Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > Words of a Wilted Rose

The Hardest Truth to Understand

by KiMoNo-ChIcK 0 reviews

Momiji decides that he needs to find Hatori, but Momo follows him. I really hope you like it!

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Hatori, Momiji, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-25 - Updated: 2007-05-26 - 769 words

Momiji wanted to believe that this was all a bad dream; a nightmare that he would wake up from any second. But as he opened and closed his eyes continuously it was always the same: he sat beneath the table, facing Momo's knees. He listened to the breakfast conversation between his mother and father, talking of what to have for lunch and whether or not to take the train to their jobs today. Momo was once again unusually quiet, and Momiji had a feeling that her clamming up had to do with Michiko forbidding her to play with him. He decided that he needed some fresh air, and hopped over to the screen door. Momo looked yearningly his way. "Mutte, bunny wants to go outside. Can Momo play with bunny?" She asked, standing and shuffling over to the screen. Michiko turned to Kaoru. "Is that alright? After all, the rabbit belongs to Momiji, Momo-chan." Kaoru merely nodded in reply and thought that he would go get some headache medicine after breakfast because of the terrible throbbing of his head.

Momiji and Momo sat on the small patio behind the house. Momo pet Momiji gently, and had gotten him a small plate of chopped carrots to eat. He sat calmly, having let out practically all of his frustration. His ears drooped as he sat on the cold wood, feeling Momo's hand sweetly caressing his fur. Momiji prayed that he would not transform anytime soon. The screen slid open. "Momo-chan, it's time for school," Michiko said, looking down at the two. "Hatori!" Momiji thought. "Hatori will know what to do!" "Yes, Mutte," Momo said, standing up and walking behind her mother. Momiji sprinted off of the patio. Momo turned. "Bunny? Bunny wait!" She instinctively ran after him. "Momo-chan, where is your backpack?" Michiko returned. "Momo-chan? Momo-chan?!"

Momiji careened through the various yards of the Somas, Momo following worriedly. "Bunny, stop! Bunny wait-ugh!" Momiji stopped and turned. Momo had tripped over a small rock and had skinned her knee. Momiji wanted to go on, but he froze in his position. Momo sat up and saw the blood escaping from the wound. Her eyes began to water. "Ow," she whispered, rubbing it with her right hand. Momiji bound over to her and sat next to her. She looked down at him and wiped away her tears. "Bunny, you stopped. You stopped for Momo." Momiji smiled and hopped slowly along, looking back at Momo. She was confused, but he made a motion with his head and she knew that he wanted her to follow him.

Momiji reached the main house and saw Hatori smoking on the back patio. Not wanting Hatori to see Momo, he stopped abruptly and she followed suit. "Where are we?" Momo asked. Momiji turned and nudged at her knees, to make her back away from the house. He locked eyes with her and thought, "Please. Please don't follow me anymore." Momo seemed to understand, as she nodded and sat down.

Momo hopped over to Hatori, who put out his cigarette. "Momiji-chan? What happened?" Momiji stood at Hatori's feet and didn't reply, knowing that Momo was only a few feet away. Hatori sighed. "Alright, Momiji-chan, let's get you inside, since you seem to already be tardy for school." Hatori bent down and picked Momiji up. Momiji breathed a sigh of relief. "It's alright...Hatori's going to help me and everything is going to be fine." "Wait!" As Hatori turned around, Momiji recognized the voice and refused to look. Momo had come out of her hiding place and was standing near Hatori. "Can I help you, young lady?" Hatori asked politely. "The bunny-bunny is not mine, Momo needs to take the bunny back to Momiji!" Hatori spun to open the screen. "I'm sorry, but this rabbit is mine and he need not be disturbed." "But-" Momo began to cry again. "No! Bunny is Momiji's! Momo needs to give bunny back!" She held the bunched up hem of her skirt in her hands and began sobbing. "Because Momo wants Momiji to smile! So please give bunny back!"

As Momiji sat in Hatori's arms, he felt a small sensation within his chest. "No," he thought, "Not now. Not here." He knew that it was coming, but he hadn't planned for Momo to be there. As Hatori stood arguing with Momo, Momiji leapt out of Hatori's arms and ran toward the forest. Just as he passed Momo, there was a loud boom and a small yellow cloud. Momiji had transformed, and sat on the ground, crouching as a ball, his head resting on his knees.
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