Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Restating the obvious, Killing what's left

Skipping History, dashing to Vegas

by natzlovesyou 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-06-03 - Updated: 2007-06-04 - 1636 words

Chapter 17

Daniel sat on his desk, his arm trembling from supporting the weight of his head for the past half an hour. This had to be the longest history class ever. He stared at his teacher talking, he tried to read his lips rather than listen to his monotonous voice perhaps that would keep him more awake. It didn't work, though.
It was so
The clock continued to tick and Daniel's eyelids had beginning to close once more. Then there was this insane pounding on the door.
As if someone was going sanatorium-type-of-berserk and was taking it all against the door. Everyone stared at the door, waiting for the teacher to approach it. The fucker took his time folding the tip of the page from which he was making his lecture and slid his reading from the tip of his nose, wrapping them in soft cotton and securing them on their compartment. He slowly walked to his suitcase in which he placed the glasses' compartment safely and retrieved another even more old-looking compartment that held his other glasses.
"Mr, I think whoever's knocking on the door is rather anxious and wants you to answer quickly" Daniel said sarcastically from the back of the room. His classmates burst out laughing as his teacher shot him an angry glance.
"I think I can notice that, Mr. McCracken"
His teacher opened the door and almost got hit in the face as a milky fist was about to collide against the door once more.
"Mrs Ortiz! What a fine way to knock the door, such a lady..." The old man trailed off, in a most useless attempt at being sarcastic.
"Well if I knew you were that slow, I'd pound harder" She spat, slipping behind him and scanning the room for Daniel. As her long legs wrapped in a tight pair of jeans crossed the room to where Daniel was sitting most of the guy's head turned to look at her walk, one even spank her behind. She stopped, took one killing look at him and slapped his face with just as much force as she had pounced the door. She continued to walk towards Daniel and when she was in front of him she threw him his keys.
"We're going" She said quickly, her tension seemed to release a bit as soon as she pressed her lips against him and hugged him in greeting.
"What the fuck? What's happening?" Daniel asked, standing up and retrieving his backpack from the floor.
"That's what I'd like to know Mrs Ortiz" The teacher said from his desk, apparently he had became a bit quicker now.
"None of your business she spat sulkily to the elderly professor, he should really retire.
"Bert went to Vegas. It had something to do with Alice. I don't know what the fuck's happening. All I know is that your phone ringed and I looked at the screen and it read 'Lucy'. I played jealous girlfriend and answered it, thinking she was your bitch or something. Thank God I didn't say anything nasty. It was Alice's little sister. She told me she needed to talk to you, that Gerard Way had just called. She had tried calling Ben but she hadn't had any luck so she tried you instead. Gerard wanted Ben's number.
Kamz called also, said that Gerard had gone to Vegas to visit Alice's grave. I don't know about you but this sudden movement around Alice is pretty suspicious and I know you think something shabby is going on so..." She said quickly before Daniel opened shut her mouth with a kiss.
"Don't say anything else. We'll talk on our way there".
The class stared at both of them in bewilderment as they made their way to the door where the gym teacher was blocking their path.
"I thought something like this would happen, so I decided to call Mr. Perez" The history professor said. Mr Perez stared at them, he really liked those kids and his stare showed just how displeased he felt at the moment, blocking their path. Daniel didn't think twice and headed quickly for the gigantic window with Allison's hand in his. Thank God the past year the school had decided to do his gigantic windows so they didn't have to waste money on air conditioners. They jumped the window as their teacher yelled loudly at them, hollered them to come back and Mr. Perez "tried" to make his way towards them. The class cheered at them as they climbed unto Bert's car and disappeared into the road.
As Daniel stopped on a store to ask for a map to Vegas, Allison dialled Pete's number. It didn't took him long to answer.
"Hey, kid what's up?" Pete said, happy to hear Allison's voice.
"A lot. Well, we're trying to figure it out. Listen, can I ask you the biggest favour ever? But would you promise not to make any questions?"
"Sure. Well, I can't promise I won't. What I can do is promise to keep quiet if you tell me you can't answer." He said truthfully, backing away from his wife slightly before she noticed.
"That's good enough. Can you buy us two tickets to fly to Vegas like today?" She asked hopefully.
"Sure. What fore though. You're not in trouble, are you?" He asked, concern in his voice.
"No, of course not. We just need to figure some things out concerning Alice. On our own. Well, Daniel wants to figure out on his own, I'm only there for emotional support"
"That's fine. I'll call right now and call you back with the information. I'll book you a hotel room, too...I'm guessing you want privacy. I'll call you back with the info, ok? I get it's ASAP, right?"
"Yeah, Thanks a lot, Pete. You don't know how grateful we are right now"
"Sure, kid. Start driving to the airport"
An enraged Daniel entered the car. He slammed the door shut and tapped his fingers against the wheel.
"Can you believe this crap? There's not a freaking Vegas map on that shit hole! Fucking unbelieve!" Daniel mumbled under his breath, completely enraged. He started tapping his feet on the car's floor, leaning his head on the wheel thinking of a solution to their dilemma as the intensive rhythm of his fingers continued.
Allison kept quiet, staring at him deeply, looking at the veins that protruded from his hand's skin tense with every passing second. Then Allison's phone rang, she smiled as she spoke into the receiver, beaming
"So..?" She asked urgently. Pete didn't even let her continue,
"You've got to be there in two hours. I gotta go something's up. Um, you're staying at the Marriot, just ask for the room that's on my name they already know all about you guys. Take care and call at my cell when you arrive. Bye" He said rapidly, throwing the phone unto his bed as he ran to Kamz's screaming.
Allison smiled and nudged Daniel. "What?" he groaned.
"Scoot. I know were we need to go."
"Huh?" He said in plain confusion as they changed spots. Allison arranged herself in the seat and buckled her seatbelt. She stared at Daniel who looked depressed.
"Buckle up, I've already got a solution" She stated as she reached for his seat belt. He buckled himself up with her help and got what she had said a second after she ignited the engine.
"You what? What's on your mind?" He asked as Allison raced into the driveway.
"We're flying to Vegas" She stated simply, giving him an innocent smile as she speeded.
"We're what? Hey, slow down! I don't want to end up dead just yet!"
"We need to get to the airport in two hours and with your way of driving we won't be able to make it" She explained, her sight focused on the road, "And as long as you don't do anything that might distract me like undressing or some shit we're going to be fine" She said, security flooding through her veins as it always did. Her hair flapped to the sides in the wind, she looked so beautiful.
"So how did you get the flights?" He asked, resting an elbow on the windowsill to stare at her.
"Pete. Pete Wentz. I called him. He also gave us a suite at the Marriot" She clarified. Daniel stared at her in surprise.
"You called him? And he did what?" He said in shock. She smiled at him and tilted her head to one side,
"Why don't you put a cd on or something? I'm thinking that mix cd I made, the one that the first track is from Cute is what we aim for" She stated, mumbling the song she was talking about.
"Sure, whatever you want Ally" He said, reaching for the cd on her purse.

"I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

Her bone structure screams
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse of curves
So with the combination of my gift with one liners
And my way
My way with words
It seems I'm too hip to keep tight lipped..." Allison sang, her voice rising in her own way, not entirely following the melody with which the song was written, but perfect in its own way.
"'The Curse of Curves' was it?" Daniel asked listening to Allison's voice rather than the singer's. She nodded and continued to sing along.


Author's Note
I do love that song, it's amazing.
I wish I had a buddy like Pete.
I mean he's hot and he gets you ticket planes and expensive hotel rooms like (snaps fingers together) that?
Fucking amazing.
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