Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Tabitha to the Rescue
The End of the Story
11 reviewsAn AU of a Sixth Year AU Story: What would have happened if two liberal American druids had taken Harry to America, before returning with him to Hogwarts? In this chapter, Harry confronts his future.
Tabitha to the Rescue
(#) PerfesserN 2007-05-28
As always, a wonderful tale masterfully told. I think of the theories of multiple universes and think, y'know, somewhere out there, every thought becomes a deed and magic is real.
Reading your stories lets us visit those other realities.
What reality will we wake up to tomorrow?
N!Tabitha to the Rescue
(#) Elfwyn 2008-01-13
This story being a rehash of Rowling's really doesn't live up to your others as far as imagination goes and I was very disappointed that Harry didn't learn any druid magic before coming to Hogwarts.
As well I don't know how Harry's foster parents, the Druids, or Dumbledore could look themselves in the mirror again. Here they knew Harry's fate and yet did nothing to help insure his being alive after facing LV as an eleven year old kid. They had him for ten years and never trained him!
Just what if they were all wrong with the love thing and Harry needed to fight? He couldn't even block the rope attack! And yet they all let him walk blindly into a trap they helped build basically hoping he would live and kill Voldemort with love.
Harry by every right should be very, very bitter, enough so that it could turn him dark. As he said they all used him, even his parents. At the most I would never want to see or talk to any of them ever again--prophesy or no.
Would love to see a sequel where the consequences to the adults who allowed this somehow lost their magic and/or Hogwarts itself did as Harry & company find other tutors in ancient ways.Tabitha to the Rescue
(#) dennisud 2008-01-20
Nice fic and a great way to have shut the door with the first book had JKR done that.
hate to see Luna is alone but still a great yarn!
dennisudTabitha to the Rescue
(#) TxA_GunFighter 2008-07-16
Very good story. I really liked it but am alittle down about Luna. Ya gotta Love Luna.
gunnyTabitha to the Rescue
(#) spiderxing53 2009-03-23
I believe Dumbledore and the others that set Harry up should have received far more retribution for manipulating a group of 11 year old students and leading Harry to face Voldermort while being relatively uninformed of the situation. Earlier in the story, people were claiming they were going to be a resource to help protect Harry and would not leave him alone, even if they didn't directly interfere. And yet, these same people helped set him up and lead him into danger. It is your story and you are free to choose how the story flows, but I dislike stories in which people are manipulated and not all of the manipulators are punished accordingly.
Other than that, it was a decent story... not the best, but better than anything I could do.Tabitha to the Rescue
(#) noreenklose 2009-04-29
Excellent story, sad about Luna, but the rest of it made for a happy ending. You are a very good writer; thank you so much for writing! I'm off to read the next one.
NoreenTabitha to the Rescue
(#) malko050987 2009-05-13
Hmm... not liked this one too much. Well written, but it was almost identical to canon, despite what should have been huge changes.Tabitha to the Rescue
(#) LabRat 2013-01-06
This was spectacular. About the only down I see is that Luna was left alone, but given how things turned out, I can see how that might have turned out as a possibility.
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