Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden
(#) AlexSanDee 2007-05-24
Oh I really wanted Bob to purr. Great chapter and I'm f-ing Glad that Gee is worried, he should be! Stupid man (Oh no my disenchantment with him is showing)Forbidden
(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-05-24
haha- missing cat's turn her on!...ah, the lies we will tell.Forbidden
(#) cutegirl12356 2007-05-24
Great chapter.....MORE!!....I've missed you soooooooooooooooo much....I love this fucking story!Forbidden
(#) zaberdeenz 2007-05-25
You're back?sobs !!YAY!! PARRRTEHH!! dances like a ninja!ZOMG!
AHEMM.You're back->AWESOME.
Awwww, why couldnt you make Bob purr? the part with Amber making shit up was funny as hell anyways, that would've made it suPRRspecial. yes, im kidding. imagines Bob purring ummmmmmm
ahh, the joy of comforting comfort eating.drools like Homer S great idea make the waitress talk with her! suprising! uses too much !s
Ger-ard then, all worried? WELL HE SHOULD BE.meanielooks ^__^ and ohh, did someone throw their trash to the street and start calling it Lyn? YOu write her pretty bobdamm well, 'cause its so great to hate her. excellent.
still cant believe your back dances somemore
i love it, keep it coming. bossy-voice:D
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