Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Great Escape

Chapter 4

by little_miss_screamo 1 review

Mae finds out a horrible secret about Frank.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] [Y] - Published: 2007-06-07 - Updated: 2007-06-08 - 798 words

I woke to find Gerard sleeping behind me with his hand on my arm. It was a little creepy but I decided not to mess in case he took it farther. Jay Kay. But while I was lying there and 1 in the morning I decided to think. I pick the most random times to start a thought train but I did. I thought about Gerard and Frank. They both worried about me and liked me...I think. I couldn't really tell with Frank. I could totally tell with Gerard. But im only 14 and he is like 27 so he would be considered a pedophile. So creepy to think about it that way. The rest of them I think don't like me. Only in like maybe a sisterly way. I wish I had my sketch book but it was in my bag and I didn't want to wake Gerard. I took a peek at him to see him sleeping peacfully. Maybe I could take a chance. I climbed very slowly from his bunk. This was very hard since Gerard had a top bunk on top of Mikey. Whom I learned is Gerard's younger brother. I slipped down as quietly as I could. I landed with a quiet thud, or loud to me. I started towards the open door and was caught by someone garbbing my shirt. "Mae, where are you going?" I heard Bob whisper. "Don't worry about it," I whispered back. He let go of me reluctantly and I started towards the front lounge. But something stopped me. Fervent whispers were coming from the back lounge.

I opened the door a bit and found Frank on the couch whispering in his sleep. I tiptoed to him and watched his eyes dart back and forth under his eyelids. I was scared to see him in such a state. He was sweating a lot. I felt his forehead and jumped back as it was burning. I grabbed Frank's arm and shook it. His eyes snapped open and hit my arm away with incredible force. I stumbled back and fell to the floor. Frank looked scary as hell. His eyes had turned black from his usaul color. He mouth was in a wide wicked grin. I looked closer and saw sharp canines. It couldn't be, I though. Frank can't be a vampire! He was so kind and nice to me. I can't believe this was under his skin. I struggled and tried to get up but he was too quick and had me pinned down on the ground in a second. I groped for anything to hit him with. I found nothing and just began to scream. See my scream was very high-pitched from the years of screaming in pain. I hand covered my mouth in a second. I heard a thud from the front of the bus and hoped someone was coming. I closed my eyes and snapped them open as he bit down on my wrist. I screamed out in pain. It burned like someone was holding a lighter to my wrist. He let go of me and I cradled my wrist to my chest. I cried silently only with an occasional whimper.

I looked to see Frank lying on the ground sort of twitching. I crawled to him to see if he was okay. Even though he had just bit me I was still going to be by his side. I rested my head on his chest to see if his heart was beating still. It was. I got up and yelled to Gerard. "Gerard!" I yelled. I heard a near thud and then he burst through the door. "Oh my god, he wouldn't dare" he said running to me and grabbing my wrist. I yelped in pain as it still burned. "I cant belive him, I thought he had this under control" said Gerard to no one in particular. "Please, Gerard, let go of my wrist" I whispered. "I cant I have to suck the venom out" he said. He suddenly started to suck on my wrist. He stopped and spat out a whole bunch of black stuff onto the carpet. I stared in disbelief, as my wrist didn't burn anymore. I looked at the two empty holes in my wrist. They were small but noticiable. I started to cry for no reason. It was horrible. Very tramatic for me. Gerard instantly gave me a hug. I felt warm in his hug. I eventually stopped crying and Gerard walked me back to his bunk. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I climbed in silently. Gerard climbed up and layed behind me. I grabbed his arm and put it over my waist. Skrew pedophiles or whatever. I was going to like Gerard back and be happy with it.
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