Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ive got all this ringing on my phone and none on my finger

just sleep

by isuckatlifen 3 reviews

gerard stays over

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Parody, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-07 - Updated: 2007-06-08 - 750 words

sorry the chapter is so drawn out but i pictured the whole scene in my head so i wanted you guys to be able to do that too.
and guess what else its not a oneshot like you guys thought!

This Gerard that I was helping was not a Gerard I knew. He wasn't the slightly flamboyant energetic preaching Gerard you see on stage. Nor was he the always excited to answer the same exact questions a million times interview Gerard you see on TV. And he wasn't the laid back slightly goofy artist he was around his friends. This Gerard was very different. He was a Gerard that only his band mates and Brian had seen before. This Gerard was totally helpless. He was so incredibly depressed and upset that he could barley think of anything else. He was like a child. I had to help him with simple instructions and that was what was so hard. To see your idol in such a vulnerable way. But then again it proves that he is only human and not indestructible or superhuman as he is sometimes made to be. He is just a regular guy with regular problems.

We had just arrived at the apartment and I walked around the car and opened the door for Gerard.

"Come on Gerard lets go inside" I prompted
He looked at me slightly confused like he wasn't sure what was going on probably because he was lost in thought or something. After we decided to go to my apartment he hadn't said a word the rest of the ride.

Finally after a few moments he took my hand and got out of the car. I led him up the flight of stairs to the second level and opened the door to my apartment.

Once we were inside I took of my jacket and helped him take off his and then turned to talk to him.

"Okay so there are three places you can sleep." I started "you can have the bed and I can have the couch, you can have the couch and I'll stay in my bed, or If you fell comfortable with it I have a trundle bed and I could pull out the bottom bed and set it up in my room, but that's only if you want to I don't want you to feel weird."

"Um... if it's okay with you I'd like to take the trundle bed. I really don't think I can stand being alone tonight." Gerard said in a sad tone

"Sure that's fine let me go set it up."

I set up the bed and got my pajamas on. Then I walked back out into the living room to find Gerard sitting on the couch staring at the blank T.V.

"Come on lets go to bed." I announced and motioned for him to follow me into the room.

Gerard sat down on the trundle bed and removed his pants leaving him in only his boxers and a T-shirt. Then he crawled under the covers and lay with his back facing me.

"Goodnight" I whispered before I crawled into my own bed and shut of the table lamp.

"Night" he mumbled back.

I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a soft sighing noise coming from the bed next to me. I rolled over to face Gerard and could barley make out his figure in the dark. It looked like his body was shaking with sobs, and his face was buried in the pillow. I pulled the cover off of me and walked over to his bed gently perching myself on the edge. Gerard slowly looked up and whipped his eyes.

"Would you like to come lay with me?" I questioned carefully I wasn't sure how comfortable he would be with that. "It might help you sleep" I added

I could see the outline of his head moving up and down signaling a yes.

Gerard climbed out of bed and snuffled as he walked with me over to my bed.

We climbed into the covers and I snuggled up to Gerard. To me or him for that matter it didn't matter that we barley knew each other. I was his comfort. Something to keep his mind off what was going on in his life. Something new and different and pure. So he accepted my hand curling over his stomach and my face snuggled close to his back. And like that we fell asleep.
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