Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is How I Disappear


by relaxrelapse 2 reviews

Sorry i haven't updated in so long! Writer's block.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-05-17 - 287 words

Two months later

"I don't understand this calculus." Gerard bit the end of his pencil in frustration. It was one of those nervous habits I noticed he had. Like the way I constantly bite my nails.

"Move this here and that there. Then add it multiply it to that number and divide it by this number." He looked at me with eyes extremely wide.

"Wow..." Fiona laughed and put her hand on Gee's shoulder.

"Don't worry Gerard. I don't get calc. either. Its Satanic."

"Agreed." He said shaking his head then repeating the process I had just shown him.

"So who's going to the dance thing tonight?" Bob put his feet on the table. Frank dropped his sandwich in disgust and swiped Bob's legs off the table. Bob glared and readjusted himself to where he wouldn't bother Frank.

"I think we all are." Ray said while spooning plastic like macaroni into his mouth.

"Do we have to dress nice?" Alicia asked. She was playing with the zipper of Mikey's hoodie as his skinny arm lay around her shoulders.

"Yep. Its like prom for tenth graders." She mumbled a cuss word under her breath which caused me to laugh.

"Alicia, Fiona, we should go out and shop for dresses today."

"But we'd only have like an hour." Fiona suggested as she braided a piece of Gerard's hair. He looked aggravated by it. It was probably bringing back memories of Chanel.

"Whatever Fiona! I can shop in five minutes." Alicia yelled from across the table. Fiona just laughed and continued with Gerard's hair.

"So its settled. We're dress shopping right after school gets out." Just then the bell rang and dismissed us from lunch to History class. Oh joy.
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