Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > CSI: Across the Pond

Chapter 17

by horsie890 1 review

Chapter 17

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-31 - Updated: 2007-06-01 - 910 words

The trip to the suspect's house was quiet, but not silent. The entire time, Gerard was on the verge of laughing. He couldn't forget the song.

"What's wrong with you?" Matt finally asked, glancing away from the road for just a second.

"Nothing, really," Gerard assured him. "Just laughing at my little brother." Matt sighed and shook his head. They arrived at the house within a few minutes. It had begun to drizzle lightly, but neither of the investigators seemed to notice. Both of them were accustomed to the rainy weather.

Gerard approached the house just ahead of Matt and knocked on the door. A man a few years older than them answered it.

"Can I help you?" he asked. Gerard and Matt exchanged a glance, wondering who should speak. Matt took the initiative, finding it unfair that Gerard had gotten to knock on the door.

"We're from the Glasgow Crime Lab," he said authoritatively. "We'd like to ask you a few questions."

"I don't think I can help you," the man said hurriedly, trying to close the door. Gerard reached out a hand and stopped it.

"You can tell us now, or we bring a warrant later," he said. The man reluctantly stepped aside and let them in. Already they were suspicious. Gerard glanced around, seeing the floor littered with CD cases and old Walkmans. Crumpled sheets of music formed a pyramid around a trash can in one corner. The man found a chair amidst the mess and sat down. Matt and Gerard remained standing.

"I see you're a musician," Gerard said casually. The man nodded.

"Can you tell us where you were between eight and nine this morning?" asked Matt.

"Look, I don't know what you're accusing me of, but I have an alibi," the man warned them.

"Really," Gerard said skeptically. The man nodded and led them to his computer. As he moved the mouse, several small black particles fell from his hand and onto the desk, exposing a slight burn mark on his hand. Matt and Gerard were thinking the same thing: evidence.

"I was online," he explained. "See for yourself." Matt studied the screen.

"It says you logged on five minutes before eight. What is this supposed to prove to me?" he asked coolly. "For all I know, you logged on to this account, then left to steal crime scene evidence that would be against you in court." The man's face darkened.

"I know my rights," he said. "I want my lawyer." Gerard nearly rolled his eyes. He knew the law better than most who claimed to use their rights. The best lawyer in the world couldn't keep this guy out of jail. Gerard noticed one of the Walkmans nearby and picked it up, pressing play on it.

"Hm... The disc won't play, Matt. Why do you think that is?" he asked the other investigator. Matt knew it wasn't a real question, but took the object from him anyway and opened it.

"Well, Gerard, most CD players don't play high-volume DVD's," he explained with a familiar gleam in his eyes. This was possibly his favorite part of the job. "The format's not the same."

"Interesting," the senior investigator responded with a thoughtful look. "Wouldn't a musician know that?" Both of them looked at the man, whose face had paled.

"So far we could arrest you for lying during a police investigation, evidence theft, armed robbery, driving without a license," said Matt, counting them off on his fingers. He stopped to think for a moment. "Oh, yes, and four counts of first-degree murder."

"You can't prove anything," the man said shakily, knowing he was defeated. Gerard resisted the urge to laugh at his reaction.

"We can put the gun in your hand, my friend," said Matt. Gerard finally smirked.

"We can prove anything."
Davey examined the results with an experienced eye, giving a faint smile.

"Nice work getting this case figured out," he said to the two investigators standing before him. "I knew you could work together if you tried."

"I still think Matt's a jerk," Gerard offered with a smirk.

"And I still think Gerard is insane for not liking cupcakes," said Matt.

"And I think both of you are weird," said Frank, who was now standing in the doorway. "But good job solving the case anyway. What was the final decision?"

"Our kidnapper/murderer hired this guy to help him rob the bank, hoping he'd get money out of it," said Gerard. "I ended up shooting him, so we don't have to worry about him anymore."

"So, does this mean we can go home?" Mikey asked, also entering the room. They were starting to run out of space. Davey laughed at his words, and Gerard nodded.

"Yeah, Mikey. We can go home." Gerard laughed as his younger brother and Frank ran down the hallway, singing yet another random song of the Arrogant Worms. He turned to Matt. "If you're ever in Jersey, let us know," he said with a smile. "Newark Crime Lab."

Matt nodded. "I'll see what I can do. It's been...interesting...working with you, Way." he said, shaking Gerard's hand.

"You too, Bellamy. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my brother before he and Frank set fire to something." Gerard quickly exited the room, much to the amusement of Matt and Davey. The British investigator was the first one to finish laughing.

"Are all you Americans like this?"
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