Categories > Games > Star Ocean 3: 'Till the End of Time > A Night or Two in Paradise

A Long Night

by silverrain 1 review

Just as the title says. A long night with Albel. His nightmares hit him in full force, and after waking up, takes a little bath.

Category: Star Ocean 3: 'Till the End of Time - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2005-11-20 - Updated: 2005-11-20 - 2716 words

I'm sooo sorry, but this chapter contains three parts, that yes, I did consider putting into three different chapters, so it took me forever since it's so long, it will probably be the longest chapter I write, cause when it takes me too long to write and type for updating, it makes me feel bad.

And I'm really sorry for the lack of AlbelFaytness in this chappie, the future chappies will make up for it I promise!

Disclaimer: Seriously, if I owned Star Ocean, Albel would be mine forever! I loves him so much. Sighs


Albel Nox was fifteen years old in the nightmare he was having again that night. He stood in the castle courtyard, having an intense staring match with a black air dragon, who was much bigger than him. Even back then, Albel had an arrogant attitude. The dragon sat a few feet in front of him, occasionally stretching its wings, over all appearing bored with the pre-ceremony tension. The young knight would live or die by the answers in his soul; he didn't really care either way.

The sun blazed in the sky high above him, summer in Airyglyph then, when most knights tried the ceremony. About maybe a hundred or so people were there, the heads of each brigade and their second-in-command standing by the new king. Arzei had just snatched the crown from his father barely a year previous. A slightly younger Woltar with Reed, Albel's father and Vox, along with a promoted knight that led the Black Brigade due to his superiors death, with a space left for a second-in-command in which Albel would fill up after his failure.

Of course, the nobles were there, some friends of Glou Nox and others who were far too nosey for Albel's liking. It was all politics somehow, something Albel was never and never will be, fond of. They all anxiously anticipated the ceremony's end, to find out if Albel would follow in his fathers footsteps. Though, even if he had succeeded, it still would have been a long climb before he reached Captaincy.

Normally, the knights who took this 'test' were a few years older than himself, but he could already disarm most every knight and even hold his own up against Vox with a rare victory, and was a favorite with the king. (Arzei naturally, denying any such notion.) The only one who always beat Albel in whatever he did was his father. He could only do one thing much better, and he was known for it, but he hated to admit it, so in his dream, that title, Albel the Dance King, did not exist. But that title was completely off the subject, even if he no longer held it, due to his lack of performance since he became a knight.

The dragon blinked red eyes and Albel declared himself the winner of their silent contest. The dragon most likely hadn't known about it in the first place or just did not care. (Most likely the case)

Albel took a couple cautious steps toward the dragon so they weren't far apart and started speaking in a low tone that only the dragon could hear.

"I would bond with you so that we could gain power and use it to make others bend to our will."

The dragon flicked its tail and asked. "Why do you want this power?"

Albel thought a minute on the dragon's question. Why did he want power? Simple. "I wish to show all I can accomplish and achieve, bring about the destruction of those who doubted me." He was so very sick of his father always standing victorious over him, no matter how hard he tried.

The winged beast shook its head. "Whom do you love?"

To say the least, Albel was thrown off guard. He really hadn't expected that question. Gathering his wits back together, he stared boldly up at the beast and declared. "I love no one person. Instead, I love the thrill of battle, the agonizing screams of those who fall beneath my blade, and most of all, the satisfaction of victory" His eyes shown appropriately red as they were filled with bloodlust.

Again, the dragon shook its head, and had Albel been in a controlled state of mind, he would have worried. "Then tell me, young knight," it hissed. "What it is that you truly desire?"

'That's a redundant question.' Albel remembered thinking instead of just giving up the ceremony and living like he should have. "Strength." He answered. Hadn't he said so already?

As soon as he spoke the word, it was almost his last. The dragon's eyes narrowed to red slits as it glared down at the Nox heir. "You are far too ambitious for this brigade. You would only bring it down with your lust for power, blood, and death. And you say you love no one? Your family is useless to you?" Spreading its wings it took flight, though only hovering feet off the ground, while still maintaining eye contact with the young teen. "Then die young human, for this world is far better off without one as wicked as you! Power is not everything, but I will give you a taste of it!"

