Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Way Home Is Through You

Ch. 2-Meet The Band

by MCR-Andi 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-06-06 - Updated: 2007-06-07 - 692 words

While being left to my own, I realized how bad my right foot actually hurt, and my left arm was starting to sting. I looked at the upper part of my arm and realized why. I saw three long scrapes and one short one from where that creepy guys' fingernails had scraped. The skin was peeled off with little pieces of skin still in tact. Droplets of blood forming and some of it had dried. I made a face and a small repulsed noise. God, I'd be aching tomorrow for sure.

They still hadn't returned and now I was in deep anticipation. I curled my bare toes and looked around. The bus was definitely messy, with clothes strewn about and dishes in various places. While scanning the small spaces I could see, I heard voices. My ears perked up and the hidden butterflies began to fly.
Mark walked in with six people behind him. I tensed up when they stopped in front of me. I felt like an animal on display. They looked at me with curiosity, and I looked at them with fear, realization, and surprise. There they were. Ray, Bob, Gerard, Frank along with two people I didn't recognize (the replacement bassist, and keyboardist). I couldn't hold their stares for long and glanced down. One of the unknown members was carrying a familiar object.

Forgetting for a second who they were, I said with wide eyes, "MY SHOE!"

They looked at me with surprise, and jumped a little when I broke the silence. He handed me my shoe slowly and I took it from him. Then I remembered who I was with.

"Umm...thanks." I said quietly. I sat it down beside me and got quiet again.

"Are you okay?" Was the next thing spoken, and it came from Ray Toro-Ortiz. My favorite member.

I swallowed and nodded; then shook my head; then shrugged, defeated. Apparently it was funny, because it generated a small chuckle from the group. None of us knew what to do. Gerard sat down across from me at the small table; Frank sat next to him with one of the unknown members completing the row. Ray sat to my right and Bob to my left. I stiffened.

"So...the show...was awesome?" I said, but it came out as a question; I wanted to break the silence.

"Thanks." Gerard said.

"Um...Sorry to impose on you guys like this. I didn't mean to. It just sort of happened. I mean-"

"No...It's fine. You didn't have a place to go. It's lucky you got away. We're glad you did." Frank spoke.

"So I guess I can officially say that My Chemical Romance saved my life." I said with dryly with a grin. They chuckled.

"Hey, what happened to your arm?" Bob said.

"Oh. Um, when the guy tried to grab my arm, I dodged him, but didn't do a very good job." I sort of laughed. "His nails got me." I explained while examining my left arm. I poked it. "In fact...can I get, like...a napkin or somethin' with something to clean this up?" I looked up. "I feel dirty." I crinkled my nose and said as an afterthought.

"Yea sure." Ray got up and a moment later came back with a paper towel that had been run under hot water.

"Thanks." I said and starting wiping up the mess.

"What other injuries do you have?" Asked one of the unknown guys. "I'm Matt. I'm the replacement bassist."

"Oh, hi. What about you?" I turned to the keyboarder.
"James" He nodded.

"Nice to meet you guys. As for my injuries? My right foot hurts pretty badly, I'm sure I'm going to be sore as hell tomorrow from all the running. Not to mention unknown scrapes and bruises." I shrugged.

"Can you walk?" Asked Frank.

I shrugged again. "I'm sure I can. Anyway, I guess I'd better go find the people I came with. We got split up."

I stood up, and grimaced, but tried to hide it quickly. I needed to get out of their hair...but god; my foot hurt so fucking bad.
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