Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dawn of Eternal Night

The Plan

by 1KyuubinoYoko1 0 reviews

Oooohhhh, the plot is thickening. What will happen next? Even I don't know!

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-30 - Updated: 2007-05-31 - 326 words

I looked at Merlin with shock, "What are you trying to say? That you come from the past...uh...future...or...AGH! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"

Merlin chuckled with his rock like voice at my confusion, "To put it simply, you are the one who will decide whether this kingdom shall fall into the shadow, or if it will rise to victory. You are the cornerstone in my plan to bring Arthur to power, if you should fail, this entire kingdom shall fall."

I looked at Merlin with even more confusion, "I thought Arthur was already king?"

Merlin looked at me sadly, "Not quite, he is still technically a prince, he hasn't married yet..."

I thought for a moment, 'Why would I be the 'cornerstone' to Merlin's plan, when I don't know anybody from this time period?'

I became convinced that Merlin could read minds, "You are the key to my plan because of something that you have, your knowledge of the future," now I was at the point of having my mind break from confusion. "Your knowledge will allow me to not only send you back home, but it will also give me the power to give Arthur an idea for as to who his future wife is."

That was when it hit me; Merlin was going to use my knowledge of the Arthurian legends to find Guenevere, how I figured this out, I'll never know... "How are you going to find his future wife if you don't even know what she looks like?"

Merlin grinned a grin that could easily put a fox to shame, "That is simple; remember how I told that I practice the arcane arts?" I nodded, "Well, I can use my magics to find any person, dead or alive on the planet; all I need is a name."


Yes, I realize that this chapter wasn't quite as good as the previous four...but at least it's been added!
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