On the ground, Albel froze, the dragon's words ringing in his ears, and echoing inside his head. He heard gasps of horror from the crowd behind him, and someone faintly calling his name, but they all seemed so far away...He watched the dragon rear its head. Heard running footsteps nearing him and saw flames coming from its mouth, aimed directly at him. He tried moving, but he couldn't find the strength to. The jet of flames engulfed his left arm, bringing to him unbearable pain, as he screamed and fell to his knees on the dirt ground. He just knelt there, awaiting the rest of the dragon's fury, awaiting a death that never claimed him.

Instead of his own screams, Albel heard another's. He quickly looked up, still holding his burnt arm. As soon as he saw his father taking it all for him, he forgot all about his pain. "Fa-" he tried calling out, only to end up gagging on the smell of burning flesh he had inhaled. He felt the flames still, they burned his face, and his legs, but he would live through them. His fathers screams, the flames and pain.... it all suddenly stopped.

Glou Nox, fell to the ground and all Albel could do was stare in horror and shock as he looked upon what was left of his father. The dragon had disappeared, and tears sprung up in his eyes. He grew sick and faint, and tried crawling over to his father, but the darkness took him before he reached him. The last thing he felt was someone pulling him back away from the scene.


Albel awoke sweating and panting, pain shooting up his left arm as if the nightmare had been real again. For a split-second he'd believed it too. However, after breathing in the cool night air, he was able to distinguish his past from present, and laid back down, closing his eyes, willing himself to go back to sleep. Of course, it didn't work. It never did. So after a few minutes of trying the slightly shaken warrior got up, deciding on a nice, relaxing midnight bath.

After grabbing his clothes, the swordsman walked through the eerily dark and quiet corridors of the castle, noticing how he automatically took the route that went past Fayt's room. Briefly, he wondered about waking the boy up to join him, but ended up dismissing the lingering thought, when he wasn't sure what the Earthling's reaction would be. Growling in mild frustration, Albel didn't notice that he'd arrived at his destination until he stood in front of the huge tub. 'Greeton again, makes their product much larger than needed' he thought. But then, when you looked at the -people- in Greeton, they tended to need such space.

The captain set down his things and made sure to lock the door before undressing and turning the water on. It always took about a half hour to fill the enormous tub up, but it took about that amount of time, to take all his hair down, which was always tangled despite the wrapping and always managed to be caked with blood anyway. After that large task was done, he was able to step in the water once it was turned off.

The knight groaned when he sat down, the aches in his back disappearing as the hot water hit him. This late at night, it felt really good to just relax instead of answering to people who didn't deserve an answer.

For example, the knights under his command, who always pestered him about promotions and the like, ever since Shelby's death. (A/Q- did he die?) He'd had full maintenance of the entire brigade, and they were beginning to drive him homicide. He kneaded his forehead tiredly. Just thinking about them gave him a headache, but he really needed to appoint a second-in-command. As much as he hated to admit it, the brigade was really wearing him down, but there was -no way- he'd ever give up his position. But if Fayt wouldn't stay on Elicoor, then he'd go to Earth with him instead, as much as he wouldn't want to. He seriously needed to do something by tomorrow, before they left if Fayt left. Albel groaned, out of frustration this time. Which meant he'd have to spend all day tomorrow doing try-outs. Gods, he hated try-outs. He honestly thought none of them were good enough for the position, but he couldn't keep doing this every day. Not resting at all during the day, and enduring long nights filled with nightmares and no sleep.

It was sad actually, he couldn't appoint any one knight of his that he trusted to not try to take his position in his extended absences due to the king sending him on fool's errands out of country, which always end up being minor rebellions. Tea parties, as Albel termed them.

Arzei was another thing altogether; another person who wasn't bothering him at the second though. He wasn't being given orders he couldn't refuse, no matter how much he disagreed, and he wasn't asking him to take over the Dragon Brigade-his latest question. The knights had been running amok for the past few months while Albel had been on that journey, and they were also beginning to get out of hand with no one to lead them. Honestly though, most of those knights along with some of his own, were older than him, but still acted like children. They had no idea what to do when someone wasn't giving them direct, specific instructions. However, Albel had forced most of his knights to grow up fast, so didn't have so much as a problem with them, but the Dragon Brigade he just couldn't stand. What did Vox and Demetrio ever do to command them?

.............Wasn't he supposed to be relaxing?

