Categories > Anime/Manga > Battle Royale > Battle Royale 2: The Revenge


by Saijumi 0 reviews

As Oichi, Hatsumomo, and Tadakatsu try to reach Yukimura and Ina, they encounter obstacles on the way.

Category: Battle Royale - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Horror - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2007-05-28 - Updated: 2007-05-29 - 950 words

Oichi, Hatsumomo, and Tadakatsu finally made it to the house where Yukimura and Ina were supposedly hiding out. Oichi excitedly burst into the house wanting to greet her brother. To their suprise, they were no longer hiding at the house. Oichi frantically searched the house, mabye he was hiding in the back, she probaly scared him. It was no use, they weren't there.

"Maybe they moved in order to protect themselves." Tadakatsu said. "Someone was probaly trying to attack them, so they moved. I know you're disappointed Oichi, but we still have to keep searching."

"I know," she said. "I know he's still alive. I should've known it wouldn't be this easy to find him. He's always making it hard on me."

"We should be careful now that Shuya and his crew are on the island." Hatsumomo said. "What are they here for? I hope they don't plan on killing us. Maybe they're here to save us. Terrorist don't save people, do they?"

"Well, we probaly don't have to worry about other students until Shuya and his gang are dead. We still should be careful, so let's get going. I think it is best that we find Yukimura and Ina before nightfall."

The three made their way out the house and suddenly, they were greeted by the sound of bullets. It was kind of a typewritter sound. The bullets missed the three and they then started to run. Tadakatsu ran behind the girls and looked back to see a red schoolcoat...It was Magoichi Honda (Male student no.8). Where was his partner? Maybe he killed her off when he heard the collars were disabled. That thought soon left his head when he saw another schoolcoat running behind them, it was Noh Maeda (Female student no.8).

The three were almost to what looked like a shrine and saw another figure. They couldn't quite tell who it was, but he was shaped like Yukimura, so it must be him.

"Yukimura!" Oichi yelled as she ran to the figure.

"No!" Tadakatsu yelled. "Oichi come back."

Before Oichi could do anything, the figure grabbed her and took her away. Magoichi and Noh followed Oichi and the mystery man. Tadakatsu followed, but by the time he got to where she was kiddnapped, it was too late, he lost them. He then felt something on the bottom of his shoe and lifted his foot up. It was a small bottle of vodka.

"Who drinks vodka?" he said.

"Yoshihiro, Yoshihiro Hattori." Hatsumomo said as she came walking up to the shrine.

"What would they want with Oichi?" he said

"For once in my life, I don't know." she said.
"Maybe, they're taking her to Yukimura."

"But why were they shooting at us?" he said.

"I don't know." she said. "I hope they don't hurt her."

Tadakatsu and Hatsumomo went back the original way they were running, to avoid the group that had Oichi, they wanted to find Yukimura first. As they were walking across a small field, they heard someone call their name. Hatsumomo looked back and the person looked like Ina Hamaguchi (Female student no.3), she was telling them to come over. They went over to the bushes where she was hiding and found Yukimura also. He was pouring water on Ina's arm, it looked like she was injured.

"Hey you guys," Yukimura said as he looked up from her arm. He looked very excited to see them. He had what looked like a cut on his face and his hair was all over his head. It was clear that these two have been through alot. "Have you seen Oichi?"

"Yeah she was with us," Tadakatsu said. "but Yoshihiro and some other got her."

"She's..not dead is she?" he asked.

"No, not to our knowledge." Tadakatsu said.

"All the bad things I have done are now coming back to me." he said. "I hope my sister doesn't have to pay. I assume Magoichi and his partner are with Yoshihiro and his partner."

"How did you know?" Hatsumomo said.

"We ran into them earlier. That's how Ina got this wound. They wanted us to join them, but we said no. They got angry and shot at us, I think they were trying to ambush us. I know Magoichi wouldn't hurt Oichi, but Yoshihiro...he's a monster." Yukimura said.

"It's okay," Hatsumomo said. "I'm sure she can take care of herself."

The group sat and talked for a while and soon they heard footsteps and a moan and then a thud. Afterwards, they heard gunfire and another thud. Ina peek out the bushes and gasped. She was then pulled out the bushes and Yukimura followed. Hatsumomo and Tadakatsu looked out the bushes and saw the Shuya was the Shuya Nanahara. Yukimura took out a gun and pointed it at him.

"Please don't shoot." Shuya said. "We want to help"

"Why did you kill them?" Yukimura said while pointing to the dead bodies of Saiyuri Owari (Female student no.12) and Masamune Okami (Male student no.12).

"They attacked us first," Shuya said. "we want to help the students off this island. This program is stupid."

"Why don't I just kill you then? That's how we can all get off this island." Yukimura said.

"Please, I just want to help. Can you really believe the people who lied to you and put you on this island?" Shuya said.

Yukimura put his gun down and told Hatsumomo and Tadakatsu to come out of the bushes. He introduced the group shook Shuya's hand and even told him about his sister. Shuya agreed to help and they went off to find Oichi.

Girl #12 Saiyuri Owari
Boy #12 Masamune Okami - Dead

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