Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It All Started With A Concert...

6 months later

by disturbedangel6 0 reviews

6 months later

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-19 - Updated: 2007-05-19 - 549 words

(6 months ;ater)

"Ok now girls, hereard the list of things to buy" said their mother who gave the list. "Quickly get then and ont hang around, just get home quickly. You know that our relatives are coming. So be quick!" she said and she took a breath.

Melanie rolled her eyes, "Yes mum, we know"

"Ok, quick" her mother said as she pushed Melanie and Shannel out the door.

They arrived at the shops and started getting the things.

Shannel searched for a nicely patterned tissue in another aisle.

Her mother was excited because their relative from overseas were

coming, they only came about 3 years at a time. Secretly her

mother was excited about the realtive's son, some how she thinks

that he's gonna get married to one of them. She over heard

Melanie telling her mum to force him to get married to her
because apparently she likes him. Shannel was happy that her
mother might force him to get married to her but not herself,

she wasn't interested in him anyway. Shannel smiled as she found

it, she then looked at her list, "classical music" she read out

She walked to the music section and walked straight to the classical cds and quickly picked a cd and walked off. She

stopped and looked at some new cds. She picked out Evanescence's The Open Door album and read the songs on the back cover, "Madness" she mumbled.

She put it back and smiled, suddenly her smile faded as if she saw something. She pulled out the cd that she just looked at and looked at the section where she got the cd from. Her eyes widen when she saw the cd that brought back memories.

"My Chemical Romance's new album" said a random dude, "It's called 'The Black Parade"

Shannel put the cd on top of the My Chemical Romance one. "Yea, I kno" she replied back.

The dude was about to open his mouth when Shannel interrupted, "I gotta go" as she walked off.

"How about if I get your number?" he asked.

"Sorry I don't know my number off by heart" she said as she walked away.

After her last meeting with Gerard which was the abortion clinic she explained to her mum that she cleared the problem and that it will never happen again. Her mother have forgiven her but never changed back to her old loving mother again. But the good
thing was that this situation has stayed between the two.

Shannel couldn't stop thinking about Gerard, so she got rid of all the things that reminded her of him including her hand bag

and the clothes that she wore. She continued cutting herself
because she regrets of leaving him, but she knew that he must

have moved on ages ago....

"Shannel, have you got everything yet?" called out Melanie.

Shannel nodded.

Shannel really wanted Gerard back, she really did love him, she realized that, she has also realized that he was different than
any other guy. She followed Melanie who just picked up a music

magazine and gave it to the check out chic who beeped it.

"That'll be $57.65" she said.

Please review or i wont write anymore..... it just goes to think that u guys dont like it....

so long fuckers.....
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