Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Life's True Stories: Crisis

Someone very special

by vaiwandil 1 review

new acquaintances! will Delilah and Julius find out the secret hidden behind a entanglement of love, crime, despair and pride without breaking down? another "true" story

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-13 - Updated: 2007-05-13 - 641 words

Life's True Stories: Crisis

Julius was nervously pacing up and down in his room. What should he tell her? How should he tell her? Just walk over to her and say: "Hi, I'm Julius, do you remember me?"

Scarlett entered the room. "Hey kitten. Did you see my -" She stopped. Never had she seen her top agent so anxious. "You're aflutter, what is up? "

He didn't know where to put his hands and started drumming on the window sill in front of him. Not looking at Scarlett but out into the Academy's garden he finally said: "You know whom I'm going to meet today?"

Scarlett smiled. It didn't matter so much anymore that her Omniclavis wasn't there anymore. Obviously Al had borrowed it without asking her. It was a kind of picklock and he had been moody ever since she had locked away his snack stock. "She's not a stranger to you, is she?"

"No", Julius replied, looking at her. "But this is something ... how shall I put it ... private."

She nodded. "If you want to you can have the conference room. No mics there and you can lock it from inside, so no one will interrupt you. I'm sure you have a lot to tell each other."

"No", he said again. "We agreed on meeting outside the Academy, it's a nice Italian Restaurant." He started pacing up and down again. "If I only knew why she's bringing this boy with her ... what was his name?"

"Magnus", Scarlett replied.

"What a name." Julius said. "Bet he's just a little show-off. Or his parents are just dumb. I mean, who'd call his child "Big"?"

Scarlett chuckled. "Kitten, relax. You're too obstinate. Maybe he's a really nice guy. And if I'm not much mistaken your parents chose a name that means that you have descended from Venus."

"But that's something completely different! I just don't understand why on earth she's bringing him with her when she's supposed to be meeting me! I mean, we haven't met for" He started computing. "For ages, I mean! And I don't even know this guy!"

He finally sat down. "I've got some responsibility now, haven't I? I'm meeting her in a quarter of an hour ... no time to research now..."

Scarlett pulled a chair over to her and sat down next to him. "Well, I did research."

"What, you?" His face brightened at once. "I could kiss you!"

She waved as if chasing away a fly and laughed. "No need to, kitten. So, this is what I found out, but don't hope for much: He's not from poor circumstances but his parents are not what you'd call rich. He did social work after school for nine months and then started studying law. Which he is still doing as far as I know."

"Doesn't sound that bad... or not as bad as I thought", Julius said, calming down a bit. "Why is she bringing him with her, though? Doesn't she trust me? Is she scared? Or ..." He didn't like to think about it. "Is he her boyfriend? It would be logical but I just don't look forward to that kind of family reunion."

She put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. It'll be all right. And now don't worry and get going or you'll be late."

He looked at his watch. Delilah had given to him on his birthday years ago. "Oh, you're right! Thank you Scarlett, for informing me!"

"No problem kitten."

He rushed to the door.

"Your jacket! It's cold outside!"

Julius ran back to his wardrobe and pulled jerkin to storm out again. "Thanks!" he called over his shoulder.

Scarlett still sat there for a moment and smiled. She could understand that he was anxious - she'd be a nervous wrack as well if she met her sister she hadn't seen for so many years.
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