'Relaxing thoughts' Albel mused for a moment then shrugged. 'I don't have any.'

So. On another note, Albel actually wanted to throw a party. A festival, in better terms, for once in his life. Why? Because he was happy to live, for once in his life. That's how Fayt made him feel, and he loved him for it. With Fayt, he didn't feel like the scum he kept telling himself he was for the past nine years. And he'd like to tell Fayt such, but wasn't entirely sure if words like that could ever leave his mouth. Maybe, with the festival he had to clear with the king at such short notice, Fayt would get the message without having to tell him. It was a perfect plan, but it needed to happen tomorrow. Not later, leaving Albel zero time to set up.

At this thought, Albel stopped, finally allowing this detail to sink in. He was serious, he really wanted a festival tomorrow, and he'd get it too....providing Arzei was awake right now. This made the 24-year-old stand up with amazing speed, and start draining the tub, throwing only his robe on, and storming up to the king's chamber, completely forgetting his clothes.


Once at the door, Albel rapped on it a few times, impatiently waiting for an answer. He was awake, at least, he could see some light on from under the door. Hopefully Arzei hadn't fallen asleep at his desk. Thankfully he didn't have to wait long before he heard a weary 'Come in' from the other side of the door. The tone used was so tired, that Albel actually felt the smallest bit of remorse for disturbing his king. He mentally slapped himself, and completely squashed it, retaining his usual emotionless mask, and stepped in.

"Albel!" Arzei greeted his most loyal and trusted knight, a shred of his exhaustion melting away. " you okay?" he asked at Albel's soaked form, and only a robe on to help him stay warm. Normally, Albel never had his hair down. It was truly a nice sight to see it so.

The wet figure looked up a little questioning, until he understood what Airyglyph meant. "Sorry." He mumbled but nearly kicked himself again. He swore to...somebody, Fayt was having this apologetic effect on him. Arzei was as equally surprised. There was definitely something with the swordsman tonight. It must be Fayt.

Arzei grinned. "'d it go?" he asked after motioning for the whole Nox family to sit down.

Albel knew he was talking about Fayt. He was the only one he told about it too. Not even Woltar knew. Unfortunately for Albel, Woltar probably already knew without having to ask. It was painfully obvious to anyone who's known him for a long time. He acted so much different around the boy. People could see the man Albel really was when he was around Fayt, but not everybody. Some things would never change.

"He went...uh..good, I suppose." The katana master shrugged, mortified at his own stuttering.

Arzei raised an eyebrow. "You suppose?" he asked watching Albel fidget across from him.

"I mean-well-Yes, it went well. We um-never mind." The younger Elicoorian glanced to the side uncomfortably. He almost told Arzei what had happened in the hall. Said king would probably die from laughing. Albel the Wicked would not be laughed at.

The brunette smiled. "I understand and I'm happy for you. Now, what is it you came here for?"

Albel stopped fidgeting, glad the interrogation was over at last, and straightened up. "I came to propose a festival for tomorrow. To...uh...celebrate the peace on Gaitt." Not really, but Albel couldn't bring himself to tell his king the real reason he wanted to. The young king found a lot of mortifying things absolutely hilarious; but only when they happened to someone else. Like him, for example.

The King of Airyglyph tapped his chin. "Tomorrow?" he asked, not really looking for an answer. "We can try. I'm not sure everything would be set up, and we wouldn't have invitations ready for the nobles....."

"We can just have a few of the Dragon Brigade 'advertise'" Albel input as if he had already thought this over. And in truth, he had. The Dragon Brigade, as he mentioned before had nothing else to do, and the news would get around a lot faster by dragon.

Arzei shrugged, and frowned when he noticed Albel shivering slightly. "Yes, we could. Why don't you go back to your room to sleep? You're freezing."

Albel stood up immediately. "I just wanted to tell you also that I am going to hold try-outs tomorrow for the Black Brigade's second-in-command, and should Fayt leave...I'm going with him. That is all." He bowed slightly, and backed out of the room, leaving Arzei to his thoughts. He mentally paraded all the way back to his room, before stooping mid-step and again, cursing Fayt. He was beginning to notice severe changes in his own attitude. The boy's positive outlook on everthing was infectious. He was really beginning to rub off on him. Albel smirked. He liked the sound of that.
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