you put this in?" he asked Herry asked the redhead in front of the television. "I can't." Atlanta responded. "Someone here is sure to take my spot." glaring at the boy smirking beside her.

"Here Odie. Put this in the machine will you?" Herry tossed the DVD, with perhaps a bit too much force which sent his short friend reeling, at Odie. Odie got up and gently made sure his laptop was safe from falling, then walked the few steps over to the DVD box. Satisfied that business was dealt with, Herry looked around at his friends spread around the room.

"Hey, where's Neil?" he asked, wondering about his blonde friend.

"Probably got stuck looking at himself" in the mirror answered the purple-haired boy, commenting about his narcissistic friend.

"Actually, Archie, I'm right here." answered Neil, appearing at the doorway. He opened his mouth to add another comment, but the leader of the group quickly took charge, by directing them all to be quiet because the movie was about to begin.

Neil refrained from making his comment regarding Archie and walked over to where the light-redhead and they're leader was sitting. "Don't mind if I sit here do you Jay?". Without waiting for an answer he gave a "Hey Theresa" he sat down beside her, disregarding Jay's small glare at him.

Back at the box where Odie was loading the movie he looked at he drama behind him, and began wondering if he saw a love triangle unfolding. He glanced at Archie and Atlanta to see their reaction only to see them engrossed in talking to each other. Odie sighed and pressed "play" on the machine, then returned to his seat.

"Hey Herry" asked Neil. "What movie are we watching anyway?"

"Catch and Release. Anyone want to get some popcorn?" Herry asked, staring at the flickering screen. A round of nopes and naas answered him.

"Archie, Atlanta." Neil whined. "Can I have one of those pillows?"

Archie swiveled around lifting up the pillow threateningly and growled. As he started to rise Neil emitted a grirlish scream and got up. "About that popcorn, Herry!?" he called, running to the kitchen.

Archie chuckled and settled down. Then a phone rang. "For you, Archie" yelled Neil a few seconds later from the kitchen. Archie picked up the phone and walked out of the living room. Behind him he heard Atlanta's voice proclaiming he owned her 10 dollars.

"Hello?" he asked into the phone.

"Hey Archie!" yelled a high pitch voice from the other end of the line. Archie recognized this voice as his older 24-year-old sister, Patricia.

"What's up?" he asked

"You never responded Archie!" she said, a demanding tone coming over her voice. "You are coming to my wedding aren't you? It's in less than two weeks."

Archie grimaced as he thought of his sister's card gold and silver wedding invitation sitting on his messy desk. Whoops. He was supposed to respond a week ago. "Ya. of course I'm coming. You should have known."

"Anyways, I have to remind you to bring a girl. You didn't forget, did you?"

"What?" Archie yelped, almost dropping the phone. "You never told me that!"

"I didn't?" his sister responded. "I was sure I had. But your Mark's - my future husband's" she added dreamily. "Your one of his best man's. You have to. So do all your friends. Or at least some of them. I don't want it to look like my brother and his friends are really young. I want you to look sophisticated, and older than you are. Please? If you don't I'll have to pair you up with Jessie."

Archie grimaced as he thought of his sister's petite blonde friend, Jessie. Jessie had a crush on him since he was ten. He'd do almost anything not be paired up with her. It would be torture. "Oh, you can't do that! Don't worry, I'll find someone. Anyways, were watching a movie. I have to go. See you."

"Bye Archikins"

"Don't ever call me that!" He threatened. "Or I'll bring the ugliest and most disgusting girl you've ever set eyes on."

"Okay. Bye Archie."

Archie sighed and placed down the phone. He went back to the movie, but throughout it his mind was preoccupied. What was he going to do? How could find a girl in ten days? But he couldn't let his sister down.

After the movie Atlanta poked him in the side. "What's up Arch? What happened."

"You know my sister's Patricia's wedding I told you about? Well, that was her on the phone, and we're supposed to bring dates to her wedding. At least most of us." He went on to explain the whole predicament.

"Ouch" voiced Odie form his couch. "What are we going to do?"

"It can't be that hard." said Neil. Everyone stared at him as if he'd lost his mind. Getting the reaction he wanted he went on. "We can just pair up together. Archie you can go with Atlanta.

Atlanta made a strangled chocking sound form her side of the room. "What?!"

"That or Archie can go with that Jessie girl." Neil responded.

"Oh please, please, please, go with me Atlanta. I can't go with Jessie. I'll die!!"

Atlanta made the fatal mistake of looking in Archie's eyes, which looked like they'd burst into tears. "Okay, but what do I get out of this?"

"I'll pay you. I'll do your homework for a week. Please Atlanta."

"Whatever." growled Atlanta. "But don't make me wear something ridiculous." She glanced over at Theresa, who gave her a humongous and untrustworthy smile. Atlanta sighed and put her head in her hands.

"But what about the rest of us?" questioned Herry.

"Well," answered Neil. "I guess someone will have to go with Theresa. I can. Then Jay," he said, flashing a smile his way. "I guess he can hook up with a girl at school. Or someone we meet there."

Jay let out a bearly audible growl. Theresa rolled her eyes. "Why am I getting dragged into this?"

"Because," responded Atlanta. "If I have to go with him then you have to go with one of them."

"Whatever." sighed Theresa. I've got to finish packing tonight. We are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow you know." Upon saying that statement, she concentrated on the movie. Behind her back Neil shot a victorious look Jay's way as if to say, "I'm going with her, sucker." Jay sent a glare right back as if he was saying "Good luck."

Archie sighed. At least that problem was over with. But this was going to be awkward. What was going to happen in Hawaii? Only Fate know for sure. And she wasn't talking.

Chapter one. Yeah! Woot!
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