Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Crazed Life With MCR

Chapter Trois

by smokeyozzy 3 reviews

Three blind mice, see how they run. :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-06-03 - Updated: 2007-06-03 - 713 words

ChApTeR tHrEe! Dedicated to punkpenguin and Rara for reviewing and not saying my story sucks! If any of you can tell me where this song lyric comes from ill dedicate the next chapter to you "The whole damn world is just as obsessed with who's the best dressed and who's having sex".
"That does sound tempting, plus she's always been a bitch to me so I wouldn't feel guilty." Pete said. They headed over to where Nicole, Lindsay, and Paris still stood with Joel, Benji, Mikey, Ray, Bob, Bert, and the twins. There were paparazzi crouched in hiding places trying to get a good picture of Nicole, Lindsay, and Paris.

"Hey baby." Lindsay ran over to Pete and kissed him as he approached.

"Lindsay, stop." Pete shoved her off him.

"What? Why?" Lindsay looked at him confused.

"We're over." Pete said.

"What?" Lindsay asked.

"You heard me, we're over. You Are Not My Girlfriend." Pete said. Lindsay, Paris, and Nicole's mouths all dropped open in shock. A lot of cameras clicked, a bunch of flashes went off. Pete smiled, knowing this would be all over the tabloids tomorrow. "Now get out before we call security. This was an invite only event, and I know for a fact that you weren't invited." Lindsay huffed, then stormed out of the hall, Paris, Nicole, and the paparazzi followed them.

"Yay!" Bob said.

"Oook." Pete said.

"So, before they came in, I believe we were talking about how life has been since we last saw each other." Veronica said.

"Yea, pretty much the same old, same old." Benji said. "The only difference is that I proposed to my girlfriend of two years and Joel has a nice girl." Benji said.

"What? Why didn't you tell us?" Veronica asked.

"I just proposed last night." Benji said.

"Oh, why didn't she come with you?" Veronica asked.

"Work, she's down in L.A. doing some photo shoot. Me and Joel are staying here for the week, she's flying in tomorrow." Benji said.

"Okay, cool. Are you guys staying at our house?" Veronica asked.

"Yep, Gerard said we could." Benji said nodding.

"You do know Gerard's going to be gone on his honeymoon for two weeks, right?" Veronica said.

"Yea. After one week of staying at your house we're going home to pack. Then the GC boys and their gals are going on tour with My Chemical Romance." Joel said walking up to Benji, Katherine and Chris following.

"Whoa, really?" Veronica asked picking up her kids.

"Yea, it's so we can hang out like we used to." Benji said.

"Only with less partying." Joel laughed, Veronica nodded.

"Mommy!" Katherine whined.

"What honey?" Veronica asked.

"I'm tired." Katherine said.

"Can you and Chris go tell daddy that?" Veronica asked, Joel chuckled.

"Sure mommy." Chris said, then ran to find Mikey with Katherine.

"Poor Mikey." Benji said.

"Poor Mikey my ass, lets not forget they came out of me. Plus, I was the one waking up at four in the morning to feed them." Veronica laughed.

"I was joking." Benji said.

"Yea yea, Uncle Joel and uncle Benji are going to be babysitters on the fourth." Veronica said.

"No way, nu-uh. You were irresponsible and got pregnant. You can watch the demon off spring." Joel laughed.

"Yea, what were their first words, Vee?" Benji chuckled.

"Hey! It is not my fault their first words were ass and fuck." Veronica defended.

"Whatever." Benji said. "They still are demon off spring." shortly after he said that Mikey came up carrying Katherine, Chris holding his hand.

"Vee, is it okay if we leave now?" Mikey asked.

"Sure, but lets say good bye to Gerard and Chloe first, they're leaving tonight." Veronica said. Mikey nodded and then headed off towards where Gerard and Chloe were sitting.
"Bye guys." Chloe said after Mikey explained that the kids were tired.

"Bye. I'll miss you." Veronica said hugging her, the two had grown close over the past three years.

"I'll miss you too Vee." Chloe said.

"Bye." Mikey said.

"Have fun in Spain." Veronica said, then her and Mikey went home to put the kids to bed.

Okies, only two chapters after this one. This is one of my shortest stories. Please reveiw and try to guess that song!-SMOKEY
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