Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm the Kind of Human Wreckage That You Love

Tape Eleven

by x_____ER 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-05-17 - 763 words

Rory sat on her bed, wondering where Mikey was. It had been a whole day since he was here, and Bob said he didn't know where he was. Frank said he took off with some girl. Maddi went out to get some new movies so they could watch them together; she was also getting ice cream, which was requested by Bob.

"Have you ever seriously considered the impracticality of this entire concept?"

Rory let her eyes roll sideways at the person sitting next to her. Their eyes were fixed on the television, a very contemplative look plastered on their face.

"I mean, seriously. How did they get that faucet thing inside the Peach pit in the first place?"

Rory focused back on the screen. She hadn't really even been watching the movie. She had been daydreaming.

"When did the bugs put clothes on? How did they find a sweater with that many sleeves?"

Rory glanced up at the clock on the wall near the door. Mikey's still not home, where is he? She thought.

"And the aunts sunk in the ocean, right? They got out of their car in New York covered in seaweed and dripping wet. Does that mean I'm supposed to believe that they just drove under the water all the way across the ocean?"

Rory sighed loudly; "Yes, Frankie, that is exactly what you are supposed to do." Rory answered calmly. Frank looked at her.

"It's crazy."

"It's a movie."

"But is it too much to ask for them to be realistic?"

"Maybe it's like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, eh?"

"No." Frank shook his head disapprovingly. Rory widened her eyes at the glowing screen.

"I'd be willing to believe it."

Frank ignored Rory and gestured at the screen; "I mean thousands of children are going to watch this movie, and then they're going to think they can drive across the ocean under water and not drown."

"Please, Frankie, no one's that stupid." Rory reached sideways into the bowel of popcorn beside her. When Frank didn't immediately respond, Rory shifted her eyes to him and stopped with the popcorn poised at her lips. He was glaring at the TV. Rory stifled a laugh, "No way."

"Shut up." Frank grumbled and stood up. Rory struggled from her position enveloped in pillows on her bed and followed him to the kitchen.

"You really believed you could drive across the ocean?" Rory asked, a large, stupid smile on her face. Frank stood on tiptoe and reached into a cupboard pulling down a glass. He ignored her and sided past to the fridge. Rory put her hands on her hips, "Frankie." Rory said sternly. Frank turned around and gave Rory the evilest glare she'd ever seen.

"Don't be a retard, Rory." He growled, "That was the first time I'd ever seen James and the Giant Peach."

"Okay, so why the sudden IMS?" Rory folded her arms across her chest and leaned back against the counter. Frank set the bottle of orange juice on the counter beside his still empty glass and sighed.

"You know that fucking book A Little Princess?" He asked, his eyebrows raised half up his forehead so seriously that Rory's barely suppressible laugh struggled up her throat and came out as a hiccup.

"'Scuse me." Rory smiled. Frank rolled his eyes at her but continued.

"Okay, so you know how the little girl tells the maid lady that her doll comes to life whenever she leaves the room?" He looked very perplexed, so Rory nodded quickly. Then it hit her what exactly he had childishly believed.

"Oh my poor, poor Frankie." Rory covered her mouth and tried not to laugh. Frank shrugged.

"I shut my door and stomped my feet so it would think I was leaving, then I would open the door really fast." Frank acted out the little scene, as if Rory couldn't get the full picture without movements. Frank shook his head, "Stupid bear was always just sitting there. I did that for two hours strait one day."

"And it didn't occur to you that maybe it was just a toy after all?"

"Nope." Frank poured some juice into his glass. "I just figured he was really fast."

Rory took a few steps toward Frank, and snatched the glass of juice from his had. He barely got out a protest before she clapped a hand over his mouth. After assuring he wouldn't cuss her out, she moved her hand. Rory gave him a really serious look and sipped his juice. Then she ruffled his hair, "Maybe he was dead."
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